Dear friends:
I have been researching my lineages from Lope Ruiz de Esparza in Aguascalientes for a couple of years now.
I have one lineage descending from Salvador R. de E. and Maria Vielma, and one descending from Luis TIscareño and Lorenza R. de E. Sadly, neither of these is my name-bearing lineage.
I can trace my name-bearing lineage back to a man named Antonio Paulin Esparza Macias, who was married to Costansa Pedroza Acosta in Aguascalientes on 14 April 1733.
I have their marriage documents from Aguascalientes. According to these, he is the illegitimate child of Getrudis Macias and either Ygnacio Esparza (marriage record) or Antonio Esparza (marriage information). I tend to think that Ygnacio is correct, while the reference to "Antonio" Esparza is an error on the part of scribe. Antonio Paulin appears to go by the name Paulin Macias in these documents. In later documents, principally the baptism records of his children, he is listed as Antonio Paulin Esparza. Both his parents are listed as deceased at the time of the marriage.
I cannot find a baptism record for Antonio Paulin, so I do not have a birth date. Costanza Pedroza was baptized on 4 April 1700, and was a resident of Hacienda San Bartolome.
Being illegitimate, I realize that Antonio Paulin's baptism record may be difficult, if not impossible, to find. A search of the database produced no results. I have been reading through the baptism records for Aguascalientes hoping to find an orphan named Antonio Paulin, so far without luck.
So if anybody has ever worked in this area of the family tree, I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have on the subject.
There at least 3 potential Ygnacios, that I can find, to be Antonio Paulin's father. One, the son of Martín R. de E., was married in 1651, which would put him in his 70s when Antonio Paulin was likely born. Another, the son of the former Ygnacio's brother, Martín R. de E., was married in 1685, but didn't die until 1738, after the marriage of Antonio Paulin and Costansa in 1733, when the records say that Antonio Paulin's father was already deceased.
The third possible Ygnacio Esparza was baptized 4 April 1681, the son of Tomas Esparza and Maria Montañes Carrillo. He married Maria Regla on 1 February 1707.
I can find no baptism or marriage record for Tomas Esparza, so cannot really hazard a guess as to what branch of the Ruiz de Esparza clan he might belong.
Two of Maria Montañes Carrillos' siblings also married Ruiz de Esparzas:
Geronimo Montañes married Luisa R. de E. (1669) (she goes by "de los Angeles"). She is the daughter of Manuel R. de E. (1634) and Maria Romo de Vivar Rangel. Manuel is the son of Salvador R. de E. (1595). Geronimo Montañes and Luisa R. de E. happen to be direct ancestors of mine through another lineage.
Ana Vicente Montañes married Manuel R. de E. in 1687. Manuel (b. 1664) is the son of Martín R. de E. and Francisca Sotelo Jaen. Martín R. de E. is the son of Martín R. de. E. (b. 1600) and Maria Lopez de Lisardi.
The situation is much the same with Getrudis Macias, which turns out to be a rather common name in Aguascalientes.
Thank you all for any possible information you can give me. I'm pretty desperate to find any kind of hint!
Feliz Navidad!
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