I'm assuming there is a second sagrada mitra for Michoacan since this link only lists some of the towns and ranchos..https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9392-BB14-F?i=4&owc=3NRL-7M…. I have worked on some page by page without finding the towns I needed.
It does not include Zamora, Chilchota, Tangancicuaro, Tlazazalca and other towns that did exist.
Can anyone share with me the link to the rest of the marriage dispensations in Michoacan.
My maternal ancestors lived in Chilchota, Tangancicuaro, Angamacutiro and Zamora and I have marriage information, marriage, baptism and death but no marriage dispensations.
It is of particular interest to me since my MTDNA goes to Michoacan and I found a marriage information record that called for a dispensation and that record could take me back another generation.
Any help appreciated.
Erlinda Castanon-Long
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sagrada mitra Michoacán
Mr. Serna.. I forgot to add the link to Rootsweb with my information
it has not been updated since they went down for repairs.
sagrada mitra Michoacán
Unfortunately, we haven't indexed that many films from the latter part of the 1800s. We're focusing on the colonial era 1500s-1820s for now. Should that change and we find the dispensa you are looking for, I'll let you know.
Yes, taking a look at your family tree, we do share ancestors. To begin with, Valencia. You also share some Munguia ancestors with my wife who's paternal roots are in Tamazula.
If you'd like some more information about your Valencia roots, please let me know at:
I would be more than happy to share some Valencia-related dispensas and such.
Daniel Serna Valencia
RE: sagrada mitra for Michoacan
Hello Erlinda,
The link you provided contains the core of the documents that were written up by the "Antiguo Obispado de Michoacan". They not only contain matrimonial dispensations but all sorts of other documents. As you've found out, there's no real order (beyond chronological) as to what the films contain nor can you find the towns you are looking for in each film. I, along with a lot of wonderful volunteers, have been indexing some of the films. You can see the indexes on valldoliddispensas.com.
I have done quite a bit of research and have built an ancestry.com tree that contains dispensas related to my ancestors that were from the same towns that you have called out. If you don't mind sharing what couple you are looking the dispensa for, I might have the information already that I can share with you.
Let me know,
Daniel Serna Valencia
sagrada mitra for Michoacan
Wow this is great, Daniel. Thanks for doing this. This is amazing work.
Michoacan marriage dispensations
Thank you. My maternal line is from Chilchota, Tangancicuaro and Angamacutiro and Zamora.
The line I am trying to take back is Fernandez because his wife Ygnacia Jesus Barbosa comes from hija natural. This is the sister of my gr-gr grandmother Martina Socorro Fernandez.
marriage information recorded abt Sept? 1879 in Tangancicuaro, Michoacan
Ramon Angeles from Tangancicuaro age 28
widower of Maria Vicenta Garcia buried in Tangancicuaro 8 years
with Maria Melquiades Fernandez from Tangancicuaro age 17
parents: Jose Maria Fernandez deceased and Maria Ygnacia Barbosa
marriage dispensation 2nd degree de la linea colateral
granted 8 Nov 1879 in Zamora
source: 640956 film
page 387 Familysearch online
I did go through the 1879 dispensation on the Morelia dispensations and did not find any records from the areas I'm searching so would appreciate any link that would help me.
My maternal Gutierrez/Alvarez del Castillo line is from Chilchota and eventually moved to Tamazula, Jalisco but I did not find any records that called for a dispensation.
Linda Castanon-Long
Michoacan dispensations
Thank you! I did NOT read the films you shared.. I see Chilchota listed and Gertrudis Alvarez del Castillo is my family and my Mendez ancestors from Zamora/Valladolid may be included also..
I read from the wrong list for marriages
Thank you so much for sharing
by the way, I think we share family..this is the link to my Mother Dolores Gutierrez' family from Chilchota, Michoacan
Linda Castanon-Long
Michoacan marriage dispensations
Hi Linda,
Thanks for sharing this! Ramón and Melaquíades had a daughter named María Lucía Altagracia baptized on 7 March 1890, born on 3 Mar 1890 in Zamora. Her madrina was María del Carmen Fernández, a possible aunt of ours--I would figure, I don't have her in my archives. If they were dispensed at segundo grado de consanguinidad, they would, in effect be, first cousins. I don't think we would have much trouble reconstructing this tree, even without the dispensa.
Here is the link to the baptism record for Lucía:
Ramón Angeles and Vicenta García had at least the following children, all in Tangancícuaro de Arista:
María Luisa Felicitas baptized on 10 Jul 1871 in Tangancícuaro,
José Francisco Luis de Jesús baptized 5 Dec 1865
José Felipe Florentino de Jesús baptized on 13 Oct 1867
It is a downer that in the mid-late XIX century Obispado de Michoacán parishes rarely mention the grandparents--this would have facilitated research tremendously.
Daniel Méndez Camino
sagrada mitra michoacán
thank you Daniel, nice to see you posting again.