Por Nandin |
For those of you researching Teocaltiche, Jalisco, the attached files will be of interest. These are two sets of extractions of very early death records which I believe have never been microfilmed. The first set (1641-1733) was generously provided to me by the late Dr. J. Leon Helguera, who had received them from another researcher. The second set (1696-1819) was done by me. Note that some of the data overlap and, in a few cases, entries are interpreted differently.
Mary Lou Montagna
Until I can figure out how to reduce the files so I can upload them to Nuestros Ranchos, here's a link to my Dropbox account.
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Teocaltiche Deaths 1641-1819 Unfilmed
Thank you for sharing this information =)
Limpieza de sangre document
Alex, please look at your emails via Nuestros Ranchos.
Mary Lou
Mary Lou, I have not received
Mary Lou,
I have not received anything. I am not sure if the website works correctly. Please email me at 245luigi@gmail.com
Thank you!
That would be AMAZING
That would be AMAZING!
1758 Document
Alex, I remember that document. Presently my records are in storage disarray and only about 75% accessible. No luck locating it right now, but will continue looking and will let you know when I find it.
Mary Lou
Additional information re Teocaltiche Deaths 1641-1733
In 1997 when I was allowed access to the early burial records of Teocaltiche, I had with me a copy of the extractions provided by Dr. Helguera. Comparing the original documents with the extractions, I noted in pencil any corrections or omissions. I just came across these annotated pages and uploaded them to my Dropbox. Likewise, I am making these available in the Reference section of Nuestros Ranchos.
Mary Lou Montagna
Mary Lou, thank you so much
Mary Lou, thank you so much for sharing this info! I was curious about the record in the Jaime Holcombe letters.
There is "3. “Prueba de nobleza y limpieza de sangre” made by Cristóbal José Gómez Cornejo, 10 June 1758 in Jalostotitlán, Jalisco." and a statement "In the mid 1990s Jose Medina (Porterville, California) was able to break through his Ramírez Cornejo family line using, among other sources, the information provided in the 1758 limpieza de sangre document."
Have you ever seen this document?
Working my way through the
Working my way through the first set of notes that have provided new information, confirmed information from other records and raised new questions. Thank you for sharing this valuable information!
Austin Pérez
Files are now available as Reference Materials
Was able to upload the two sets of extractions. Nuestros Ranchos researchers can access them in the Reference Materials section under the Files tab of the main menu.
Mary Lou
Teocalitche Files Available
Thank you so much. Lee
Teocaltiche Deaths 1641-1819 Unfilmed
Mary Lou,
Thanks so much for this. There's so much good information in here.
Teocaltiche Deaths
Thank you so much for the information
susana L