-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:49 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Somos Primos April 2014
Dear Primos and Friends:
March was a great month for rejoicing in the public honoring of 24 military heroes from WWII, Korean, or Vietnam War. The government investigated cases of soldiers who been recommended to receive a Medal of Honor, but had been were denied. Racism was suspected.
Finally on March 18th in Washington, DC, a correction was made.
A formal ceremony was held at the Pentagon. Of the 24 who had been denied, 18 had Spanish surnames.
We attained very positive visibility, and increased an understanding of our historic presence. Many, including me, feel that there are other brave soldiers who deserve a Medal of Honor, and are involved in reaching that goal.
March also saw another Latino hero, in the life of Cesar Chavez. His story is told in the "Made One-Step at a Time," a movie playing across the nation. Cesar, a farm labor organizer, gave his life in the effort for fair practices and treatment.
We need heroes, we need outstanding leaders in all area of society.
We have achieved much and given much, but our stories are not known.
United States history does not include our participation to the extent that we should be. Our children and grandchildren should know that we were trying to make our country better, for our own community, but also for everyone's benefit.
Please note, a new category in Somos Primos, Civil Rights Cuentos.
If you were involved in any event, rally, or situation in which you acted in support of equal rights, justice, and understanding, please share with a Cuento.
You'll notice in the Table of Contents below, we have many articles identified as Cuentos. These are first-person accounts with great differences in the situations, but all leading to better understanding of who we are. We must be the authors, who reveal who are. We can not allow others that privilege or responsibility.
To our many non-Hispanic readers, I thank you for your support I am grateful for your perspective and inclusion into my life, increasing my historical understanding.
God bless America, Mimi
A Medal of Honor, long delayed Erevia at home in San Antonio.
Cuento: Rick Leal, Pres. of the Hispanic Medal of Honor Society, attended March 18 Event in DC List of the 24 Medal of Honor Recipients
24 Can’t Settle Score, Latino Vets See Racism Despite Medals by Bill Brigg More on and other Medal of Honor Recipients Review of Movie: Cesar Chavez, History is Made One-step at a Time
Cuento: Diego Luna's César Chávez Should Be Required Viewing for All Americans
Cuento: Ambassador Hector P. Garcia by Daisy Wanda Garcia Cinco de Mayo -- a truly Mexican American holiday, by David E.
April 14, Pan-American Day by Galal Kernahan
Cuento: Believe in Your children's ability to Succeed by Esther Bonilla Read
Cuento: Destino: Personal and Collective Purpose by Juana Bordas Extract from The Power of Latino Leadership, Culture, Inclusion, and Contribution
Cuento: The National Chicano Moratorium, August 29, 1970 A Day in the Life of the Chicano and the Church in Southern California, by Rev. Juan Romero
Cuento: Dr. Carlos Munoz, Jr. Keynote address delivered at the Annual Martin Luther King & Black History Month Celebration, at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, February 28, 2014
Cuneto: Part 1, Portions of U.S. Law and Policies on Drug Problem Impractical, A USAID Study 40 Years Ago Showed by José M. Peña NCLR, 2014 National Conference, July 19-22, Los Angeles, CA
History of the world in two minutes
Spanish discoveries in the United States in the Early 1500s A letter sent to the History Channel by José Antonio “Joe” López Hispanics were first to tame the West by Dr. Lino Garcia, Jr.
Texas Hispanic Population
Rare Film of 1932 Revolt in Washington
Alexander the Great . . . three deathbed ultimate wishes
April 19th, 44th Chicano Park Day
Seeking Inclusion
Cuento: 1947, What is Your Nationality? Manteca High School, CA by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: 1952, July 4th Parade, Stockton, CA by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: 1955, A short story From Daniel R. Ayala
Cuento: Eyewitness, a Filmmaker's Memoir of Chicano Movement, Jesus Salvador Trevino Federal Opportunity to Save Historic Sites with Hispanic Civil Rights Connections
Edna Pardo - 1921-2014
Laura Kathleen Padilla, May 26, 1974 - March 16, 2014 Cuentos about Dr. Henry J. Casso Poem by Ralph Arellanes Compelled to Say a Few Words, Gilbert Sanchez, EdD Keep It Simple Stupid, Lino Garcia, Jr.
Padre, Mimi Lozano
The Siesta is Over, Dr. Henry J. Casso by Ray John de Aragon
General Robert Cardenas, top USAF test pilot.
Erasmo "Doc" Riojas, U.S. Navy SEAL
Captain Ed Freeman, a real MedEvac hero
A Forgotten Marine by Raul Garza
Video: 100 Years of Military Aviation in San Antonio Martin Medellin, 88, received his Purple Heart for WW II
Cuento: Instrument Flight by Daniel L. Polino
Galvez Panels are now on display at historic mission San Jose 113th Congress Confers honorary citizenship of the United States on Bernardo de Galvez y Madrid Three recent San Antonio Granadero events
Castillo, by John D. Inclan
Victoria, replica of ship sailed by Ponce de Leon The Illustrious Ponce Family I Ponce de Cabrera – Ponce de Leon By John D. Inclan, Edited by Bernadette Inclan Catahoula Leopard Dog, heritage back to Ponce de Leon
Oldest human ancestor found in Spain
Uruguay's government marijuana to use DNA markers
WorldCat and the FamilySearch Catalog Share Data Indexing Done with the Help of Volunteers EDUCATION What United States history is being taught in YOUR school?
Latinos Struggle To Graduate: An Issue of School Choice? By Jairo Ramos Principal Fired for Trying to Keep Students from Speaking Spanish by Roque Planas Círculo de Traductores
Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez Biography
Exhibit highlights women who made mariachi history Restoring Art to Our Children’s Lives by Gregorio Luke Tibo J. Chavez by Ray John de Aragon Discovery 11, A Food Journey by Rosa Maria Calles Discovery 12 Reflections of a Culture, "La Funcion" by Rosa Maria Calles
Somos Primos 1990-1999, 10 years quarterlies compiled Delirio - The Fantastic, the Demonic, and the Réel: The Buried History of Nuevo León by Marie-Theresa Hernandez The Border Is Burning by Ito Romo Philip D. Ortego y Gasca Papers, 1948-1990 (bulk 1957-1990) Somos En Escritos, Editor, Armando Rendon
2014 is an amazing year for books for Latinos by Kirk WhislerORANGE COUNTY, CA Saturday, April 12th: Revolutionary Days: A Chronology of the Mexican Revolution by Ray Acosta
Photos: Judge Fredrick Aguirre and Linda Aguirre presentation on Cesar Chavez, March 8th Saturday, April 19: The Annual Family History Fair at Orange County FamilySearch Library April 26: Orange County LULAC District 1 Convention April 27: Jose Vargas, Santa Ana Police Department
Cuento: My Great Great Grandfather Bernardo Yorba and his Rancho by Eva Booher
Latino Placemaking: How the Civil Rights Movement Reshaped East LA LAPD Pays Tribute To Josephine Serrano Collier, A Latina Pioneer Floricanto Center for the Performing Arts.
April 26, 2014: Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society's quarterly meeting Early California Researcher Wants to Share Irwindale, CA, Originally part of the Mexican Land Grants in Alta California Don Juan Pablo Grijalva by Eddie Grijalva, For the record...
Grijalva Clan Reunion, June 21st, 2014
Interesting Colorado stuff
Salt of the Earth, Part 2
New Mexico 1903 map showing Land Grants
Cuento: Archuleta Mesa, New Mexico and Its Aliens by Lindsey H. Bright
We are Cousins
100 Years of Military Aviation in San Antonio
Book: Cemeteries of Ambivalent Desire, Unearthing Deep South Narratives from a Texas Graveyard by Marie Theresa Hernández
Cuento: La Cuaresma by Margarita B. Velez April 6, 2014: The Battle of Medina Reenactment April 12, 2014: San Jacinto Symposium, Exploring The Tejano Side of the Texas Revolution Regrets for not Being Able to Attend by Franciso M. Vega Sam Houston took over a work in progress by José Antonio (Joe) López New project will diversify Handbook of Texas
Cuento: La Doña, by Margarita B. Velez
Cuento: I Can Forgive But I Cannot Forget by Raul Garza, Book 1, Part 1
Cuento: Chapters 5: Disease All over Town by Ramon Moncivais
38th annual Isleños Fiesta features history, music, more by Dan Lawton
Cuento: Extract from Anarchy Chicks by Michelle Herrera Mulligan Pgs. 185-187, Count on Me, Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships, edited by Adriana V. Lopez
Ground Zero Cross
Cuento: Joe Sanchez, Serving the Public in New York/ New Jersey Fort Mose, St. Augustine receives Award for Bloody Fort Mose Battle
Documenting Mexico's strong African legacy
National Native Daily News, News for all Americans Chicano/o Indigenety and Paths Beyond Capitalism by Devon Pena March 27, 1814 Battle of Horseshoe Bend
The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Conversos, Uncovering Hidden Influences from Spain and Mexico by Marie-Theresa Hernández Sephardic Jews seduced by Spanish citizenship offer by Daniel Silva 24th annual conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies Third-string catcher named Moe Berg
Cuento: Photo triggered memories of a few weeks in Israel by Mimi Lozano
Cahokia, a massive pre-Columbian settlement Remnants of Prehistoric Plant Pollen Reveal that Humans Shaped Forests
11,000 Years Ago
9th Annual Bi-national History Conference, March 21-22, 2014 Information and photos sent by Welester Alvarado Carrillo and Ricardo R.
Palmerín Cordero
Baptisms Registros de dos indias Apaches por Ricardo R. Palmerín Cordero Comments on adoptions in Tejas by Editor Mimi
Cuento: What My Mother Never Knew by Mary Anne Curray Matrimonio de Don Alberto Parás Ballesteros y Doña Emilia Ampudia The Sound and Soul of Acapulco by -Kent Paterson Fernando De Urrutia Oydor an entry for Fernando Xavier Antonio Urrutia Berdugo by John Inclan Luis Villoro Toranzo, Filósofo Mexicano por Monserrat Ríos Reyes CARRIBEAN/CUBA For 1st time, soldier from Borinqueneers to receive Medal of Honor
Tobón Gónima Familia
Academia Costarricense de Ciencias Genealógicas
Cuento: Why the Spanish Language failed to become the Lingua Franca in the Philippines unlike its Latin American Counterparts: A Revisit and A Review by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Cuento: It's Spring Hurrah!!! by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
The Philippine Revolution and the Spanish-American War, 1898-1902 Background Researched by Mr. Galo Gonzales Últimos de los Últimos de Filipinas by José Antonio Crespo
Cuevas Prehistóricas de Asturias
¿De Moguer o de Cartaya? por Ángel Custodio Rebollo Vikingos por Ángel Custodio Rebollo
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