FamilySearch currently has baptismal records until 1682 for Ayotlan. However, there are some references to there being baptismal records back until 1622. For example, this Mexican governmental site on Arandas cites research by Jose Zocimo Orozco Orozco of baptimsal records from 1622 to 1682:
Does anyone have any idea on where one could get access to those records (and if there are others i.e. burial/marriage for the same time period)?
I am particularly interested in Bartolome de Aguirre who married Michaela Mendoza/Peres/Orosco. I have found his burial record for Sep. 2, 1724, but I would like to discover where he comes from.
Several other trees have him being born in Gamiz, Spain with the last name Aguirre Echevarria, but there are no other sources for their conclusions besides a birth record of a Bartolo Aguirre in Spain at a time that could have been my Bartolome's. I don't think this is enough information for that conclusion. Further, there are at least six other Aguirres in Ayotlan at this time who I believe could be siblings of my Bartolome. This leads me to believe that he is not the Spain connection just yet, but rather that it would be his father or grandfather earlier in the 1600s.
Here is the link to the burial record, but I was not able to definitely find any information in it that would give me a hint as to where he was from. I can't decipher the underlined word in the heading to his burial entry (I don't think it says Gamiz--the city from which the baptismal record that people cite). His record is on the right page 2nd entry. You may need to play with the lighting of the picture to see it better.…
Any help is appreciated!
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I Found some Pre 1682 bapismal records for Ayotlan
I Found 20 years records of Pre 1682 bapismal records for Ayotlan exactly of the period March 4, 1662 - April 28, 1683
I'm also interested in found the origin of our ancestors Bartolome de Aguirre who married Michaela Mendoza/Peres/Orosco
The records are in the film: Mexico, Jalisco, Catholic...Church Records, 1590-1979 Ayotlán San Agustín Bautismos de hijos legítimos 1717-1726
Starting on IMAGE 174…
Gabriel E. Aguirre
I Found some Pre 1682 bapismal records for Ayotlan
Thank you Gabriel.
When I have a chance I'll make sure to go through those records and look for clues.
Common Ancestry
I descend from Bartolomé de Aguirre and María de Mendoza thru their daughter María de Aguirre y Mendoza, aka María de Mendoza who married Antonio de Vargas Machuca y Liébana on 15 Feb 1713 in Ayotlán.
For our interest, this is my line who traveled from Ayotlán to el Real y Minas de Guanajuato and then back to la Provincia de Avalos, ending up in Guadalajara.
Bartolomé de Aguirre
María de Mendoza
Andrea de Vargas Machuca
Magdalena Hernández-Gamiño
Hilario Cos y León
Joseph Cos León
Luisa Cos y León
Cor. Francisco Serrano
Gen. Juan Serrano
Luisa Serrano
Martín Méndez de Torres
Gabriel Méndez de Torres (my father)
I have always suspected these Aguirre originated in Guanajuato and are in fact "López de Aguirre" from Irapuato, Gto. However, it is only a theory.
Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino
Common Ancestry
Pleasure to meet you, Daniel. Would you mind sharing more about your theory?
partidas perdidas
Siento que en Jalostotitlan. Ayo el chico al igual que en San Francisco del Rincón faltan partidas matrimoniales y de matrimonio ya que en dispensas Valladolid hay unas transcripción de varias partidas bautismales se cambio de jurisdicción de Guadalajara a Michoacan , y en algunas partidas maatrimoniales de Aguascalientes mencionan que mandaron la fe de bautismo de San Juan de los Lagos o de Jalostotitlan para poder efectuarse el matrimonio antes de 1689 que es cuando comienzan las partidas bautismales en Jalostotitlan _san Juan
Lamentablemente no creo que se encuentren todos esos documentos tan valiosos para la genealogia Altense
partidas perdidas
Si. Pero lo interesante es la investigacion de Jose Zocimo Orosco en cual uso registros baptismales de Ayo de 1622 a 1682. Estos no estan en FamilySearch y nadamas quiero ver si alguien mas sabe como pudo el obtenerlos y como los podria yo obtener.
E tratado de conectarme con Jose (es maestro en la universidad de Guadalajara) pero no e tenido suerte.
El Cabrito
The underlined word in the margin is Cabrito, which is where Bartolomé lived with his wife. This information is also given in the text: "...ambos españoles [del] Cabrito..."
According to Google Maps, el Cabrito is located near Arandas.
I hope this helps.
Thank you!
Thank you!