I have a question to ask? When I have been researching our ancestors in the LDS archives for the Mezquitic area of Jalisco, Mexico. And ran across people stated as "indio" which indio tribe?
I'm looking for any information about Ana Ortiz de San Pedro wife of Mateo Rio de la Loza en Jerez, Zacatecas. ( I don't have the name of Ana's parents)
Estoy usando el programa de My Heritage para crear mi arbol genealogico, muy facil de trabajar con el programa, facil de entender y agregar fotos o archivos de la familia.
Estoy usando el programa de My Heritage para crear mi arbol genealogico, muy facil de trabajar con el programa, facil de entender y agregar fotos o archivos de la familia.
I believe Estefana did have different parents. (I'm going over old notes a distant cousin wrote for me.) this cousin had Estefana listed as having Tadeo Dias & Genoveva as the parents.
These Catalogs basically indexes of everyone that got registered to travel to the new world and are comprised of various volumes. Below are links to three sites that have these catalogs.
i felt like sharing this since it could give me a better idea how some of my mom's matches are related to her in the cases where i don't know how they fit in.
You all have been so helpful in the past I hate to ask for a favor. I am having trouble with this Marriage Dispensation. I am trying to locate Francisco Hurtado Jimenez’ parents names.
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