I am sure this list can be made longer...
REGULAR FRIENDS: Never askfor food.
LATINOFRIENDS: Are the reason you have food.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Will say"hello."
LATINOFRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and akiss.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Call yourparent's Mr. and Mrs.
LATINOFRIENDS: Call your parent's mami and papi.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Have neverseen you cry.
LATINOFRIENDS: Cry with you.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Will eat atyour dinner table and leave.
LATINOFRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing and justbeing
REGULAR FRIENDS: Borrow yourstuff for a few days then give it back.
LATINOFRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it'syours.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Know a fewthings about you.
LATINOFRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes fromyou.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Will leaveyou behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
LATINOFRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' ass that leftyou.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Would knockon your door.
LATINOFRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'mhome!"
REGULAR FRIENDS: Are forawhile.
LATINOFRIENDS: Are for life.
REGULAR FRIENDS: Will ignorethis.
LATINOFRIENDS: Will forward this.
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA
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