I'm hoping those of you who speak or understand Spanish better than I do can help me with this. I'm having problems with family relationships. This record is from Jerez Zacatecas.
I tried to post my gedcom to this site but it timed out so it's on Rootsweb.com complete with sources but with many approximate dates due to missing years in the records.
I've been looking for a long time for proof that Manuel Reveles (abt 1747) was married first to Maria Petra Montana Zuniga (abt 1750) and second wife was Andrea Velasquez (abt 1765) Francisca Reveles or her witness's names both women as her mother in records for her children. This marriage information record is the only thing I've ever found that seems to make Francisca Reveles (abt 1780 and Rafael Reveles (abt 1790) related. I can't find any other person who could be related to both Pedro Miranda and Rafael Reveles... what do you think? If this is correct it solves two mysteries for me, 1 that Manuel was married to both women and 2 that this is the same Pedro Miranda! I have not been able to find any other record for parents of Pedro Miranda or Maria Marcos Perez.
Marriage information 4 Sept 1865 in Jerez
Felipe Miranda from Senor de Roma single age 21
parents: Pedro Miranda and Maria Marcos Perez both living
with: Maria Ladislao Mejia from Senor de Roma single age 15
parents: Patricio Mejia and Brigida Cabrera still living
no blood ties
wit: Tomas Alvares from Senor de Roma married age 65 labrador es pariente de la novia en tercer grado de afinidad
wit: Rafael Reveles from Recodo married age 75 labrador el novio is sobrino del declarante en tercer grado
wit: Catarino Reveles from Recodo widower age 30 labrador el novio is pariente del declarante en tercer grado de consaguinidad
posted 8, 10 and 17 Sept 1865
source: 0439911 Jerez marriage information record
Now this is who I believe Pedro Miranda is from the information of the witness's.
CHRISTENING: 1 Feb 1821 in Jerez
child: Pedro Roman, 18 days old born in San Juan Buenavista
parents: Ylario Miranda and Francisca Reveles
pat grandparents: Francisco Ramirez and Petra Miranda
mat grandparents: Manuel Reveles and Petra Zuniga
padrinos: Eulogio Cepeda and Navotra Garcia
source: baptism record #0439850
Here is my reasoning... this goes back to Francisca Reveles (abt 1780), who I believe is half sister to Rafael Reveles (abt 1790) son of Manuel Reveles and Andrea Velasquez, Catarino Reveles (abt 1832) son of Apolonio Reveles (abt 1812) is Rafael Reveles grandson.
what do you think? Do I have a match???
Linda in Everett
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family lines
Hi Linda!, its your primo Daniel. By the looks of this. Felipe Miranda is the declarante. Tomas Alvares is a 3rd cousin to Maria Mejia. Rafael Reveles is a third cousin nephew to Pedro. And Catarino is third cousin to Pedro Miranda. I do think Pedro and Maria Mejia were somewhat related since they both have two relatives of Reveles on both sides. SO that should state they some common anceestor. Ill look in the IGI and see what I can find! -Daniel Mendez del Camino
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