By gaby.barbosa |
I have all my family tree info in Family search, since it was the first site I used when I started working on my tree last year.
I am still very new at researching and learning new things constantly, thanks to this forum for example.
Now, I have considered taking this a little more seriously and want to have control of my information, so here is my question...
Which one, in your opinion is the best site to have your family tree that is not as expensive as ancestry? (I understand that building your tree in ancestry is free, but you cannot see records, unless you subscribe)
Thanks in advance for your opinions
Gaby Barbosa
Hola gaby.barbosa
I have Ancestry and it's very good, it's free and you can have it private to I have Barbosas in my family my 8th grandparents were Diego Antonio De Barbosa
1662–1715 Cocula Jalisco and Juana De Partida take care dear it's very nice to share
Opinions on sites to do your
Hi Gaby, since the beginning, I decided to use genealogy software on my computer. I've been using Rootsmagic for six years and I love it. You can try their free software here
, which is a stripped down version of the full version, but it has all the basics , so you can see if you like it. If you want to get the full version, is only 29.95 dollars.
I do all my data entry, pictures, documents, etc on my PC, then I publish it online using TNG which is software that runs on a website
it's only 32.99
Using Rootsmagic, I export my tree. It generates a gedcom file which I upload to my TNG website, then using Filezilla, I upload all the new media, and that's it.
Opinions on Sites
I use Wikitree. It's free and never goes down. Plus your information is always there and won't disappear when you stop paying like Ancestry, since Wikitree is free. My tree has been here for years:
Opinions on sites to do your
Hi Gaby,
I have also wondered what the more experienced genealogists use. I started with Ancestry because it was easier to add information, add attachments and make changes but it did get expensive to keep and I saw myself searching for documents on family search. So I cancelled my subscription with them. Now I keep it on family search but it’s not your private family tree and anyone can make changes to it. I have noticed I lost people’s names I added. I would love to see what the more experienced people use. Hopefully someone will share with us what they use.
Take Your Family Tree Offline
For full control of your tree you may want to consider buying and using a product such as RootsMagic 7 instead of using online sites.
RootsMagic 7 review
Take Your Family Tree Offline
Hi mr alavarez,
Thank you, do you use this software?
Thank you,
Take Your Family Tree Offline
For a time I did use it, yes. When I first started out a few years ago I wasn’t very organized or focused. I would research multiple lines at once and get lost, and my research was spread out across many pages of handwritten notes in manila folders, Excel files, folders of downloaded digital scans on multiple USB drives, emails, web browser bookmarks, and photocopies of texts and documents. It got to be overwhelming.
I considered building my family tree online, but just like you I wanted a great degree of control over it. I looked at various family history products before settling on RootsMagic. It was very affordable and it contained tools for analyzing my findings and for producing various types of reports and charts. At that time it was exactly what I needed to help me get organized and to make sense of my work, especially once I began working on the family trees of others. These days I don't rely on it so much, unless I start a new family history project.
I hope this helps and that you find the solution you’re looking for.
Take Your Family Tree Offline
oh my gosh that is great information and thank you for recommending it and sharing. Some of the things you mention sound like me and I’m all over the place because I’m so excited but I need to learn to focus on one family. That was great advise for us beginners. I down loaded it and it already looks easy friendly.
Many thanks,