According to the website 76 members are signed up for the Research list.
So If I'm understanding things correctly 76 of you should receive this.
This email distribution list should be used for things of Research
interest that you wouldn't consider General or Announcements.
Okay everyone this is the email list that you all should be cutting
loose on. Tell us your latest finds or ask your questions. If you have
something ask.
As for me I'm very encouraged. I have mentioned before that I have
broken through what I consider my last important wall. Yes I have many
other walls to break through, but getting through this last one makes me
content even if I always have to stay on this side of those other walls
because this side is in the midst of all four of my grandparents.
Actually I've passed all 4 grandparents and am sitting comfortable with
all 8 of my Great grandparents.
Yes there is much work to do but knowing that the preliminary work is
done is comforting. I've take a giant first step for the family. I'll
continue to do more work and research but it might require future
geneations to take the batton and carry the work to the next level. .
.well lets see how far I can carry it.
I had been inserting information into my Family Tree Maker 2006 software
and noticed that it was getting slow and unmanageable to work with
especially since I had been putting the JPEG scan/photo of the source
records for the individuals baptism, marriage and death when they were
available. Well I decided to ask about this on the FTM list.
Seems that I should have been cropping, resizing, and optimizing the
JPEG's first and then entering them to keep the file size down. So what
I did is deleted every foto in my FTM file, then I cut the file in Half.
I have one file now for my Dad's side of the family and One for my Mom's
side of the family. Then I resized, cropped, and optimized my fotos and
am slowly reinserting them into FTM.
It's a big job but the work is progressing. I'm also making sure to
insert the Source Citations for each document as I'd hate for some
future geneation to think "Wonder where he found that?" Here is an
example of how I'm doing it with each record:
"359. LDS Film; Bautismos; Santa Maria de Los Angeles, Jalisco, Mexico,
1158278v23p87/137(6Jul1907), Baptism record for Paulina Puentes-parents:
Felix Puentes y Petra Marquez. Paternal Grandparents: Juan Jose Puentes
y Micaela Romero. Maternal Grandparents: Juan Marquez y Simona Galvez.
Her marriage to Santos Villagrana is recorded in the margin as was the
custom of that day."
I guess I can't stress how important it is to give your source
citations. After all we are doing this so that future geneations can
know about their roots. Some will be curious if we were just inventing
names or if they really are related to all the listed old geizers. For
the curious please document and list your source citations.
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