-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 9:24 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Somos Primos November 2013 158th Online Issue
Dear Primos and Friends:
May your heart and life be filled with gratefulness for your many blessings of family and friends. The six-hour documentary, Latino Americans has surely given visibility to our varied, yet connected histories. We have leaders whose stories were finally told; but we have thousands of others who have dedicated their lives, to nurturing and uplifting those around them, whose stories have not been told. I invite you all to do so.
You may want to interview your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or someone who has made an impact on your life, someone who taught you a skill, or shared a value, or concept which has guided you. I invite you all to send in your thoughts. We are not looking at or for writing skills, we are looking for stories reflecting us, Latino Americans, in all our diversity.
In this issue you will see one of the changes which 2014 will bring:
CUENTOS, personal, first hand family stories will be scattered throughout the issues, based on where the incidences took place. I was hoping that it would increase networking and help stir familiar memories.
I have also included a category of FICTION/NON-FICTION for those that would like to share stories based on true experiences, but with adjustments or additions for more dramatic impact or privacy. Louis F.
Serna, sent a page from the journal of a fictitious Spanish soldier, My Days as a Colonist/Soldier with Don Juan de Onate - Part 1 by Louis F.
Each of us may think that we do not have enough personal stories to write a book, but we all have some memories that are special to us, for some reason. That reason may touch someone else's heart, and uplift them. For the December issue, I invite you all to send a personal Christmas memory via an email. . . length, a half a page to 3 pages, who, what, when.
God bless, Mimi
Table of Contents for November 2013
Concerning Letters to the Editor by Mimi The Hispanic Art Contest by Wanda Garcia The Tex/Mex Heritage of "Lady Bird" Johnson Latino American Documentary Resources
2013 National Council of la Raza ALMA Awards Denial of a History is a Denial of a People by Wanda Garcia
2013 Jose Marti Publishing Awards of the National Association of Hispanic Publications'
Ruben Salazar was a Mexican-American journalist Con Safos: Reflection from Up On the Hill, teaser by J.A. Velarde El Movimiento, How Latino Americans Fought for Civil Rights by Esther J. Cepeda Latinos 101, the Hispanic Heritage of the United States by Felipe de Ortego y Gasca, Ph.D.
The 1940's
Kilroy was here!
Frank Martinez: 1924-2013, artist and mentor dies at 89 Elisa Perez, Family Historian and Genealogist dies at 87 Carlos Blanco-Aguinaga: 1926-2013, literary critic, fiction writer dies at 87 Jose Montoya: 1932- 2013, poet and artist dies at 81 Raul Cortez: 1933-2013, businessman dies at 80
Save Tejano History Symposium' Held September 28th Center for Mexican American Studies (CMAS) Thought you would like this history lesson San Jacinto Battleground Conservancy
Freedom of Speech issue
Sergio Hernandez Cartoonist, Don't Vote For Any Incumbents Definition of Insanity
Court: Applicants wrongly denied US citizenship
Judge: Tribal arrest a U.S. Issue
Why Save Lincoln Center: For Our Gente
Less educated Hispanic population presents both a promise and a challenge
Cuento: My Father, the Miracle Maker by Esther Bonilla Read Why Your Mind is a Hurt Locker Ivan Enrique Espinosa Takes First Place in Texas A&M University Mandarin Returns Home -- SAT Scores Climb for Asian Americans Second Feria Educativa was held at the 2013 7th Annual "Festival Cardenas"
Serna's Santos
The Flamenco Peñas in Southern Spain
Ramón “Chunky” Sánchez,: NEA National Heritage Fellowships Concert Webcast Martha González, Musician, Dancer, College Professor, Activist , Author Latina Icon Magdalena Gómez Donates personal papers to University of Connecticut Archives
Documentary: Paper Cutouts to Steel, The Art of Carmen Lomas Garza Sandias y Cascarones Statement by Armando Durón about Artist Jose Ramirez Statement by Armando Durón about Artist Ramon Ramirez
SURNAMES: Fernandez, Part II
DNA: Researching the DNA of Historical Figures
My Days as a Colonist/Soldier with Don Juan de Onate - Part 1 by Louis F. Serna Voices de la Luna, Quarterly Poetry & Arts Magazine, Editor: Mo. H.
Saidi, MD, ALM
River of Hope: Forging Identity and Nation in the Rio Grande Borderlands, by Omar S. Valerio-Jiménez Brownsville by Oscar Casares The First Texas Independence, 1813, The Unlikely Tejano, José Bernardo Gutiérrez de Lara by José Antonio López Domestic Negotiations: Gender, Nation, & Self-Fashioning in US Mexicana & Chicana Literature & Art by Marci McMahon
Century of Valor, Part Four, Vietnam War by Rogelio C. Rodriguez Korean War Marine Eugene A. Obregon Medal of Honor discovered Remembering Juan Francisco Herrera The Story of Israel's Airforce that Led to Independence in '47 Veterans History Project Experiencing War Stories from the Veterans History Project Comments on the 6-Hour Documentary, Latino Americans Honoring Navy Commander Eugene A Valencia Hispanic Americans in the U.S. Army Slideshow New Effort In Support of Congressional Gold Medal for Hispanic Heroes of the 65th Infantry - The Borinqueneers
November 16, 2013: The 200th Anniversary of the “Battle of Medina Granaderos Out And About Granaderos National Meeting Held in Houston, Texas 50th Anniversary San Diego's Cabrillo Festival Yo Solo, Bernardo de Galvaz on Stage of the American Revolution Los Españoles olvidados de la Isla de Guam
Researching the DNA of Historical Figures
Four Stories about Seniors by Ben Romero Chicken Nuggets Mutton Jeff The Closet Ballerina Life's Disappointments
Cuento: Gloria Candelaria, Crossroads
Cuento: A Future Homemaker for America by Michele Bonilla "Lillie"
A Library for the People by Steve Mencher Historical necrologies can be important sources of information Reporte parcial de la Conferencia Iberoamericana de Genealogía From Kimberly Powell, your Guide to Genealogy
November 9th, Using Picture with your Genealogy and Personal Stories Orange County 1800s Cultural Intermarrying
Vintage Photographs of Los Angeles
Nov. 23: Introduction to Navajo and Cherokee Nation Genealogy Research
Cuento: A Brief Write up of my Life by Sister Mary Sevilla, Ph.D.
Cuento: Filming to Find Grandma Rita by Sister Mary Sevilla, Ph.D.
Cuento: Wobblies in San Pedro by Arthur A. Almeida, Part 1
Cuento: My Father, Eusebio by Nora H. Barajas
Junipero Serra - 300th Birthday in 2013
Cuento: Refugio Rochin Family in San Diego County November 1: Family Remembrance Day, Agua Mansa Cemetery Women in Agua Mansa History 1838-1997 By Dr. R. Bruce Harley
For North Las Vegas's first Hispanic councilman, The Time is Now
Nov 1: The Byzantine Connection to New Mexican Families
Cuento: Is it Fideo or Vermicelli? by Margarita B. Velez Título de la unidad: "Orden de favorecer al capitán Diego Ramón y las misiones del Río Grande"
The New Deal was it a Great Deal?
Virginia Martinez, Esquire, A Child of Great Expectations by Delia Gonzalez Huffman Tracing Pointe Coupée’s Creole Foundations to Nouvelle France :
Santos Sandoval Celebrated Turning 100 years old José Miguel Arciniega Descendants Society San Antonio: Legacy South Project to study, archive a 'Tejano genesis'
Descendents of Don Ignacio Gonzalez de Inclan, and Juana de Dios de Urrutia
Cuento: Stolen Citizenship by Ramon Moncivais Inventory of the Félix D. Almaráz Papers, 1963-2002 Cortina attacks Brownsville A&M San Antonio has formed "TCARA" Chapter
Los Virreyes de la Nueva Espana by Fernando Muñoz Altea Plaza Historica Batalla de Monterrey 1846 Families of Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Volume Nine Heroe Olvidada: Capitan Don Pomposo Gomez Recordando a Mis Hermanos Mayores del Colegio Militar Soldados Norteamericanos muertos y sepultados en la Cd. de México, durante la Guerra México-Estados Unidos 1846-1848 Matrimonio de los Padres del Gral. de Bgd. Don Mariano Moret Viscaino Gemelas Ysabel Susana y Ana Maria, hijas de Don Tomas Jenkin y de Dona Ana Maria Jonson Matrimonio de Don Juan Zuazua y Dona Antonia de la Garza
Star Quilts
Judge: Tribal Arrest a U.S. Issue
Archaeologists uncover Brazilian artifacts
Book: Jewish Treasure of the Caribbean Photo Exhibit Was Columbus a Jew? by Charles Garcia Del castellano al ladino por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Julian Abele, Prominent African-American Architect
Cuento: Reminiscences of a Naval Aviator, WW II, by Daniel L. Polino
Cuento: Fey Esperanza: Sustained by Faith and Hope by Juana Bordas
Cuento: Every Day of Her Life by Carolina De Robertis Royal Pedigree of Juan Ponce de Leon
Review of Film: "Una Noche" captures Cuba's Lost Generation by Mirta Ojito
U-2 Spy Photos of Cuba in '62
The History of women in Puerto Rico, Part 1 By: Tony “The Marine”
Mejor respuesta - La existencia de Cuba
Informaciones Genealógicas
Genealogia Familiar
The New Miss World is Filipina Megan Young
La Prueba Del Humo by Angel Custodio Rebollo You are Probably Descended from Charlemagne and Other Royalty by John Inclan Giovanni Battista Schiappapietra da Albisola al Nuovo Regno di Leon
Correspondence of Amancio J. Chapa, Jr.
Britos in Portugal by Marie Brito
Una guerra por una oreja Por José Antonio Crespo-Francés
Stunning Images Of A Tunnel Found From Gaza Strip Into Israel, by Amir Cohen Israel Army: 2nd Tunnel From Gaza Found, Destroyed Taquiyya Iran Trying to Recruit Latin American Youths
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