I'm really excited to be a part of this web site. I have been doing reasearch on my mothers side of the family.
Her father is Cayetano Jose Reynoso, born 7 August 1888 in San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco, Mexico, and died 19 June 1970 in Council Grove, Kansas, USA. He was the son of Demetrio Ariasa Reynoso, born 13 May 1864 in San Miguel, Jalisco Mexico and died15 May 1891. His Mother was Maria Engrasia Deanda born 16 April 1870 in San Juan De Los Lagos and died 20 May 1932. Demetrio and Maria married on 29 April 1885. After the death of Demetrio Maria married a gentleman with the last name of Hurtado.
My grandmother was Anastacia Hurtado Guerra was born 14 August 1899 in San Jullian, Jalisco, Mexico, and died in Topeka, Kansas, USA. She was the daughter of Florentino Hurtado Hurtado, born 17 October 1855 in San Julian and Tomasa Guerra, born 1864.
I am hoping other may have some information on these families.
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hi from a new member
hi my name is stephanie martinez and i have been doing some research regarding my great grandparents sides of the families. my great grandmother was felisitas coronoado who was from a rancho in villa de cos, mexico and was married in that area also to a man by the name of crescencio martinez and was buried in lyons, kansas. my surnames currently researching are coronado, martinez jaramillo, sanchez and many more . i hopes to hear from someone in here and thanks for having me. this is the file folder regarding my family members if anyone would like to view it and thank you .. http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/stephmartinez316
Genoveva Arroyo from Fresnillo, Zacatecas and Ricardo Francisco
I am looking for this ancestor who married Ricardo Francisco (b 1826abt) Villegas and had my gggrandfather Rutillo VIllegas b 2 Aug 1879. I show that Ricardo was from Penjamo, Guanajuato, mex. Thanks for any help
ancestry page for this family http://person.ancestry.com/tree/5338733/person/6273132132/facts
Genoveva Arroyo from Fresnillo, Zacatecas and Ricardo Francisco
you might have to go through the marriages in Penjamo about the time you think they were married and just go page by page. None of the baptisms that are indexed for their children list the grandparents.
Danny C. Alonso
New Member
Hello to all!
My name is Carolyn Gomez Duran. I live in Colorado. I am researching family in Fresnillo and Pinos, Zacatecas.
I am stuck on Roman Esparza C. 1830 in Fresnillo, married to Rosalia Gaitan born Sep. 9, 1835 in Pinos, Zac.
I can’t find records for Esparza. I have followed the Gaitan line to a Miguel Gaitan abt. 1706 in Pinos and Antonia Arias Bedolla.
I would also appreciate help with Tomas Moreno 1837 and Maria Agustina Torres Arroyo in Fresnillo.
Tomas’ parents are Felix Moreno and Candida Gomez.
Maria Agustina’s parents are Antonio Arroyo and Maria Torres.
I am also researching Garza, Navarro, Palacios, Sosa, Delgado, Castaneda, Jimenez, Munos, Sanchez to name a few of my ancestors!!
Any help or direction anyone can give would be appreciated.
Thank you!