>From: "larry kirkpatrick"
>To: elindio2@hotmail.com
>Subject: FW: Pilgrimage
>Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:12:37 -0500
>Notice of Regular Meeting of Los Bexarenos
>The next meeting of Los Bexarenos Genealogical Society will be on Saturday,
>May 6, 2006 at the Central Library at 600 Soledad in San Antonio. The
>meeting will begin at 9:30am in the first floor auditorium. Refreshments
>will be served. Admission is free and everyone is invited.
> The speaker will be Dr. Alonso M. Perales, an educational
> and research consultant. He spoke to the group about a
> and half ago on a genealogical family. His subject will
>be on
> Native Americans of South Texas. Dr. Perales will
>present his
> paper on The Indigenous Cultures of South Texas and
> Mexico (A Review of the Literature). The paper was
> before the Alliance for the Advancement of Indigenous
> of Corpus Christi.
> A Fulbright Scholar in Applied Linguistics, Dr. Perales
> assigned to the Universidad Central in Quito, Ecuador and
> Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
>If you would rather not receive these notices from Los Bexarenos, please
>send a message to elindio2@hotmail.com
>>From: "robert and sylvia garcia"
>>To: "'Larry & Yolanda Kirkpatrick'"
>>Subject: Pilgrimage
>>Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 15:47:36 -0500
>>Subject: Laying of Wreath in front of Alamo
>>At the April 1 monthly meeting of the Los Bexarenos Genealogy Society,
>>President of the Society encouraged the membership to participate in the
>>annual pilgrimage to the Alamo scheduled for April 24, 2006. He stated
>>we should make "a statement" by our participation in this event.
>>Please forward the attachment to our membership as a reminder of the date
>>and time of the pilgrimage.
>>Let's all attend...we need to participate and be a part of this symbolic
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