I just want to express my view and comment about our recent meeting that we had in Southern California.
First of all, I offer my thanks and appreciation to Olivia Jaurequi and her husband for being such wonderful hosts. I can imagine all the hard work and preparation that it took to take care of the group. The food was delicious and plentiful. My only regret is that I started with the Mole, beans, rice, salad,and the tasty Carne Asada and by that time, I had no room for the Menudo and pan dulce! Maybe next time I'll start with the Menudo.
I got to meet my two primos, Ken Alva and Ronnie Reynoso, a couple of very nice and wonderful guys. I had previously shared information with Ken over the internet and knew that we were related. That was not the case with Ronnie until we started sharing and comparing files, we are "primos" ! What a nice surprise.
One other thing that I found out from my "new Primos" was that all three of us have a descendency line from MOCTEZUMA!
All of this just 2 days after my 65th birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better gift.
I also like to send my thanks to Rosalinda for teaching me how to improve my research skills ( I am still learning) using the IGI. She is such a knowledgeable and unselfish person, willing to share her wisdom and resources with the rest of the group.
I would recommend this type of informal meeting to the rest of the members in other parts of the country. A lot can be learned and accomplished when you are face to face with fellow members. Thanks to the other attendees for making the meeting a wonderful experience.
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.
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SoCal Meeting
I hereby send a big cyber hug
to Olivia Jaurequi, and Rosalinda Ruiz in appreciation for all of their efforts in putting together this grand reunion of researchers, and distant cousins. It was a pleasure flying down for the day and meeting, Deena, Charles, Olivia, Rosalinda, Peggy, Ken, Jose Luis, and John...you all have that very special connection. And to primo Joseph, a big cyber hug
for establishing this group, for without you we would not be in this wonderful world of Genealogy. To primo Arturo Ramos, a big cyber hug
for your creative talents in putting together the new site....much appreciated... Sincerely, Helyn de Castaneda
gnzlzspd <1gnzlz@verizon.net> wrote:
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SoCal Meeting
Well, me, too! From my Gonzalez grandma but from HER Saldivar mother.
:P Marge:)
> One other thing that I found out from my "new Primos" was that all
> three of us have a descendency line from MOCTEZUMA!
SoCal Meeting
I'm sure we all descend from Cortes and his men, their wives,
mistresses and the Aztec "royalty".
Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ---
SoCal Meeting
I'm sure we all descend from Cortes and his men, their wives,
mistresses and the Aztec "royalty".
Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ---
SoCal Meeting
Are you sure? Marge:)
On Feb 28, 2006, at 10:42 PM, Emilie Garcia wrote:
> I'm sure we all descend from Cortes and his men, their wives,
> mistresses and the Aztec "royalty".
> Emilie Garcia
> Port Orchard, WA ---
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Margarita Vallazza
>> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:10 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] SoCal Meeting
>> Well, me, too! From my Gonzalez grandma but from HER Saldivar
>> mother.
>> :P Marge:)
>> >
>> > One other thing that I found out from my "new Primos" was that all
>> > three of us have a descendency line from MOCTEZUMA!
SoCal Meeting
Of course,
It is no coincidence that quite a few people have already found that
SoCal Meeting
Of course,
It is no coincidence that quite a few people have already found that
SoCal Meeting
I guess I need a history lesson. Emilie you
say: " I am sure we ALL descend from Cortes and his men, their wives,mistresses
and Aztec royalty" I believe at the time of the conquest the population of
Mexico was estimated at about 10 million. I bet some of them never got any
Spanish blood. Are you saying that Cortes' men only married Aztec
royalty? I don't think all of the Aztecs descended fron just one man,
Moctezuma. Moctezuma was not the "Adam" of Mexico.
Cortes and Moctezuma
John, you don't need lessons in anything. I was being facetious
when I said "I am sure we are all descended from -----", and I did not say
Cortes and his men married only Aztec royalty. Also no one really
knows the real total of the pre-columbian population, and by the era of
our ancestors in our target area most had mixed blood. We now know
they married anybody and created, what was it--32 different racial
classifications? Its just that I am bemused when
people from our target area claim ancestry from the grand-children or
great-grand-children of one of the many Moctezumas,
who were Aztecs and not Zacatecan, Guachachile, Cazcane,
Chichimeca, Huichoil, etc. and who lived far from there and were
killed so long before the settlement of that area. Just which
Moctezumas and Corteses ended up there?
I don't have to tell you how surnames evolved in Mexico; sometimes we can't
find someone because they used their maternal surname or an adopted one for
whatever reason. My husband laughs at those so ready to claim
ancestry from the great Moctezuma or Cortes because in many cases the Spaniards
would just hang any name on someone as a joke rather than let them keep their
own native names, or people would name themselves after someone of
"import". So many people are to ready to think they are
descended from an Indian Princess or Conquistador. I just cringe. My
husband has the names in his family tree of people who were prominent in
Spain. Does he care if he is really descended from the great Cervantes or
the Duke of Alba? No. My husband says, "el que no tiene nombre, Garcia se
le pone". That goes for any name in Spain or Mexico.
I know Moctezuma was not the father of all Mexico, so why should someone
boast about a name in their ancestry that has taken on mythical proportions? He
was a cruel pagan who got his just desserts with the help of other natives who
suffered under him. He and Cortez were cruel and ruthless. The
great ones are the nameless ones who persevered under such harsh
conditions. My surnames are just a tool to lead me to where I came from,
the migrations, culture, etc. I am glad they had any surnames at all since
so many did not. As for being a descendant of an Indian Princess or
Conquistador, I am not so ready to believe it just because of a name.
Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ---
hmmmm. . .Cortes and Moctezuma
Now I was just talking to Arturo yesterday about how tightly knit we
are and how since the inception of the group there had never been a
flame war. I don't want this to errupt into the first one. We have some
strong view points being expressed here and there is nothing wrong with
that. I'm just running interference and asking those of you that reply
to this thread to choose your words carefully and lets remember how
much we love each other. . .es verdad, que no?
From my brief time knowing John I don't believe he would claim
decendancy from just sharing a name. I myself claim decendancy from the
Robledo family that was in New Mexico I believe in 1598, but I haven't
actually done or confirmed the research myself. I'm leaning on the
integrity of a cousin/author in California that is much better versed
in the genealogy of that area. I'm sure that John has a stronger reason
to believe decendancy from Moctezuma based on a genealogical
investigation and not generalizations. Having said that I know for
myself that I have the strong need to eventually confirm those records
relating me to the Robledo family so I can have complete confidence and
without even asking him I believe John shares these same thoughts. If
there was only time for all we want to do.
How about we look into this matter over the next few months as time
allows and examine the reasons why certain ones claim decendancy and
others like myself can't claim it to any tribe and much less to any
individual. Let's take a controversial subject and use it toward the
advancement of our research and understanding of our heritage.
Emilie Garcia wrote:
hmmmm. . .Cortes and Moctezuma
I came across this message on the Ancestry message forum:
The message lists the descendancy of Moctezuma and cites the source
as John Inclan, who in turn lists Donald Chipman's book "Moctezuma's
Children, Aztec Royalty Under Spanish Rule" as his source. Does
anyone have this book? My ancestress Petrona Siordia m. Juan Padilla
in 1616 in Aguascalientes, would be a descendant of one of those
lines and I would like to know if the data is credible or why it
SoCal Meeting
gnzlzspd wrote:
>I just want to express my view and comment about our recent meeting that we had in Southern California.
>First of all, I offer my thanks and appreciation to Olivia Jaurequi and her husband for being such wonderful hosts. I can imagine all the hard work and preparation that it took to take care of the group. The food was delicious and plentiful. My only regret is that I started with the Mole, beans, rice, salad,and the tasty Carne Asada and by that time, I had no room for the Menudo and pan dulce! Maybe next time I'll start with the Menudo.
No one, absolutely no one said anything about menudo. I might have been
tempted to hop a flight to the get together for a big plato of menudo
with lots of raw onions and oregano and a big squeeze of lemon with some
flour tortillas. My idea of the best meal in the world. No other food
surpasses a dish like this! None!
>I got to meet my two primos, Ken Alva and Ronnie Reynoso, a couple of very nice and wonderful guys. I had previously shared information with Ken over the internet and knew that we were related. That was not the case with Ronnie until we started sharing and comparing files, we are "primos" ! What a nice surprise.
>One other thing that I found out from my "new Primos" was that all three of us have a descendency line from MOCTEZUMA!
>All of this just 2 days after my 65th birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better gift.
You guys are too great. You bring joy to my heart to hear how families
are being reunited. I truly truly truly think our relatives from long
ago who actually knew each other and then were somehow separted and lost
would be rejoicing with us that we have found each other again. How many
generations back was it before those families knew each other well? I
mean well enough to get together and share Mole, beans, arroz, Salad,
Carne Asada, Menudo and pan dulce? You guys are great. I hope your
families keep on interacting occasionally so you all won't lose each
other again.
>I also like to send my thanks to Rosalinda for teaching me how to improve my research skills ( I am still learning) using the IGI. She is such a knowledgeable and unselfish person, willing to share her wisdom and resources with the rest of the group.
Rosalinda is a very nice and very helpful fun person. I am so happy that
I was able to meet her when I was in California back in 2004
>I would recommend this type of informal meeting to the rest of the members in other parts of the country. A lot can be learned and accomplished when you are face to face with fellow members. Thanks to the other attendees for making the meeting a wonderful experience.
Okay how about a DC meetup in the Summer of 2007 (I'd say 2006, but the
SLC trip sounds like the trip people should focus on for 2006 and two
major trips in one year is more that can be expected). We can have
Arturo take us to the National Archives and Library of Congress for some
good study time. Then we can go to someplace for a nice meal and
fellowship. We can even go to the Indian Museum and see some of tribes
we might have descended from, there is a small area of the museum
devoted to Mexican Indios.
>John Gonzalez
>Wildomar, CA.
thanks John, your report was very encouraging and i would wholeheartedly
say that those of you in other parts of country should plan on meeting
your fellow Rancho members if possible.
thanks again John for the report and many thanks to Olivia (muchisimas
gracias, saludos a su señor) for the hospitality and to Rosalinda for
the planning. You guys did much for unifying the Ranchos members as a
familia. I didn't say it before but I feel the same way for all the
effort that was involved in the Sacramento meeting and the other various
get togethers. We really are becoming a family.
but I really wish someone had said there would be Menudo.
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