This may be in the user guide, but I can't access that right now because I
can't open Word. What setting do I put for "Char set"? What email address do
I send it to? Most of my entries don't have the relevant microfilm source
noted. Should I wait to send it until I do?
------ Original Message ------
Received: 10:20 PM EST, 01/03/2008
From: arturoramos
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Partitioning your PAF File
There are two ways you can partition out your PAF file in a manner that would
be appropriate for submission to your folder:
>From the "Print Reports" menu item (the little printer icon) and then
clicking the "Books" tab, you can print out an Ahenetafel report directly from
PAF showing your relevant grandfather's ancestors. This also eliminates (I
presume) all living people that might be in that PAF file. You can then print
out the report to a RTF or preferably a PDF file and submit that file.
You can create a GEDCOM of your grandfather's ancestors using the "Export"
menu item (the little disk with an out arrow). Click "Other GEDCOM" then
select "Partial" under the "Filter" option. Click the "Select" button on the
lower right and then find your relevant grandparent and select "All ancestral
related" under the "Relationship Filter" option and then the "Select" button.
Then Click "OK" and finally the "Export" button. We can then upload the
GEDCOM to our GEDCOM database which other members can search.
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