Dear Members,
Recently I have been revisiting some lines that I had worked on a few years ago, trying to tie down some loose ends.
Two loose ends I wanted to put forward regarding Cristóbal Martínez Lozano (el Viejo) are the following:
1) In "Retoños de España" it is stated that Cristobal obtained genealogical information from the city of Leon. My two questions are a)which León, Castilla or Guanajuato?
b)Has someone found this information such that you could share the images or the transcription? Below is the quote from Retoños
"Este caballero promovió la información genealógica a que con anterioridad se hace referencia y que se levantó en la Villa de León -cosa hasta cierto punto extraña porque en ella no tuvo intereses patrimoniales ni familiares- el 28 de febrero de 1628," Vol. 1, Volume 5, Part 2. I do not have an exact page number because the online source that is quoting this did not provide one.
2) Has someone found Cristobal's will? That would probably say whose daughter María de Isla was and whether she was indeed the illegitimate daughter or Benito de Isla, and who the mother was. I know some of the Aguascalientes wills are available online, but his is not listed. I am wondering if it would be in Guadalajara?
As it is well known, I have again included his death record on 13 May 1646, because it says before whom he made the will:…
I also have transcribed it, having corrected another transcription I found online and filled in some blanks:
"En la villa de Aguascalientes en trece días del mes de mayo de mil seiscientos cuarenta y seis falleció Christoval Losano, español y vecino de esta jurisdicción. Recibió todos los santos sacramentos. Hizo testamento que paso ante don Joseph de Altamirano de Castilla alcalde mayor de esta jurisdicción y ante Antonio de Vargas escribano nombrado. Deja por sus albaceas a Xptoval y Jacinto Losano sus hijos. Diosele sepultura al pie de la peña del altar de la Ascensión que es su capilla y entierro ordeno se le diga misa cantada de cuerpo presente como es costumbre, ordena y se le diga un novenario de misas rezadas, cien misas por su alma y la de su mujer y cincuenta misas por sus naturales sirvientes, que se le vieren muerto sin aguitar cuentas que le debía, deja quince ducados a la cofradía del santísimo sacramento de esta villa para ganar la indulgencia y que se vuelva a hasentar y en la dicha cofradía sin embargo de que es cofrade. Iten, manda de limosna al convento de San Francisco de la ciudad de Zacatecas veinticinco pesos, a las mandas forzosas a dos reales a cada una todo lo cual mando se paga de sus bienes y que se tomen diez bulas de composición y para que conste lo asente ut supra. Y se entregó el testamento original por mandado de señor licenciado Diego de Torres y Ribera cura beneficiado, juez eclesiástico de esta jurisdicción por su majestad a Jacinto Loçano albacea
Hernando Calderon "
Many thanks!
Sergio Sean Salés
Cristobal Martínez Lozano
Hola Sergio,
From the text that you’ve cited, ”Este caballero promovió la información genealógica a que con anterioridad se hace referencia y que se levantó en la Villa de León,” I think this would imply that Cristobal Martinez Lozano filed the paperwork regarding his lineage in the Villa de Leon, Guanajuato, one), because by 1628, Leon, Spain, was already considered a “ciudad,” as opposed to a “villa,” and two), because of Gonzalez-Leal’s comment, “cosa hasta cierto punto extraña porque en ella no tuvo intereses patrimoniales ni familiares”: he’s wondering why the paperwork was filed there, since the Lozano’s had no titular nor family interests in Leon, Gto (my guess is because, at that particular moment in time, the nearest available royal scribe or public notary might have been in Leon, Gto). But I thought that it was his father, Capitan Juan Lozano, who filed that paperwork? As a source for the Lozano lineage in Nueva Galicia (page 6 of “Letters”), Holcombe cited a “prueba de nobleza y limpieza de sangre” that Capitan Juan Lozano made in Leon, Gto, on 26 Feb 1628?
From what I understand, orders for certain records can now be placed with the Archivo Historico Municipal de Leon, but I didn’t see that document listed in the catalog. But you can always contact them.
As for Cristobal Martinez Lozano’s testamento, I’ve never seen it, nor was it listed among the available records at the Aguascalientes Acervo Colonial Digital website. It might name his wife’s parents if she received a dowry, but not necessarily. A more likely source would be Maria de Isla’s dowry card itself, which he would have had to file with a notary public. But we don’t know where nor when they were married.
The only notary document I’ve seen regarding Cristobal Martinez Lozano, was one dated 10 Feb 1608, in which he grants power to Juan Rodriguez de la Fuente. This was done in Teocaltiche, since, at the time, Teocaltiche and Lagos and Aguascalientes were all part of the same administrative district.
Manny Díez Hermosillo