Some notes on Velacion (de velo) and velacion de vigilar.
f. Acción de velar (vigilar). A wake, a
(The action of watching)
As in “Lo velamos anoche”. “ We were at his wake last night”.
(del latin velatione)
f. liturg. Ceremonia que consistía en cubrir con un velo (veil) a los cónyuges en la misa nupcial celebrada inmediatamente después del casamiento.
As in “case y vele a.....” (I married and covered them with the veil.
(as it appears in church records) or
“fueron casados y velados” (they were married and (covered) veiled.
Consiste en que los padrinos de velacion cubren a los novios con un velo en común y piden la fecundidad del matrimonio. (The veiling (velacion) consists in the veil sponsors covering the bride and groom with a veil and ask for the fecudity of the marriage.
-ing, -ion, -ery; indicates the action or result of the action of the verb;
velation.e N 3 1 LOC S F
velation.e N 3 1 DAT S F Early
velation.e N 3 1 ABL S F
velo, velare, velavi, velatus V [XXXBX]
veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in;
sustantivo femenino
vigilia, velada, vela, trasnochada.
Diccionario Manual de Sinónimos y Antónimos de la Lengua Española Vox. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
Heavy rains mean flooding
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Veiling (Danny Alonso)
Thank you Emilie and Alicia for this imformation. the question about the
candles makes me wonder about this paragraph from the old thread that
Armando wrote. when I have it translated with google translate it says
candles several times. So when they're talking about candles, that's not
En el acto de velado se utilizaba una vela y un yugo, intervenían los
padrinos que se colocaban a ambos lados de los novios.Todos sujetaban velas
en sus manos, los novios eran cubiertos con mantos, la mujer totalmente y
el hombre dejando la cabeza al descubierto, lo cual representaba que era
libre. Sobre los novios se tendía también un cordel representativo del
yugo. En ocasiones, el acto de velado no se efectuaba el mismo día de la
boda, si esto ocurría se solía decir que solo estaban "medio casados" y
procuraban ser velados en otra ceremonia junto a otra pareja. Lo de
"velados" deriva del hecho de que se les cubría con el velo durante el rito.
Danny C. Alonso
Veiling (Danny Alonso)
Danny and Emilie,
Notice that it says Lo de "velados" deriva del hecho de que se les cubría con el velo durante el rito.
That means that the term "velados" comes from the act of covering the couple in the veil during the rite. A velo is a veil and a vela is a candle.
Veiling (Danny Alonso)
Thank you Armando. I was reading it wrong.
Danny C. Alonso
Veiling (Danny Alonso)
I just found a notation that said, "no velaron porque tiempo prohibido"---what does that mean? Also, I thought velar was to light candles (velas)? Or is there another word for candles?
Port Orchard, WA
> From:
> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 08:18:49 +0000
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Veiling (Danny Alonso)
> Some notes on Velacion (de velo) and velacion de vigilar.
> Velación
> f. Acción de velar (vigilar). A wake, a
> (The action of watching)
> As in “Lo velamos anoche”. “ We were at his wake last night”.
> velación
> (del latin velatione)
> f. liturg. Ceremonia que consistía en cubrir con un velo (veil) a los cónyuges en la misa nupcial celebrada inmediatamente después del casamiento.
> As in “case y vele a.....” (I married and covered them with the veil.
> (as it appears in church records) or
> “fueron casados y velados” (they were married and (covered) veiled.
> Consiste en que los padrinos de velacion cubren a los novios con un velo en común y piden la fecundidad del matrimonio. (The veiling (velacion) consists in the veil sponsors covering the bride and groom with a veil and ask for the fecudity of the marriage.
> velatione
> ion SUFFIX
> -ing, -ion, -ery; indicates the action or result of the action of the verb;
> velation.e N 3 1 LOC S F
> velation.e N 3 1 DAT S F Early
> velation.e N 3 1 ABL S F
> velo, velare, velavi, velatus V [XXXBX]
> veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in;
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Sinónimos
> velación
> sustantivo femenino
> vigilia, velada, vela, trasnochada.
> Diccionario Manual de Sinónimos y Antónimos de la Lengua Española Vox. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
> ____________________________________________________________
> Heavy rains mean flooding
Veiling (Danny Alonso)
Tiempo prohibido or prohibited time refers to either the church's lenten
season or advent, lent is 6 weeks before Easter and Advent is 6 weeks
before Christmas.
Northern Calif
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Emilie Garcia
> I just found a notation that said, "no velaron porque tiempo
> prohibido"---what does that mean? Also, I thought velar was to light
> candles (velas)? Or is there another word for candles?
> Emilie
> Port Orchard, WA
> > From:
> > Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 08:18:49 +0000
> > To:
> > CC:
> > Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Veiling (Danny Alonso)
> >
> > Some notes on Velacion (de velo) and velacion de vigilar.
> >
> >
> >
> > Velación
> >
> > f. Acción de velar (vigilar). A wake, a
> > (The action of watching)
> >
> >
> > As in “Lo velamos anoche”. “ We were at his wake last night”.
> >
> > velación
> > (del latin velatione)
> > f. liturg. Ceremonia que consistía en cubrir con un velo (veil) a los
> cónyuges en la misa nupcial celebrada inmediatamente después del casamiento.
> >
> > As in “case y vele a.....” (I married and covered them with the
> veil.
> > (as it appears in church records) or
> >
> > “fueron casados y velados” (they were married and (covered) veiled.
> >
> > Consiste en que los padrinos de velacion cubren a los novios con un velo
> en común y piden la fecundidad del matrimonio. (The veiling (velacion)
> consists in the veil sponsors covering the bride and groom with a veil and
> ask for the fecudity of the marriage.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > velatione
> > ion SUFFIX
> > -ing, -ion, -ery; indicates the action or result of the action of the
> verb;
> > velation.e N 3 1 LOC S F
> > velation.e N 3 1 DAT S F Early
> > velation.e N 3 1 ABL S F
> > velo, velare, velavi, velatus V [XXXBX]
> > veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in;
> >
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
> > Sinónimos
> > velación
> > sustantivo femenino
> > vigilia, velada, vela, trasnochada.
> > Diccionario Manual de Sinónimos y Antónimos de la Lengua Española Vox. ©
> 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
> >
> >
> > ____________________________________________________________
> > Heavy rains mean flooding
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> >
Veiling (Danny Alonso)
Thank you for this information, it's very helpful
Danny C. Alonso