Hola Members/Primos , I am a little confused . I have a Micaela Garcia married to Cristobal Ramirez -(marriage date I cant find) with the following children:
1) Maria Yanuaria Garcia born Sept.22,1814 in San Juan de Los Lagos
Bautismos-San Juan de Los Lagos -1809-1816 Image # 349 -padres no conocidos
2) Maria Petra Ramirez Garcia born Oct. 28,1823 in San Miguel el Alto
Bautismos-San Miguel el Alto 1821-1832 Image # 107
3) Felipe de Jesus Garcia Ramirez born Feb. 11,1828 in San Miguel el Alto
Bautismos-San Miguel el Alto 1821-1832 Image # 330
4)Yrineo Garcia Ramirez born July 08, 1832i in San Miguel el Alto
Bautismos-San Miguel el Alto 1821-1832 Image # 670
All state with the exception of one that the Abuelos Paternos-Ygnacio Garcia and Rafaela de La Torre and Rafaela de La Torre- which are the Parents of Micaela Garcia.
The problem is I also have a Micaela Garcia daughter of Ygnacio Garcia and Rafaela de la Torre married to Vicente Reynoso 16, of Sept. 1799 in Guadalajara with children born from the years of 1806 thru 1823.
I am thinking maybe Ygnacio Garcia and Rafaela de La Torre had 2 Micaelas with different first or middle names . Any thoughts ?
Ronnie el Confundido
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