My name is Vanessa Lopez and this is my first post. My paternal grandmother's line was relatively easy to trace through Zacatecas and Jalisco. I worked diligently to build her family tree in preparation for an upcoming family reunion in May. Every once in a while, I like to just google an ancestor. I did just that for Juan Chrisostomo Hurtado (1722-) and to my surprise, I discovered this amazing tree, https://www.wikitree.com/genealogy/Hurtado%20de%20Mendoza-Family-Tree-11, which extended back to Spain (a first for me in all of my 7 years of research.) I would like help in any of the following ways...
Do we share common ancestors based on this (unconfirmed) wiki tree? How do you feel about wiki trees in general? I am considering opting for a pro-genealogist to confirm this wiki tree information because 1300s Spanish genealogy is way beyond my capabilities.
Are you related to me (based on the attached tree segment)? I have my DNA on Ancestry and GedMatch ready for comparison.
What kinds of records are common in Spanish genealogy? I can read Spanish, but I'm only familiar with Mexican records and history.
Thanks for reading!
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Juan Chrisostomo Hurtado
Hi Vanessa,
At WikiTree each person's profile includes "Sources", e.g.:
You can find in "Sources" the record of his defunction and a Dispensa showing some blood relationships.
Checking the sources on each profile you can form an opinion about how trustworthy the family tree could be.
Profiles and sources are entered by volunteers as the result of their own resarch.
Ancestry DNA username
Ancestry DNA username for comparison is Vanessa Lopez.