Luz Montejano's "Archivo de la Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara" gives references to the films where she extracted the data in her book. At least some (perhaps all?) of these references are to the LSD Family History Library microfilm numbers.
At least some of the films are now posted with the Guadalajara, Jalisco records. I've looked up a few, and they are in the Guadalajara, Diocese of Guadalajara, Matrimonios group of films.
If you have the microfilm reference from Luz Montejano's book, you can look up the microfilm at the Family Search catalog website (search by film number). This will give you the years covered on the film; from this you can pick the film with this date range.
To make sure you are looking at the right film, the film number that is on the first or second image of the film must be the same as the reference from Sagrada Mitra.
On any given film, the entries are not in chronological order, and they are not indexed. You will need to do a systematic search to find the records of interest. Note that some of the films are long (I looked at one with more than 1200 images!).
For example: I found the record (dated 10 June 1697, Lagos) for the marriage of Nicolas Macias Valades, morisco, hijo natural of Nicolas Macias Valades, Espanol, and Josepha Rincon, mulata libre. Nicolas (the son) was getting married to Antonia de la Fuente de Araujo, Espanola (padres no conosidos). The film is "Matrimonios, 1689-1796" and the record begins at image 60.
George Fulton
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Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara
It is amazing to see in the full Dispensas shown on the Sagrada Mitra book by Ma. de la Luz Montejano Hilton(MLMH), with the signatures some of our ancestors. Maybe we could make the task a little easier for all of us if every week or so we post to which images of FAMILYSEARCH correspond the SAGRADA MITRA records, since the latter seem to ordered acording to when do they show up on the film. So if you have a film with 1200 images, maybe you can figure out by these postings that the record you are lookng for is for examplee between images 700 and 900.
This is what I have found so far:
MLMH #10 corresponds to Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1635-1692 > Images 43-48 (FHL film 167971)
MLMH #32 corresponds to Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1635-1692 > Images 145-140 (FHL film 167971)
MLMH #62 corresponds to Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1681-1687 > Images 18-22 (FHL film 167972)
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara & Family Search
Is Luz Montejano's book available? Over a year ago I contacted Borderland Books and was informed that the book was not available, but hopefully soon a re-issuance would occur, and that I would be contacted. No word yet.
Paul Gomez
------Original Message------
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara & Family Search
Sent: May 15, 2011 3:42 PM
Luz Montejano's "Archivo de la Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara" gives references to the films where she extracted the data in her book. At least some (perhaps all?) of these references are to the LSD Family History Library microfilm numbers.
At least some of the films are now posted with the Guadalajara, Jalisco records. I've looked up a few, and they are in the Guadalajara, Diocese of Guadalajara, Matrimonios group of films.
If you have the microfilm reference from Luz Montejano's book, you can look up the microfilm at the Family Search catalog website (search by film number). This will give you the years covered on the film; from this you can pick the film with this date range.
To make sure you are looking at the right film, the film number that is on the first or second image of the film must be the same as the reference from Sagrada Mitra.
On any given film, the entries are not in chronological order, and they are not indexed. You will need to do a systematic search to find the records of interest. Note that some of the films are long (I looked at one with more than 1200 images!).
For example: I found the record (dated 10 June 1697, Lagos) for the marriage of Nicolas Macias Valades, morisco, hijo natural of Nicolas Macias Valades, Espanol, and Josepha Rincon, mulata libre. Nicolas (the son) was getting married to Antonia de la Fuente de Araujo, Espanola (padres no conosidos). The film is "Matrimonios, 1689-1796" and the record begins at image 60.
George Fulton
Luz Montejano's book
I have looked for it periodically, but it is not available. I use the copy at the UC Berkeley/Bancroft Library, which is about 35 miles from where I live.
It would be wonderful if the book could be reprinted; I'm sure it would sell well. From the library citation it looks like it was published privately by the author. Perhaps if a Nuestros Ranchos member knows the author, he or she could make the request!
There are a few libraries that have it; mostly university libraries. To find libraries, follow the link…
From your Nuestros Rancho's profile, your two closest libraries are the University of California, Riverside (UCR), and the Los Angeles Public Library. At UCR you may need to be a UC alumni (or purchase a library card, if possible). At the LA Public Library I'm sure it is a non-circulating reference.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
Sagrada Mitra / Luz Montejano Hilton
You may try to contact Luz Montejano Hilton through Facebook sending her a message or posting in her genealogy wall. Her last post is from this month. Just go to your Facebook account and search for "Genealogia para todos".!/genealogiaparatodos
She also has a webpage with a link for e-mailing her:
Good luck!
Victoriano Navarro