Many, many years ago i found myself very confused when I read that the genealogist Jaime Holcombe had written that Alonso Pérez toriello was the son of of Diego Rodriguez Herrera and Isabel Hernandez Munoz. According to Jaime Holcombe, Alonso had two brothers named Diego Rodriguez and Francisco Rodriguez. I believe that this was one of the first times that I had dealt with a male using a different surname than his father.
I did much research and learned a lot about surnames in the seventeenth and sixteenth centuries. I also learned that Alonso Perez Toriello was considerered a "foreigner" in nuevagalicia. I connected the Rodriguez Herrera family to a Portuguese/Italian family. Though I had initially found Jaime Holcombe's choice of parents confusing, it made a lot more sense once I had researched this line.
After a few years i realized that most genealogists have Alonso Perez Toriello's parents as Andres Perez and Maria Torillo. What is the source for this information? Where can I find the primary sources that make this claim?
Rick A. Ricci
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Alonso Perez Toriello s parents
I read the document that confirms that the parents of Alonso Perez Toriello are Diego Rodriguez de Herrera and Ysavel Hernandez Muñoz. This leads back to the Perstrello family in Portugal which was originally Pallestrelli from Italy.
This Alonso Perestrello (Alonso Perez Toriello) is an ancestor of the Franco, PerezFranco, Perez de Paredes, Franco Perez family in Los Altos de Jalisco.
Rick A. Ricci
Parents of Alonso Perez Toriello. (Pereztrello)
Though I am not sure that Alonso Pérez toriello is the son of of Diego Rodriguez Herrera and Isabel Hernandez Munoz as Jaime Holcombe claims, I am not adding Andres Perez and Maria Torillo as his parents until I can see where this information is coming from.
Jaime Holcombe did not say he was guessing, he wrote that Alonso Pérez toriello is the son of of Diego Rodriguez Herrera and Isabel Hernandez Munoz.
I have left his parents as "disputed" in my records.
R.A. Ricci
This Document identifies Alonso Perez Toriello’s parents
This is a document identifies Alonso Perez Toriello (Perestrello/ Pallestrelli) parents as the son of Diego Rodriguez Muñoz and Isabel Hernandez Muñoz. This document is proof that Jaime Holcombe was correct when he identified his parents.
Rick A. Ricci
Rodriguez Herrera family
Some of the Rodriguez Herrera family left Portugal and went to Castilla when some family members were involved in a conspiracy against the Portuguese crown. Not all family members were involved in the conspiracy, but many were under suspicion so some members, even though they were not involved, felt more comfortable moving out of the country. After a few years many of them returned to Portugal, while others decided to stay in Castilla.
I am not arguing that Jaime Holcombe was correct when he said Alonso Pérez toriello was the son of of Diego Rodriguez Herrera and Isabel Hernandez Munoz becauseI don't know for sure who his parents are. I had assumed that he was correct when I researched Diego Rodriguez Herrera and Isabel Hernandez Munoz. It was the research into this family that provided much information that I would later use when looking for other lines in my family such as Toribio Hernandez Arellano and Carlo Lomellini.