By casavolver |
I'm reguesting a lead on Bartholome Delgado and Francisca Merquelin Chevarria my 9th Great grandparents. They married on April 3, 1701 in Pinos, Zacatecas. I have their marriage dispensation that provides their parents names Francisco Delgado and
Petra Martin Chaves and Francisco Merquelin Chevarria and Juana Delgado y Valensuela.
Marriage Dipensation Guadalajara, Diocesis de Guadalajara, matrimonios 1700-1705 Source number 168605/159-162.
Through information from Nuestros Ranchos I also have validation that when widowed Francisco Delgado married Juana Delgado y Valensuela in 1700 at Pinos, Zacatecas.
I would appreciate help in finding documentation to continue my tree!
Hi Again, were you able to trace any of your Delgado ancestors to Juan Jose Delgado after all. From my last post.
"I was doing research on my Delgado Line from Zacatecas when I came across your post. The names sounded familiar and looking back at my pdf copy of "Spain's Patriots of Northwestern New Spain" part 8 by Granville W. and N.C. Hough. I realized that Juan Delgado and Mathiana Contreras' son, Juan Jose Delgado is listed on page 48 of this pdf copy. The link is This is what it reads "Juan Jose Delgado. MPR:G, on 26 Nov 1775 widower of Josefa Leonarda Juarez and son of Juan Manuel Delgado of Sierra de Pinos and Matiana Contreras, married Ma- Margarita Sanchez, daughter of Juan Bautista Sanchez and Juana Ma. Diaz. They burried son in 1781." According to authors of the book, any direct descendant of Juan Jose Delgado or any other veteran from this list can apply for acceptance to Sons American Revolution or Daughters American Revolution. As "mercadoh" posted on April 28, 2014, Spanish soldiers are being recognized for their contribution to the American Revolution. Unfortunately, my Delgado line was not related,but good luck to any Delgado descendants out there."
Delgado Chevarria
I descend from Juan Jose's aunt Maria Teresa Delgado, married to Francisco Xavier Gaitan. Thanks for posting that, though.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Delgado Chevarria
I was doing research on my Delgado Line from Zacatecas when I came across your post. The names sounded familiar and looking back at my pdf copy of "Spain's Patriots of Northwestern New Spain" part 8 by Granville W. and N.C. Hough. I realized that Juan Delgado and Mathiana Contreras' son, Juan Jose Delgado is listed on page 48 of this pdf copy. The link is This is what it reads "Juan Jose Delgado. MPR:G, on 26 Nov 1775 widower of Josefa Leonarda Juarez and son of Juan Manuel Delgado of Sierra de Pinos and Matiana Contreras, married Ma- Margarita Sanchez, daughter of Juan Bautista Sanchez and Juana Ma. Diaz. They burried son in 1781." According to authors of the book, any direct descendant of Juan Jose Delgado or any other veteran from this list can apply for acceptance to Sons American Revolution or Daughters American Revolution. As "mercadoh" posted on April 28, 2014, Spanish soldiers are being recognized for their contribution to the American Revolution. Unfortunately, my Delgado line was not related,but good luck to any Delgado descendants out there.
Delgado, Chevarria, Martin Chaves
Hola Carolina,
It appears we descend from many of the same lines!
Here's a link to the information on the 3 Apr 1701 marriage between Bartholome Delgado and Francisca Josepha de Chevarria y Merquelen:…
According to this, at the time of the wedding, Bartholome was 30 and Francisca Josepha 17 (poco mas o menos), making their birth years 1671 and 1684, respectively. Bartholome Delgado was born on the Pendencia in Pinos, Zacatecas. In her declaration, Francisca Josepha says she had been in the country for 8 years (poco mas o menos…), making the year of arrival 1693. She gives her trajectory up to that point, and since she lived in the company of her parents, it can be assumed that this was their trajectory. Here's an excerpt:
"Dijo: que se llama Doña Francisca Josepha de Chavarria Mercadin, originaria de la Ciudad de Cadiz, en los Reinos de Castilla y vecina de este Real lo mas de quatro años; que es hija legitima del Capitan Don Francisco Chavarria Mercadin, y de Dona Juana Delgado y Valenzuela, y que habra poco mas o menos ocho años se embarco en dicha Ciudad de Cadiz, para estos Reinos, y vino en la flota que fracado(?) su cargo el Conde de San Xamin en el navio nombrado el Santo Christo de San Roman, y desembarco en el puerto de la Ciudad de la Nueva Vera Cruz, en donde estuvo veinte dias, poco mas o menos, y de alli salio via recta para la Ciudad de la Puebla de los Angeles, en donde se detuvo como doce dias pasando a la Ciudad de Nuestra Senora de los Zacatecas, en donde vivio como mas de tres años, y de alli paso a vecindarse a este Real en donde ha vivido cinco años, poco mas o menos, y todo este tiempo ha estado y vivido en compañia y suxecion(?) de sus padres."
Francisca Josepha would wed a second time to Juan Jose de la Puente Ruiz, 8 Oct 1729, in Pinos. The partida says she's been in the Indies for 37 years, confirming her arrival in 1692-1693.…
Besides the 1700 marriage to Francisco Delgado, I have nothing on Juana Delgado y Valenzuela, nor her parents, nor Capitan Francisco de Merquelen y Chevarria. I'm still looking for the information on her 1700 marriage to Francisco Delgado, since it will hopefully say where she was born.
I have Bartholome Delgado and Francisca Josepha CyM having 8 children - including a pair of twins - and all born and married in Pinos, Zacatecas:
Maria Delgado, b. 10 Jun 1702, m. Antonio de Ysaci y Campo, 19 Feb 1719
Maria Teresa Delgado, b. 19 Nov 1703, m. Francisco Xavier Gaitan, 5 Jan 1720
Juan Manuel Delagado, b. 12 Jul 1705, m. Mathiana Contreras Rodrigues, 19 Aug 1728
Ysabel Barbara Delgado, b 6 Mar 1712, m. Jose Gordiano Gaitan, 7 Mar 1734
Marina Francisca Delgado, b 3 May 1714, m. Juan Nicasio Gaitan, 7 Mar 1734
Thoribio Francisco Delgado, b. 3 May 1714,
Pheliciana Efiguenia Delgado, b. around 1716, m. Manuel de la Puente, 30 Nov 1734
Onorato Domingo Delgado, b. 23 Aug 1717, m. Maria Guadalupe Sanchez, 14 Feb 1748
Bartholome and Francisca Josepha are my g7s, I descend from their daughter Maria Teresa, who was married to Francisco Xavier Gaitan, son of Miguel Gaitan and Antonia Arias de Bedoya.
Here's a lead on Petra Martin Chavez:
I hope this helpful!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
IM for Francisco Delgado & Juana Delgado y Ocampo
I found this while digging around the archives today: the IM for Francisco Delgado's marriage to Juana Delgado y Valenzuela, from June of 1700, in Pinos. Though it doesn't give much on Francisco Delgado, it does say Petra Martin Chavez died some 3 years before, so we can place her death around 1697, in Pinos. And there are declarations from Francisco and Juana, as well as from Juana's parents, Capitan Don Fernando Delgado y Ocampo and Doña Marina Valensuela y Lara. As in the IM of her daughter, Juana's gives a description of their pase a indias and their first years in Nueva España. It also gives a account of the death of Juana's first husband, Capitan Francisco Echevarria y Merquelin: he died in Puerto de Cabo Verde, Africa, around 1686, while in transit to Buenos Aires, and he was buried at sea. Cause of death is not given. It also states that Juana didn't learn of her first husband's fate until some 11 years later, around 1697, when she was told by his ship's commander, Capitan Alfonso Gil. Which is why she doesn't marry again until 1700. Kinda makes one appreciate living in the age of twitter and facebook…
We also have approximate birth years: Francisco Delgado was born on the Pendencia in Pinos, around 1650. Juana Delgado was born in la Villa de Arjonilla, Obispado de Jaen, and she states she is 44 years old (1656). Fernando Delgado y Ocampo says he's 65 (1636), and in timeless spanish fashion, Marina Valensuela says she's 50 years old - more or less.…
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Bartholome Delgado
Dear Carolina,
My mother and I recently joined Nuestros Ranchos and we are researching our Delgado line in Pinos, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes. You can look up our genealogy file under Ramirez, Patricia. Bartholome Delgado is my mother's 6th great grandfather. We are descended from his son, Juan Manuel Delgado who married Mathiana Contreras Rodriguez in 1728. Hopefully, some of our information will be of use to you.
With many regards,
Patricia Ramirez