THe books are:
Index To The Marriage Investigations of the Diocese of Guadalajara Provinces of Coahuila * Nuevo Leon * Nuevo Santander * Texas ~ 1653 - 1750
By Raul Guerra, Jr. Nadine M. Vasquez, Baldomero Vela, Jr. COpyright 1989
Printed privately by the authjors by THE UNIVERSITY at An AMerican Print SHop Edinburg, Texas
Sold by Borderland Books via the Internet
Index To The Marriage Investigations of the Diocese of Guadalajara Provinces of Coahuila * Nuevo Leon * Nuevo Santander * Texas ~ 1751 - 1779
Some of the marriages in the above books do cover Zacatecas especially when it comes to the Zaldivars and Trevinos..
The above people belong to the Los Bexarenos group of San ANtonio, Texas
Most of the Texas genealogy groups cooperate and have a State Genealogical COnference which is located somewhere else each year. Usually trading off between Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Corpus Christi, Victoria.
We are all trying to get further in researching in Zacatecas, etc.
Hilton's first book :
Sagada Mitra de Guadalajara Antiguo Obispado de la Nueva Galacia
Expedientes de la Serie de Matrimonios Extractos Siglos XVII-XVIII by
Marua de la Luz Montejano Hilton.
There are at least 2 other volumes of Hilton's that are also sold by Borderland Books.
Hiltons books and THe first two books do overlap somewhat. I have found both sets usefully.
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from Joseph Puentes : --------------
I was actually replying to Manuel who resides in Denver and is doing research in Canadas, Jalisco. But I'm glad you replied because I'm interested in what you said about the 2 volume book on Marriage Investigations of Guadalajara. Can you supply the exact title, author, ISBN #, Publish, and info on that Genealogy group in Texas if it's handy? You also mention the book by Hilton which I was familar with but didn't know about this other book that is why I'm interested. thanks much,
joseph wrote:
I have about 5 film from the Diocese of Guadalajara dealing with marriage investigations from
the 1600s and 1700s. I also have the 2 vol book on Marriage Investigations of Gaualajara put out by the
Genealogy group in Texas. I also have the 1 st volume of Marriage Investigations by Hilton.
If you need me to do lookups from these books I am available.
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from Joseph Puentes : --------------
> So are you using your Family History Center in Denver? have you used the
> site to find and order films yet?
> unfortunately for Canadas, Jalisco the pickens are slim as they only
> have Civil records and no church records. . .what follows is a partial
> listing:
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