-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 11:28 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Somos Primos June 2013 153rd Online Issue
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Dear Primos and Friends:
I mentioned in the May issue that in January 2014, Somos Primos will be moving towards sharing personal and family histories. With so many new Internet resources for genealogical research, I want to go beyond the dates and focus on giving readers the opportunity of sharing their personal and family histories on Somos Primos.
In support of that goal, I can recommend a very comfortable approach for everyone . First Writes, triggers memories and recall with a series of unfinished sentences. More than ten year ago, I participated in a class at our local senior citizen center. I really enjoyed it and ended up finishing the class for the teacher, who was not able to continue.
First Writes consists of 40 topics with about 20 questions in each unit.
The materials were developed as a method to gather oral histories among senior citizens in Wisconsin, but they are universal, and with some adaptation could be used with all ages. View the 40 topics and samples of four units which can be downloaded for free.
Writing a personal history or family history is an adventure, insightful and healing for the soul. I hope you all check it out.
God bless, Mimi
Somos Primos June Issue 2013 153rd Online Issue UNITED STATES June 17-22 LULAC National Convention & Exposition Elizabeth Perez-Halperin A Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera A Live Interview with Jimmy Franco Sr., writer and editor of Latino Point of View.com Hispanics Breaking Barriers, 2nd Vol., 18th Issue by Mercy Bautista-Olvera Air Force spouse award, bringing awareness to military spouses by Kristina Puga America's Charters of Freedom
Elizabeth Perez-Halperin, A Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera Live interview with Jimmy Franco Sr., writer/editor, Latino Point of View.com Hispanics Breaking Barriers, 2nd Vol. 18th Issue by Mercy Bautista-Olvera NCLR Annual Conference and National Latino Family Expo, July 20-23, New Orleans
2013 Cinco de Mayo Celebration at Olvera St., Los Angeles by Leroy Martinez Civil War History Mystery Solved by Norman Rozeff Rudi Rodriguez Testifies in Austin ERASING HISTORIC REALITY Corporation for Public Broadcasting has NO LATINOS on its board.
Raymond L. Telles, Sept 15, 1915 - March 8, 2013 Mario Machado, April 22, 1935 - May 4, 2013 Barbara Salinas Norman Reuben Porras, June 15, 1951- May 1, 2013
“Faith on the Move: The Religious Affiliation of International Migrants.”
Vladimir Putin, Russian president, speaks about tensions with minorities in Russia:
More Muslims Identified by Press as Devout Muslims put into Policy Making Positions.
List of Islamic (Global) terrorist attacks Fueled by War on Drugs, Mexican Death Toll Could Exceed 120,000 Geothermal Andrea Guerrero, Immigration Speaker
Energy: More Exciting than Media Thinks
Latino High School Grads Enter College At Record Rate, Outpace Whites and Blacks April 27, 2013 l California State University at Northridge (CSUN) Santa Ana Conservation Society needs public support to save Univison Building.
Mother and daughter savor their tearoom business David Gomez, Convention Chairman of 2013 USHCC National Convention
New Mexico Museum to hold 'Curanderismo' Exhibit by Russel Contreras New Science Shows How Maggots Heal Wounds by Carrie Arnold
The last wood shop teacher by Frank Mickadeit Federal Pell Grants "Political Salsa y Más" in Latinopia Class Matters by By Paul Fain No Rich Child Left Behind Green Dot MEChA UW-Madison
The Dreamers: a Bloodline
OC Art Legend Emigdio Vasquez Honored in Santa Ana’s Artists Village
Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, Editor, Jorge Chino
List of some of the top College Newspapers on campuses today by Heather Silver Myths and Facts About South Texas Spanish by Dr. Lino García,Jr.
Update of Somos en escrito Magazine for April-May 2013 by Armando Rendon
Arizona Firestorm by Otto Santa Ana and Celeste González de Bustamante Pachucas and Pachucos in Tucson, by Laura Cummings The ABCs and Ñ of America’s Cultural Evolution by Jim Estrada Sancho's Journal by David Montejano Our Lost Border: Essays on Life amid the Narco-Violence by Sergio Troncoso
Artist Carlos Aguilar's brush gives thanks to by Amber Amaya and Ron Gonzales Medal of Honor Recipients: Jay R. Vargas and Alfred Rascon "Survivor" by Frank N. Lovato Petty Officer 1st Class Benny Flores was awarded Silver Star Proclamation, Recognition Ceremony for 45th Anniversary of TET Offensive
Video: Makin Island
Video: San Jose, CA Vietnam War Memorial Dedication
Video: Alex "Plumas" Madrigal
Video: 60th Anniversary of the end of the Korean War EARLY LATINO PATRIOTS Y lograron llegar por Ángel Custodio Rebollo y José Bacedoni Tejano Patriots of the American Revolution 1776-1783, by Jesse O.
Villarreal, Sr.
receives citation from the San Antonio Conservation Society
Rebel: Loreta Velezquez, American Civil War Confederate Soldier and Spy Film San Antonio Granaderos y Damas de Galvez Spanish delegation in New Orleans Read All About It, G. Roland Vela, Third In A Series by Joe Perez Texas Before the Alamo
The Girl Raised by a Village by Valerie Amezcua Stove Top Organizing by Ana M. Grande
Familias que cruzaron fronteras, Conferencia Iberoamericana de Genealogía 2013 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Records FamilySearch Adds to Dominican Republic, Italy, Peru, Spain, US Collections Ancestry.com DNA has acquired GeneTree & DNA related assets from Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation.
New app helps Icelanders avoid accidental incest by Jenna Gottlieb Europeans had common ancestors 1,000 years ago, By Frank Jordans, APress The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe by Peter Ralph ORANGE COUNTY, CA June 8th, SHHAR Monthly Meeting July 27th, Save the Date, SHHAR Special Recognition Luncheon Bringing History Forward, Cypress St. barrio in downtown Orange Historic Orange barrio still vibrant after 100 years by Fermin Leal LULAC, Westminster Council 3017, 2013 Scholarship recipients LOS ANGELES, CA Society of Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science Archive Opens June 8th, Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum, Open House for Volunteers
Stepping Stones Through Genealogy, Part 6 by Sylvia Contreras June 20-22nd, Annual Conference of California Historical Societies Conference Unknown Angel By Fern Glazer
Mining Town Kids - We're Everywhere by Sal Baldenegro DNA presentation on the New Mexico DNA Project
Atarque: Now all is Silent by Pauline Chavez Bent History on Land-Grant Heirs, Review by Karen R. Roybal Railroad tracks An Open Letter to the Denver Public Library Commission by Santino J.
How the Wild West REALLY looked:
Nuestro Rio's websites
Granaderos y Damas of San Antonio in Macharaviaya, New Orleans Society of St Bernard Islenos Louisiana Letters: 1678 ~ 1803 TEXAS TCARA present the Battles of 1813, speaker, Larry Kirkpatrick Coy Family Reunion III, Save the Date: Saturday, October 5, 2013 First Declaration of Independence of Texas - Honor the Memory of Don Bernardo Message to members of Los Bexareños and to those who wish to become members Texas Historical Commission compiling travel guide of Hispanic heritage sites Most accurate story of the town of San Ygnacio,Treviño-Uribe Rancho and the fortified home by Roberto D. Uribe MEXICO Biografia de Marcos F. Hernandez, El Hero de Palacio Nacional por Carlos Alberto Bautista Ramos Genealogía de Nochistlán Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia Families of Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, May 2013, Volume 4, by Crispin Rendon
Investigación genealógica de Tte. Corl. Intdte. Ret. Ricardo Raúl Palmerín Cordero:
La Familia de Don Joseph Joachin de Ecay y Musquiz Para mis hermanos del Héroico Colegio Militar Bautismo del General Sinaloense Rafael Buelna Registro de bautismo de María del Carmen Anacleta Goribar Múzquiz:
El registro eclesiástico de la defunción del Señor General de División Don Pedro Ampudia Bautismo de Benito Luis Narciso Juárez Maza
Museo Guadalupe Aztlan (Houston)
Conversation on Native Americans and immigration by Devon G. Peña,
'Island of the Blue Dolphins' woman's cave believed found
New Evidence Unearthed for the Origins of the Maya
Ancient Maya Were Cultural Sponges by Rachel Nuwer
Guatemala excavates early Mayan ruler's tomb
US returns 4,000 archaeological relics to Mexico
20th Anniversary National Tribute, United States Holocaust Memorial
Jewish Encyclopedia
Rosenwald Schools
The History of the Short-Lived Independent Republic of Florida
Fairfax County Virginia Wildlife
Starving Settlers in Jamestown Colony Resorted to Cannibalism
Mejor respuesta - Elegida por el usuario que pregunta
Homenaje al Dia de la Tradicion, Argentina
Búsqueda de personas, Argentina
Regalo Historico Buenas Aires 1932 . . . Una Verdadera Joya Historica
Panama Canal:The Big Dig of Central America
Las Lajas Cathedral, Columbia
Boletin de Genealogias Colombianas, Editor: Luis Álvaro Gallo Martínez
Reunión de la familia Giraldo. Jade Idarraga
Sobre Apellidos Vascos
Nombres Mas Comunes en Colomia
Feria del Libro en Bogota
Conferencia Americana de Genealogia
Convocatoria de Poencias y Clases
Apellido Yepes por Reinaldo Ágredo Tobar
The Internet, a Revisit by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D
F. Sionil Jose possible first Filipino to win Nobel Prize for
Literature by Maria Embry
Small businesses in Spain’s economic crisis by Eve A. Ma
Señoríos by Ángel Custodio Rebollo
Mis antespasados: John Inclan's Lineage back to Santo Fernando III
Archivo Histórico de Tarragona (AHAT)
Islamic Radicalization Changes People and Nations, photos sent by
Salvador Del Valle
A German View of Islam by Dr. Emanuel Tanya, Psychiatrist
1899, Winston Churchill on Islam
Facts Don't Lie: Do You Remember?
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