Padrinos could be anyone who was Catholic and who was deemed to be in good standing with the church, thus they could be siblings. Often times the padrinos were not married to each other but usually were in some way related to the parents of the child who was baptised.
San Jose, Calif
----- Original Message ----
From: mormonboy74
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 1:43:04 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Padrinos
This has been a question to me for a while. Although we are Mormon we still carry the tradition of Padrinoship. for instance mine are my grandfather and his 2nd wife. I have a question. can Padrinos be a brother and sister? Im trying to connect my Angela de Oropesa. In a document, it says "fueron sus padrinos Magdaleno Lopes de Oropesa y Angela Lopes de Oropesa. In our Hacienda any people with the same last name is related. Hence the intermarriage. The Oropesas came to our hacienda around 1890. The ones were named Thomas, Gervacio, Magdaleno and Maria Oropesa. They were said to came after my 3rd grt grandmother came named...Angela de Oropesa who married Jose Maria Hernandez de Solis. And had Eulalia de Solis. Who married Estevan Lopez de Duran who had Lorensa Lopez de Solis who married Celso del Camino y de Soto. Who had Antonio Lopez del Camino who married Maria Guadalupe Vasquez de Elizalde, who had my grandfather Antonio II del Camino. Anyway...The
fact is on a relatives b
Magdaleno and Angela Oropesa were padrinos, but she cant be married to him because at the same time he was married to Francisca Garcia de Bedoya. So it has led me to believe that Magdaleno and Angela are siblings. Can anyone help? -Daniel Mendez....d. C.
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Dear Daniel:
I have extracted numerous baptism records from San Miguel, Valle de Guadalupe, Tepatitlan and now Tangancicuaro. Often the padrinos listed in my family lines were married, but this is not always the case. I have found some padrinos that were not married and also who were brother and sister. I have noticed in many of the documents that if the padrinos were brother and sister it will state hermanos. However, I have seen documents were I know the two were brother and sister, but it did not state hermanos. About 96 percent of the time, the padrinos have been somehow related to the parents, but there are exceptions to every rule! Your best bet is to keep accumulating documents that will substantiate your hunch. In this case possibly baptisms or marriages of the parties involved to see if they have the same parents.
Dear Daniel:
One other note of caution. In Tangancicuaro it seems that many cousins were named after the grandfather and their brothers or sisters married people with the same family name, sometimes related to each other and sometimes not related. This leads to confusion. Same names and almost the same age. Also remember sons often were named after fathers. Could this person be just someone with the same name, a son, a cousin? Once again more documents from the same general area with uncover if you have a person with the same name married to the woman standing as padrino. You might find baptisms of children born to the padrinos within the same batch of records. You would not believe how many Jose de Jesus Rochas I have seen in Tangancicuaro. So confusing.
Padrinos could be anyone who was Catholic and who was deemed to be in good standing with the church, thus they could be siblings. Often times the padrinos were not married to each other but usually were in some way related to the parents of the child who was baptised.
San Jose, Calif
----- Original Message ----
From: mormonboy74
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 1:43:04 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Padrinos
This has been a question to me for a while. Although we are Mormon we still carry the tradition of Padrinoship. for instance mine are my grandfather and his 2nd wife. I have a question. can Padrinos be a brother and sister? Im trying to connect my Angela de Oropesa. In a document, it says "fueron sus padrinos Magdaleno Lopes de Oropesa y Angela Lopes de Oropesa. In our Hacienda any people with the same last name is related. Hence the intermarriage. The Oropesas came to our hacienda around 1890. The ones were named Thomas, Gervacio, Magdaleno and Maria Oropesa. They were said to came after my 3rd grt grandmother came named...Angela de Oropesa who married Jose Maria Hernandez de Solis. And had Eulalia de Solis. Who married Estevan Lopez de Duran who had Lorensa Lopez de Solis who married Celso del Camino y de Soto. Who had Antonio Lopez del Camino who married Maria Guadalupe Vasquez de Elizalde, who had my grandfather Antonio II del Camino. Anyway...The
fact is on a relatives b
Magdaleno and Angela Oropesa were padrinos, but she cant be married to him because at the same time he was married to Francisca Garcia de Bedoya. So it has led me to believe that Magdaleno and Angela are siblings. Can anyone help? -Daniel Mendez....d. C.