Does anyone know about 1705-1729 church records missing for Zacoalco de Torres, Jalisco? I see these years are missing. Does anyone know where I can find them? Is there a different Parrish that contains them? Maybe Guadalajara? What happened during that period of time, why are they missing? Were these records transfered? I called the church directly and the gentelman told me there are 2 books missing (Num. 2 and 4) which contains these years. I asume that when the LDS Church filmed the recordrs not long ago (40-60 yeas ago) these books were already missing. I asked if there is a possibility Guadalajara has copies of these missing books and he said that "it could be". But now I ask myself: "LDS Churh filmed Guadalajara's records too, wouldn't they have found those missing records for Zacoalco too by the time they filmed Guadalajara?" I acept any commets or information. Thank you all for your support.
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