I just got some valuable information that has allowed me to definitively connect a couple of my lineages to the Escobedo clan of Francisco Escobedo, founder of Monte Escobedo. This family married into nearly all of the prominent families in Jerez, Zacatecas so I have been persuing around the web and have come up on a couple of useful resources.
One is an online exposition of the genealogical research of someone whose roots are in Jerez... so there is tons of genealogical information on those old Jerez families: Carlos y Godoy, Llanos y Valdes, Escobedo, De Avila, De la Torre, etc.
Heraldica y Genealogia Cabral Valdes
The other is the history of the foundation of Jerez written by Leonardo de la Torre Berumen. I have posted this in the Books and Articles files section. It has the names of the first settlers in Jerez, which are many of the same names in the previously mentioned website.
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additional file
I haven't been able to figure out a way to share my research records so I posted them on Ancestry.com and put the list of names from the index into my file account in Nuestros Ranchos. When opening it warns of "Macros" bu I have no idea what that is, can someone inform me of the meaning? I'm always happy when someone contacts me to say they are just starting their seach for ancestors and my files helped them. I share them because I have the time and resources that many others may not. I find it hard when someone contacts me and then says they don't want family records online since they are public domain on Familysearch.. Has anyone else had any of these problems in doing research and sharing records? How did you resolve the issue?
Linda Castanon-Long in Everett Wa.