I don't mean to complain - but the General Digest Vol 3 Issue 15 that I received was a DISASTER. It seemed to be filled with a lot of repeitive text that I am sure is clogging up our site. I know Joseph posted some instructions not long ago on how to delete the body of a message before hitting reply to a query, etc. I don't remember what day that was posted (and I couldn't find the message to provide reference here) - but it is a message that may need repeating - and READ CAREFULLY for guidance in this matter - and if you don't understand, then ask for additional help. I am not very good with computer techy stuff, but believe me, if I can do it you can too, it isn't hard to do.
OK - I'm off the soap box. Have a beautiful day - may you be blessed in the coming weeks with the discovery of new ancestors.
Natalie C. Coleman, Virginia
Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.
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Digest Etiquette: was-General Digest Vol 3 Issue 15 - a disaster
Amen Sister!
You have my full support.
And yes please do complain. From this point forward I want to Privately
know about every single incident.
Another gentle reminder as to how to reply to a digest.
1) If you are on the digest version and want to reply to a specific
message within that Digest here is what to do:
a) copy the piece of the digest that you want to reply to and paste
it into another separate email
b) add your comments related to that message
c) address that email to the appropriate Nuestros Ranchos email
distribution list: Research, General, or Announce
Instructions on how to copy and paste:
1) find the message you want to "copy" and highlight it.
2) go to the top menu and click on edit and look at the options one is
"copy" or on Windows you can click on Ctrl C.
3) open a new email and click in the text area of it and then go up to
edit and pick the "paste" option or on Windows you can use the Ctrl V
PLEASE USE THIS as it will be very important later as we get larger and
more people subscribe to the Digest version. Otherwise what happens is
that the WHOLE digested message gets resent back to the group even if
you are just replying to one small part of that message.
I TOTALLY agree it is a DISASTER. I don't see the offenders since I get
the messages on an Individual basis, so I'm officially making Natalie
part of my Secret Digest police (if she'll accept the post). Whenever
she sees an offending party do this she will send me a private email. I
will then have a private discussion with that person. Oooh, Nuestros
Ranchos starts adding enforcement observers!
Now Natalie, who exactly are we talking about? Can you email me
privately? I think it's time for the Cinto?
ps: if you see this message come at you twice, well think about it, I'm
trying to make a strong point.
natalie coleman wrote:
>I don't mean to complain - but the General Digest Vol 3 Issue 15 that I received was a DISASTER. It seemed to be filled with a lot of repeitive text that I am sure is clogging up our site. I know Joseph posted some instructions not long ago on how to delete the body of a message before hitting reply to a query, etc. I don't remember what day that was posted (and I couldn't find the message to provide reference here) - but it is a message that may need repeating - and READ CAREFULLY for guidance in this matter - and if you don't understand, then ask for additional help. I am not very good with computer techy stuff, but believe me, if I can do it you can too, it isn't hard to do.
> OK - I'm off the soap box. Have a beautiful day - may you be blessed in the coming weeks with the discovery of new ancestors.
> Natalie C. Coleman, Virginia
>Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.