Hola Primos y Vecinos,
I am searching for information or relatives on the Paternal side of my family.
The Locations are all in Los Altos de Jalisco: Teocaltiche, Atepoca, Ajojucan, San Andres, Belen, Ojo de Agua, and Tequesquite, although there are some mentions of Aguascalientes and Zacatecas.
The Surnames are: Alvarez; Aguilera; Cruz; Chavarria; Flores; Gonzalez; Garcia; Gutierrez; Moran; Ramirez; Reyes; Sanchez; Tejeda.
Sources are primarily: FamilySearch.com and their Church records from Nuestra Senora de Los Dolores in Teocaltiche, Jalisco, Mexico.
My genealogy was submitted on June 15, but I already need to edit the data, once I figure out how to do so.
I started with my father,
1. Elias Gonzalez Tejeda son of
2. Lazaro Gonzalez Aguilera and
3. Cresenciana Tejeda Cruz
4. Patenal GF, Andres Gonzlez Moran (Hermosillo?)
5. Paternal,GM, Adelaida Aguilera Garcia
6. Maternal GF, Macedonio Tejeda Ramirez
7. Maternal GM, Onesima Cruz Sanchez
More information is available in my file, which I don't know how to attach.
I look forward to a cordial and productive relationship with the members of Nuestros Ranchos and hope you will have a lifeline for me and that my data can help you in your quest.
Hija del Charro
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Hi prima,
Welcome to the group. I took a look at your work, and I'm sorry, I have nothing to offer, at this time. I do have Gonzalez de Hermosillo, but not in the same communities. I'm sure someone around here has the info you need.
Good hunting & saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Thank you for your kind acknowledgement and welcome. Is your Gonzalez Hermosillo community from Jalostotitlan? I have an Ancestry DNA Match with someone whose family is from that community, but haven't discovered our common ancestor(s) yet.
Con ganas,
La Hija del Charro