By fguevara_robles |
Does anyone has information regarding Juan Felipe Cabral? He gave origin to the Cabral surname in Zacatecas, arriving ca. 1760 to Jerez de Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico, and marrying Josefa Saldivar. Presumably he came from Portugal or Spain, and changed his original surname "Hijar y Bracamontes" to Cabral during the trip. Roberto Cabral del Hoyo (1913-1999), the poet from Zacatecas, also mentions this story in one of his published poems. Juan Felipe Cabral had several offsprings including my grandmother's ancestor Pantaleon Cabral, who was born in 1788 in Jerez de Garcia Salinas. I have extensive information about the Cabral family from Zacatecas, that I'm happy to share.
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Juan Felipe Cabral from Portugal?
Yes dear fguevara_robles, I have info on that subject and it is clearly a legend. No that Felipe Cabral didnot existed, but he was not Juan Felipe but Noverto Felipe and sure, he married Doña Josefa Saldivar, the daughter of Marcelo (or Marcelino) Saldivar and Juliana Felix (or De los Reyes Félix). It is dificult to precisely know when and how the legend started, but I think this was very likely a way to fill in a blank spot in the genealogy or a strange way to detach from the ancestry adding some spicy tale to it. I might understand that because at the time the legend was created people have not the resources we have now to do research from the comfort of home. Once, my aunt Cabral told me "that is just not true and my brothers invented that legend". When I first put online my tree, elaborated by my dad upon the family tales and memories, a tree that started exactly with the "Juan Felipe Cabral, born in Portugal in the first quarter of the XVIII century, very soon I got an email from Salvador Cabral Valdez, showing interest in my tree and then we started a fruitfull exchange that lasted few years. This exchange started in the year 2006 and the first subject was precisely about Juan Felipe. He suggested that probaly he was not from Portugal and then draw my attention to the Family Search website and showed me a registar of Felipe Cabral marriage with Josefa Saldivar. That was a real discovery for me that proved beyond doubt that Juan Felipe, the portuguese, was in fact Felipe Noverto, born in Jerez in 1748, the son of Hermenegildo Cabral and Thomasa Hernández (Fernández) and then married Josefa Saldivar in 1775. Further research over the following years proved also that he belonged to the Cabral line started by Domingo Cabral and Ana Catalina Pinedo Caldera. One of the youngest sons of them was Bartolomé, born around 1647 and later married Melchora de los Reyes. One of their sons was Nicolás Cabral, who later married Marta de la Encarnación around 1710 more or less. One of their sons was Hermenegildo, who married Thomasa Fernández in 1739 and lived then in el Puesto del Sotano, Jerez. They were the parents of Vitalia, Rosalía and Felipe Noverto Cabral.
Some in the family received these news as great news, others feel a little deceived knowing no portuguese Juan Felipe existed, but that is the true and we cannot do anything about. As for myself I felt very happy to be able to track the roots that far.
Many years later, Salvador Cabral Valdez gave me some news: he found that Domingo Cabral was the son of Juan Cabral Rodriguez, a "gambusino" from Galicia, that arrived to the Jerez area in 1588 and married a native woman around 1600. But that is another story and I would love to get into it in a new post. Was this Juan Cabral from Galicia the origin of the tale you bring forth? We cannot discard it, but cannot assert it neither. I hope to comeback to the subject soon.
Jesús Cabral
Juan Felipe Cabral from Portugal?
Hola Jesús,
I was wondering if you had any information on Pedro Cabral from Jerez born around 1740? He married Theresa Ortiz probably around 1760. I'm guessing he's from the same family as your Cabral's but I don't have any other information.
Juan Felipe Cabral from Portugal?
I might find some, I think I recently saw some references in reviewing the Padrones of Jerez and I will go back to them to see what can I find and keep you posted Danny.
Juan Felipe Cabral from Portugal?
Thank you so much. I've been stuck on them for the longest time.
Pedro Cabral and Teresa Ortis in Balbino's register.
In response to Danny Alonso I have seen his christening record of Balbino Cabral, the son of Pedro Cabral and Teresa Ortis, and while I have not found anything that points to Pedro's parents, in this record his "padrinos" are "Meregildo" Cabral and María Isabel de la Torre and that can be an important clue. Clearly "Meregildo" is Hermenegildo, sometimes also Esmeregildo. Being Cabral clearly is a relative, maybe the brother of Pedro, an important thing is that María Isabel de la Torre is the wife of Juan Antonio Cabral Ubillos, and he had a son whose name was Hermenegildo. My hipothesis here is that Hermenegildo is the brother of Pedro Cabral and María Isabel de la Torre the mother of Pedro Cabral. There is another Hermenegildo Cabral, my direct ancestor, who was the first cousin of Juan Antonio Cabral Ubillos and this one was his "padrino" in the marriage of my Hermenegildo, I mention this just to stress the importance of the "padrinos" as clue for finding relationships. If my hipothesis is correct, Pedro was then the grandchild of Juan Cabral Rodarte, grandson of Domingo Cabral. In other words: Domingo Cabral >> Juan Cabral Pinedo >> Juan Cabral Rodarte >> Juan Antonio Cabral Ubillos >> Pedro Cabral de la Torre. More research needs to be done to confirm or discard this, but I thing is worth to consider it as plausible. Saludos.
Pedro Cabral
Wow, thank you so much. This is great information. I've only recently started doing genealogy again after a few years so it'll take me a little bit to get back into things. I do know that I think I have the records of three children but the records don't really show anything. Nothing that would point in any particular direction. But this hypothesis makes sense and I initially had this as the probable direction but now it seems even more so.
Pedro Cabral
In family search I already put Pedro Cabral as son of Juan Antonio. I know is an hipothesis but it doesn't hurt to have it there while more info appears.
Another clue: Pedro Cabral's full name was Pedro Antonio, then it makes sense with the habit of naming a son with some of the father name, in this case Juan Antonio.
Juan Felipe Cabral
If your Cabral gave origin to the Cabral name, he must've come before 1760. I have a Pedro Cabral married to Theresa Ortiz and theyre both from Jerez de Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico, but, they would've been born before your Juan Felipe Cabral probly close to 20 years before your cabral. they were born sometime in the 1740s. But i want to know about your Cabral cause if he is the first Cabral, he may be the father of my Cabral. Do you know who he was married to?
Danny C. Alonso
Juan Felipe Cabral
Yes, he was married to Josefa Saldivar in 1760 in Jerez de Garcia Salinas. So far I know they had 10 children with the names: Francisca, Juan José, Josefa María, Nepomuceno, Pantaleon (my direct ancestor), Dionicia, Castulo, and María. I also have another record that he might be related to Esmeregildo Cabral and Tomasa Hernandez, but I'm not very sure about this.
Juan Felipe Cabral
Maybe my Pedro Cabral is a brother to your Juan Felipe Cabral, because my
Pedro Cabral and Theresa Ortiz are having children in the 1760s so my Pedro
Cabral is about the same age as your Juan Felipe Cabral and theyre both
from Jerez de Garcia.
Danny C. Alonso
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 4:00 PM, wrote:
> Yes, he was married to Josefa Saldivar in 1760 in Jerez de Garcia Salinas.
> So
> far I know they had 10 children with the names: Francisca, Juan José,
> Josefa
> María, Nepomuceno, Pantaleon (my direct ancestor), Dionicia, Castulo, and
> María. I also have another record that he might be related to Esmeregildo
> Cabral and Tomasa Hernandez, but I'm not very sure about this.
Juan Felipe Cabral
Maybe! That's very interesting. Do you have any information about Pedro Cabral's parents?
Juan Felipe Cabral
no i dont know anything about him. i only have their names from the birth
of their grandaughter Maria Estafana garcia:
but if you look on family search you can see that Pedro Cabral and Theresa
Ortiz had children in the early 1760s so he has to be close in age to your
Danny C. Alonso
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 4:40 PM, wrote:
> Maybe! That's very interesting. Do you have any information about Pedro
> Cabral's parents?
Pedro Antonio Cabral and Maria Theresa Ortis
Dear Danny,
I believe that your Pedro Cabral and Theresa Ortiz is the same couple known as Pedro Antonio Cabral and Maria Theresa Ortiz.
Josefa Fausta Cabral Ortis
Gender Female
Christening Date 05 Oct 1769
Father's Name Pedro Antonio Cabral
Mother's Name Maria Teresa Ortis
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 12 December 2014), Pedro Antonio Cabral in entry for Josefa Fausta Cabral Ortis, 05 Oct 1769; citing JEREZ,JEREZ DE GARCIA SALINAS,ZACATECAS,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 439,846. Image 393 out of 491