In response to your question below to Joseph, I learned that those of us who use "gmail" will not see their posts when submitted although everyone else will.
In checking the pedigree charts that you shared on NR, I believe that I have established a link with your ancestors Gonzalo Yanez del Monte y Geronima de Benavides.
I don't get why this marriage doc of Juan de los Reies Gallo and Polonia Yanes does not mention whats so ever the names of their parents?So if someone can please clarify this to me?It also mentions a
Anyone know an ipad app for viewing family search images? Or a browser? I have tried puffin, but the images don't load properly...
Hi Im at a dead end, I have Francisco Gomez Rendon
born in Teocaltiche ca. 1655 he married Maria Alvarez de Luna
(Maria de Luna) and had at least Francisca, Nicolasa, Maria,
sometime ago I saw on this site how to search by FILM numbers on the FamilySearch, now that I need the info Ican't find it, can someone tell me how or where can I find out how? Thank you
HI, I hope this reaches you. I am not familiar as to how to respond to this. Well in regards to Vita Castaneda, Have you tried maybe looking for the name Victoria, Vitaliana, and Vitalina.
Does anyone know where the Esquibia brothers, Lorenzo and Francisco hail
from? They show up in the Nochistlan area (Mesquiticacan--is that an
early version of Mexticacan?) in the 1660s.
HolaPatty Haro , message 7 Necesitas entrar a los archivos de la parroquia determinada y buscar el evento ( bautizo, matrimonio, defuncion etc) y el ano correspondiente, abrir la primera o a veces
Llevo años en esto pero ya se me olvido como hacerlo, alguien me puede
decir como ir directamente a las imagenes de un film determinado en
Voy a escribir este mensaje en español esperando que alguno de los miembros que viven en Mexico, en especial los que viven cerca de Guadalajara, me puedan ayudar a identificar una poblacion.
Solicito ayuda para confirmar lo que segun yo, dice en la siguiente partida de matrimonio: Casimiro Rios y Maria Dorotea Rodriguez (4ta partida de arriba hacia abajo)
My great great Grandfathers were born around the
1810’s , their names were Juan Correa and Maria Reyes
Diaz, they had 4 kids Francisco(priest), Ysidora,
Francisca , Maria Gertrudis and J. Guadalupe Correa
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