-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:51 PM
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Subject: Somos Primos "We are cousins" April 2017
Dear Primos and Friends:
When you open your April issue of Somos Primos, you will see a husge photo of the U.S. Army’s all Mexican-American Infantry Unit.
The 141st Regiment traces their roots back to the Texas Revolution and is the longest serving unit of the Texas National Guard. The 36th Division or T-Patchers as they were known spearheaded the Allied landing at Salerno Italy. The unit saw action at Mount Rotondo, San Pietro and one of the most controversial and deadliest battles of WWII, the crossing of the Rapido River. In a span of forty-eight hours, the 36th Division lost over two thousand men at the Rapido River in January of 1944. It became so controversial that after the war a congressional hearing was held to see if actions should be taken on those who were in command of a unit that lost so many American lives.
I remembered that in the 1980s, a friend Alfred Lugo, had written a script about that unit, the Men of Company E. Alfred was working at KOCE in the 1970s at the same time I was teaching at Golden West College.
I am suggesting that in May, we have two dates at which it would be appropriate to present the Men of Company E,El Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) and Armed Forces Day (May 20th). It could be done as a Reader's Theater in the classroom for (U.S. History, Social Studies, English, Theater Arts, and Chicano Studies).
I called Alfred last night, asking if the script was available. He said, I was the second person that very day that asked about the script. I told him, he was ahead of the time, and now was perfect timing.
Alfred said he would make the script available. Please contact him at:
Home: 562-696-6204
Cell: 562-706-3286
April brings us new birth. Let this be a new beginning for all of us, finding a way to honor our heritage with facts, seeking them out and
sharing them. May you enjoy Easter, in all its intent . . renewal, and
Abrazos, Mimi
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