For John P. Schmal:
re: "Lucretia Calvillo"
John, the only Lucretia I have come across near your time line 1750-1805 is:
Petra Lucrecia CALBILLO Luna,
bap 30 Nov 1744, Ags, Sag, Bau 1742-1743, Image 247
hija leg de Cayetano CALVILLO
y Maria de los Santos, yndios
Casada con Joseph Antonio GOMES, mulato
hijo natural de Ysabel GARSIA
12 May 1759, El Sag, Ags Mat 1758-1769, Image 56
Here Petra Lucrecia is listed as mestiza.
I don't know of any children, and have done no research on them
Her parents: Cayetano CALBILLO Torres, mulato
born c. 1708, Puesto de las Burras, Guanajuato
hl de Nicolas CALBILLO y Petra TORRES
Juana Maria de los Santos LUNA, coyota
born c. 1728, Puesto de San Joseph de los Dolores en la nueba españa, obispado de Mechoacan;
hl de Agustin LUNA y Pasquala Hilaria DE LA CRUZ
their MARR INFO: Ags, Sag Info Mat 1743, Image 313-315
Cayetano was 35, and Juana Maria was 15
One of the witnesses to the MARR INFO was Don Santiago NIETO, esp, 36, who states that Cayetano has worked for him for more than 10 years, and previously was in the service of his father Don Manuel NIETO,and that Juana Maria worked in the household of Don Santiago's father-in-law Don Francisco de SANTA CRUZ.
The suegro Don Francisco de SANTA CRUZ also appears as a witness to state that he has known the pretenso for more than 14 years, in Guanajuato and in Ags.
Hope this is of some help.
Gloria Delgado
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