Hello joseph,
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanx as well to you and to Kitty , Alicia John and Enriquie . Sometimes you forget just how much work is involved in maintaining a smooth operation , kinda like the duck theory , you see the duck on the surface of the lake gliding ever so smoothly but, what you don't see are his feet underneath paddling away .
Thank you all !
> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:49:08 -0500> From: makas@nc.rr.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] The Function of the nuestrosranchos.org Group Continues Because. . .> > > > the nuestrosranchos.org site continues because of the hard work and > dedication of its volunteers: Kitty Cortez, Alicia Carrillo, John > Gonzalez, and Enrique Legaspi. It sounds like there will be others who > are joining in to do the work as well soon.> > We all know the great work that Arturo has done with the website and a > continued thanks go to him for his efforts. Muchisimas Arturo!> > I just wanted to publicly thanks John Gonzalez and Enrique Legaspi for > their help in doing Translation work for me when I needed something to > be said "correctly." You all have seen that my written Spanish is > terrible and these two gentlemen have stepped up to help me greatly and > I'm counting on them to help in the future. Thank you John and thank you > Enrique.> >
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