Hi Everyone, My name is Elma Esparza Ramos and I am currently researching the Ruiz de Esparza surname. I am at a brick wall with Manuel Antonio Esparza who was maybe born sometimes around 1800-1810. Maybe in Zacatecas or Aguascalientes. He Married Marcelina de la Cruz. I found death records, baptisms that mentioned him and Marcelina as parents or grandparents. There are plenty of mentions of their names that mention Rio Grande, Zacatecas, Sain Alto, Zacatecas, and one family that went to San Juan de Guadalupe, Durango. Dionicio Esparza, my gggrandfather arrived in Laredo, Texas in 1880. I followed his trail from Viesca, Coahuila, Ramos Arispe Coahuila, Parras, Nuevo Leon, Sabinas Hidalgo and into Laredo, Texas. Just recently, I had my brother take a YDNA and we had one close match to a Jose Ruiz de Esparza from Monterrey. But so far, I have not been able to find Manuel Antonio's trail to lead him back to the Ruiz de Esparza's. Any input, Ideas, etc as to what my next step should be will be greatly appreciated.
Gracias y saludos a todos.
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Esparza de Aguascalientes
I've got a couple:
María de Jesús Pérez Esparza
1825 – Deceased
Juliana Esparza
1810 – Deceased
It's not much to go on.
I've got LOTS of multiples of Jesus Perez, and I've also hit a wall after these two.
Esparza marriage to Tenorio
Hello Elma, I'm new to this but had to respond to your inquiries . I'm related to Manuel Antonio Esparza through marriage of Marcelina Cruz. They had four children listed on my tree . Besides Dionisio ( 1830), they had Santa Maria Esparza born about 1836. One of their children, Herlinda Tenorio Esparza (1/10/1861) born in Rio Grande, Zacatecas married Martin Joaquin Reyes (3/31/1872) in Ojocalientes, Zac. Married on 3/1/1898 in San Juan de Guadalupe, Durango Mexico. Martin's parents were Jesus Reyes (1839) married to Rosario Amador on May 20, 1866 in Ojocalientes, Zac. My maternal lineage comes from Rosario's father, Francisco Amador married to Michaela Lopez. Also note that Manuel Antonio had a grandson by the name of Dionisio Esparza born on 04/08/1859 and died 08/22/1898 in San Juan de Guadalupe, Durango Mexico. That is as far as I had gone for now. I will do more research on this. Cecilia
Let me add that Santa Maria married Amada Tenorio (8/21/1839), her parents were Francisco Tenorio de Alva Sanchez and Ygnacia Castrellon Montelongo.
Ruiz de Esparza -Manuel Antonio Esparza
So glad to hear from someone that has my family in their tree too. I have the information that you mentioned. I dont think I had found any information on Herlinda Esparza Tenorio and its good to hear that. I will take a look at that info. Right now, I am doing extensive search in Rio Grande, Zacatecas, since this is where most of the records that I found says, they came from. So far, the Esparza's that would be close to Manuel Antonio's age all come to a halt. At least they probably were not from this area. Some of Santa Maria's children mentioned them being born in Sain Alto, so that is where I am going next. My brother's ydna matched to a Jose Luis Ruiz de Esparza and his father Rafael are from Gomez Palacio, Durango, maybe that is where we need to go. He told me that most of the esparza's do go back to this line. Thank you for your thoughts. Most of the info on family search is from me and my sister. There is another user that I think is also trying to find her Esparza family and is digging thru all the Esparza's found. I think her family goes to Olayo Esparza and Antonia Aguilar. Thank you Ms. Cecilia.
Ruiz de Esparza or Esparza
por que todo lo escribes en ingles si estamos buscando datos de nuestros antepasados en mexico y tu debes hablar español que no? saludos.
Ruiz de Esparza or Esparza
Holo Leohomo, escribo en ingles porque es mas facil para mi y ellos me contestaron en ingles. Mi primer lenguaje fue espanol, pero creci y naci en Laredo, Texas. No sabes leer el Ingles? O sera mas facil para ti el Espanol. De cual quier modo, saludos tambien.
Ruiz de Esparza
Hello Elma,
I saw your thread and thought I'd let you know that there is a Ruiz de Esparza surname in New Mexico circa early 1800, maybe late 1700s. Since the surname is not that common, maybe, there is a connection. The progenitor of the line in New Mexico appears to be a Teodoro Ruiz de Esparza and spouse, Josefa Angulo in, I believe, Santa Fe, NM. I have a distant cousin researching the surname and his brick wall is Teodoro Ruiz de Esparza. He can't go back any further.
Feel free to contact me and I'll put you in touch with mi primo.
SC Sexton
Ruiz de Esparza
Hello Stephanie,
José Teodoro Ruiz De Esparza and Maria Josefa Ángulo did have children in New Mexico. But Jose Teodoro Ruiz De Esparza was originally from Aguascalientes. Maria Josefa was originally from Toluca. The records states that there was a dispensation so there is hope that the dispensation will be found and shed more information on this couple. Jose Teodoro and María Josefa were married in Durango.
Here is their marriage record:
Here is the baptismal record of their son Manuel Ruiz De Esparza
Jose Manuel Matheo Ruis De Esparza
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 22 Jun 1817
Father's Name: Teodoro Ruis De Esparza
Mother's Name: Josefa Angulo
Dear Elma,
You have not provided information on Dionicio Ruiz De Esparza that will help connect him to his ancestors. Please provide more information. There is a Dionicio Ruiz De Esparza in Texas that was born circa 1880 to Ramon Ruiz De Esparza and Petra Lerma. Is this the same Dionicio Ruiz De Esparza that you are writing about?
Here is a census record with Dionicio Ruiz De Estrada son of Ramon and Petra:
Here are some other records with similar names but in Oaxaca at a later date than what you mentioned:
Manuel Antonio Ruiz
Spouse's Name: Ma. Marcilina Cruz
Event Date: 26 May 1847
Event Place: San Matias Jalatlaco,Jalatlaco-Oaxaca,Oaxaca,Mexico
Rick A. Ricci
Ruiz de Esparza
Dionicio Esparza is not the son of Ramon Ruiz de esparza and Petra Lerma. His father is Manuel Antonio Esparza and Maria Marcelina Cruz, there is a record for one of Dionicio's son, that was born in Sabinas Hidalgo and it mentions the grandparents as being Manuel Esparza and Marcelina Cruz. That is all that I have for him. Have not found a birth or baptism for him, no death record in Laredo, Texas, since he arrive somewhere in the 1880's. I thank you for taking the time to answer my posts and I appreciate that.
Thank You
Elma Esparza Ramos
Ruiz de Esparza
The line is getting closer to the Ruiz De Esparza in Nueva Galicia as we have now traced Manuel Antonio Esparza to Zacatecas.
María Marcelina Cruz is the daughter of Lazaro De la Cruz and Petra Contreras
Check out this family tree where you will find more sources to look for more clues.
Ruiz de Esparza
Hi R.A. Ricci
That link you just gave me is my tree. I already have that information. I will keep looking though and thank you for searching.
Ruiz de Esparza
Please let me know if you connect Manuel Esparza to the Ruiz De Esparza family in Aguascalientes.
Rick A. Ricci
Ruiz de Esparza
Hi there, I have not seen or found any families in New Mexico, but there is always a first time. I think we did have a ydna from someone in New Mexico. I would like to hear from your cousin, anytime. Thank your post reading my thread and responding. I appreciate it.
Elma Esparza Ramos
Ruiz de Esparza
I was just curious myself as I do have Ruiz de Velasco and Esparsa in my
family tree.
I did find Teodoro Ruiz de Esparza and Maria Josefa Angulo's marriage.
Teodoro originated in Aguascalientes, Mexico and Josefa originated in
Toluca, Mexico. They were married 9 September 1811, in El Sagrario
Metropolitano, Victoria de Durango, Durango, Mexico, Information found in
Mexio marriages (1570-1950) Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985, Durango,
Marriages 1796-1820, Image 328, Pg. 185, film 654842.
Esther Jordan Lopez
On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 2:35 PM wrote:
> Hi there, I have not seen or found any families in New Mexico, but there is
> always a first time. I think we did have a ydna from someone in New
> Mexico. I
> would like to hear from your cousin, anytime. Thank your post reading my
> thread and responding. I appreciate it. Elma Esparza Ramos