Sigue version en espanol.
I was searching nuestros ranchos and found a possible match for one of my great grandmothers, Felipa Ramirez a. 1830. She married Manuel Gama a. 1830 and had at least one child, Jose Ysabel Gama who married Ramona Munos on June 1, 1879 in San Miguel El Alto, Jal.
I searched th GEDCOM tab of nuestros ranchos and found Maria Felipa Ramires Brambila christened Feb 8, 1830 in Tamazula. She was one of at least five children of Jose Maria Epifanio Ramirez b. March 23, 1806 and Paula Maria Emigdia Brambila b. June 8, 1814. The family ID is F5918.
I am not familiar with how to try to find more information within nuestros ranchos. How could I find more information to see if the descendents of Felipa Ramires, if any. Whose tree is this? I would appreciate any ideas.
Encontre en nuestros ranchos el nombre de una persona que puede ser una de mis tatarabuelas, Felipa Ramirez a. 1830. Ella se caso con Manuel Gama a. 1830 y tuvieron al menos un hijo, Jose Ysabel Gama quien se caso con Ramona Munos el 1o de junio de 1879 en San Miguel el Alto, Jal.
Busque en GEDCOM de nuestros ranchos y encontre a Maria Felipa Remires Brambila bautizada el 8 de febrero de 1830 en Tamazula. Es una de por lo menos cinco hijos de Jose Maria Epifanio Ramirez b. 03/23/1806 y de Paula Maria Emigdia Brambila b. 06/08/1814. El numero de identificacion de la familia es F5918.
No conosco como tratar de encontrar mas informacion en nuestros ranchos. Como podria encontrar mas informacion para ver los descendientes de Felipa Ramires, si los tuvo. De quien es este arbol? Agradeceria sus sugerencias.
Rosie Cordova
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Felipa Ramirez
Look at these baptisms in San Miguel del Alto. They all have a father Manuel GAMA or GAMES and a mother Felipa NERIS, RAMIRES or RAMOS (probably all the same couple):
REFUGO. GAMA NERIS - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 08 JUN 1835 San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
MA. GERONIMA GAMES RAMIRES - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 07 OCT 1832 San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
MARIA DE LA SUNCION GAMA RAMOS - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 28 MAY 1826 San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
Felipa Ramirez
Apparently you have already found the marriage record for your grandparents in the IGI on
Spouse: RAMONA MUNOS Family
Marriage: 01 JUN 1879 San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
Batch No.: M603304 Film No. 0279454
That record should list the names of Ysabel's parents as well as his age which will provide valuable information. You should go to a family history center and order the film or write the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and request a printout of the particular record.
Felipa Ramirez - Record request from SLC
Thank you for the information. I did not know I could request a printout from the Family History Library in SLC.
Rosie Cordova
Felipa Ramirez
In the GEDCOM database, when you find a record, right next to the individual or family number is the name of the tree the record belongs to. You will notice that the record you found is in Linda Castanon-Long's tree, as she mentions in her response.
Given that Linda's Felipa was born in 1830 and you are saying that your great grandmother was married in 1830, these two women cannot be the same person. Or am I misunderstanding your information?
The genealogy that you have posted in your file folder does not have any dates or place names for Felipa so it is difficult to follow.
Have you tried searching for the marriages and births of the people whose names you have using the Films tab of the website? If you know the towns where they came from you can do searches by IGI or VRI batch where you can enter minimal information, i.e. just surnames of parents and see if there are any matches.
Felipa Ramirez married sometime in the 1850s
Felipa Ramirez was probably born around 1830s and got married in the 1850s in order for her son, Jose Ysabel Gama to be married in 1879 to Ramona Munoz (had children as early as 1871 before their marriage). Assuming Jose Ysabel was 20 or so when his first child was born in 1871.
Rosie Cordova
Felipa Ramirez married sometime in the 1850s
Hola amigos, encontré el matrimonio de Manuel Gama y Felipa Ramírez en Jalostotitlán el día 09 de febrero de 1822. No se si ustedes tengan el dato, pero no he visto que lo mencionen en sus mensajes desde hace días y me puse a buscar y encontré el acta.
Solo que Manuel Gama aparece como Manuel Estrada, pero se que es el mismo porque su hija María Asención Gama Ramírez aparece en actas de bautizmo de sus hijos como Asención Estrada y a veces como Asención Gama.
Manuel Estrada o Gama es hijo de Manuel Estrada y Felipa Espinoza. Felipa Ramírez es hija de José Félix Neri y María Francisca Ramírez, casados en Jalostotitlán el 29 de julio de 1797.
Espero que sea de utilidad lo que encontré.
Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.
Actualiza tu Perfil y gana!
Matrimonio de Felipa Ramirez y Manuel Gama
Muchas gracias, Jorge Luis. En donde encontraste esta informacion?
Rosie Cordova
Matrimonio de Felipa Ramirez y Manuel Gama
En familysearch encontré el acta de matrimonio de ellos. Así como también hise mis búsquedas con las variasntes de los apellidos Gama y Estrada por parte de Manuel, y Neri y Ramírez por parte de Felipa; y fue entonces que me di cuenta que esa es el acta.
Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.
Si no está en Windows Live, nunca pasó
Felipa Ramirez - need help how to search
Hi Rosie, the file is either Daniel or me since we are family. I have my records posted on and it might be easier for you to read them there. I don't have a spouse for Maria Felipa and we are not directly related.. Someone in her family married someone in my family.
I would suggest you print this if you are not familiar with
You can find her ancestors by going to Family tree in the tool bar at the top of the page, click on it.
Where it says "jump to a specific data base" put in Mexico
this will give you my index, put in Ramirez and then it will give you "advanced search" put in Ramirez, Maria Felipa 1830 and she will appear.
Click on her name then click on "Pedigree" then click on "display pedigree in text form"
Click on any name and it will give you whatever source information I have.
This will give you all the information I have on this family line. Daniel may have taken it back too since I see there is Ornelas and Campos de Anda in her line.
I don't know if this is your line or not but wish you luck in your search.
Linda in Everett
--- On Wed, 6/3/09, wrote:
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Felipa Ramirez - need help how to search
Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 3:07 AM
Sigue version en espanol.
I was searching nuestros ranchos and found a possible match for one of my great grandmothers, Felipa Ramirez a. 1830. She married Manuel Gama a. 1830 and had at least one child, Jose Ysabel Gama who married Ramona Munos on June 1, 1879 in San Miguel El Alto, Jal.
I searched th GEDCOM tab of nuestros ranchos and found Maria Felipa Ramires Brambila christened Feb 8, 1830 in Tamazula. She was one of at least five children of Jose Maria Epifanio Ramirez b. March 23, 1806 and Paula Maria Emigdia Brambila b. June 8, 1814. The family ID is F5918.
I am not familiar with how to try to find more information within nuestros ranchos. How could I find more information to see if the descendents of Felipa Ramires, if any. Whose tree is this? I would appreciate any ideas.
Encontre en nuestros ranchos el nombre de una persona que puede ser una de mis tatarabuelas, Felipa Ramirez a. 1830. Ella se caso con Manuel Gama a. 1830 y tuvieron al menos un hijo, Jose Ysabel Gama quien se caso con Ramona Munos el 1o de junio de 1879 en San Miguel el Alto, Jal.
Busque en GEDCOM de nuestros ranchos y encontre a Maria Felipa Remires Brambila bautizada el 8 de febrero de 1830 en Tamazula. Es una de por lo menos cinco hijos de Jose Maria Epifanio Ramirez b. 03/23/1806 y de Paula Maria Emigdia Brambila b. 06/08/1814. El numero de identificacion de la familia es F5918.
No conosco como tratar de encontrar mas informacion en nuestros ranchos. Como podria encontrar mas informacion para ver los descendientes de Felipa Ramires, si los tuvo. De quien es este arbol? Agradeceria sus sugerencias.
Rosie Cordova
Felipa Ramirez
Thank you, Linda. I see everybody so professional and knowledgeable. I just started a few months ago. I will follow your instructions to check rootsweb.
Rosie Cordova