I found a post claiming an ancestry of Regina Villaseñor Cuevas. I was am hoping for a discussion on its validity
The post is attributed to Jorge Luis Ramirez Gomez
Here it is:
"Publicado el 7 de julio de 2007 por Genealogia.org.mx
Hola Carmen, las hermanas Ana Basilia y María Margarita debieron nacer
por 1752 y 1760, en Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco.
Los Villaseñor Orozco, son descendientes de Juan de Villaseñor y
Orozco, el cual nació aprox. en 1500 en Villa Vélez, Toledo, España,
el cual casó cerca de 1532 en Huango, Michoacán, México con Catalina
Cervantes de Lara, originaria de Burguillos, España.
Sus descendientes se establecieron principalmente en Michoacán, pero,
como en la mayoría de los casos, algunos se iban a otros lugares o las
mujeres casaban con personas de pueblos y lugares cercanos. Mi
ancestro Villaseñor mas cercano a mí es Regina de la Cueva y
Villaseñor, hija de Francisco de Cuevas y Monjarás y de María de
Villaseñor y Lomelí. Regina casó con el jalostotitlense Miguel
González de Hermosillo y Camarena."
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Descent from king Henry II of England and Queen Eleanore
1). Queen of England and France, Eleanor of Aquitane (b.abt1122), (d.1/Apr/1204) + Henry II Plantagenet, King of England
2). Princess of England, Leonore Plantagenet Queen consort of Castilla (b.13/Oct/1162, d.October/1214) + Alfonso VIII "el noble", King of Castilla
3). Berenguela I "la Grande", Queen of Castilla (d.8/Nov/1246) + Alfonso IX, "el Baboso" King of León and Galicia (b.15/Aug/1171), (d.24/Sep1230)
4). Alfonso de León, Señor de Molina y Mesa (b.1202) + Teresa Perez de Braganza [mistress]
Some genealogists name Urraca’s mother as Alfonso’s 3rd wife, Mayor Alfonso de Meneses.
5). Urraca Alfonso de Molina (b.abt 1233) + Garci Gomez de Carillo, señor de Ormasa
6). Garcia de Carillo.Señor de Ormasa y Mazuelo, (b. ca. 1266) + Elvira Alvarez de Osorio
7). Juana Garcia Carillo y Álvarez Osorio + Diego Gutierrez de Ceballos
8). Elvira Alvarez de Ceballos and Fernan Perez de Ayala, IX Sr. De Ayala
9). Juana Garcia de Ayala (Aka Fernández de Ayala aka de Ayala) married in 1371 to Juan Fernández de Padilla d. 1376.
10). Pero (Pedro) Lopez de Padilla, Señor de Catalañazar y Coruña, Guarda Mayor del Rey Juan II. Pedro López de Padilla married Leonor Sarmiento, daughter of Pedro Ruiz Sarmiento, Señor de Salinas y mariscal de Castilla and Juana de Guzmán.
11).- Juan de Padilla, adelantado mayor de Castilla, murió en la primavera de 1468 (hubo reporte en Abril 1468 que había muerto). casó con Mencia Manrique De Lara, Sra. de Santa Gardea
[Juan is an older brother of Gutierre Padilla who married Leonor de Aguilar. Gutierre Padilla and Leonor Aguilar are ancestors of the Padilla Dávila family of Los Altos de Jalisco.]
12)- Ana Padilla y Manrique De Lara casó con su primo Luis Fernández de Velasco. (ancestors to many families of Los Altos de Jalisco through their daughter Ana Velasco y Padilla
13)- Ana Velasco y Padilla married Alonso de Carrillo De Peralta, I marqués de Falces (b. circa 1450
14)- Antonio de Peralta, II marqués de Falces (d.1545) 2° marqués de Falces, 4° conde de Santisteban de Lerín, señor de la baronía de Peralta, consejero de los reyes de Navarra, mayordomo mayor de la Casa real, m. 17/Dec/1514 Ana de Bosquet y Lucy, señora de Tornay, daughter of Jean (Juan) de Bosquet, barón de Pouget en Bearne, gran canciller de Navarra and. Ana de Lucy, señora de Belaire. Antonio had two children with another woman. One of these other children was also named Ana. Both Anas married sued their brother for their “dote” as it seems their father had passed away at the time of their marriages. Both these lawsuits are archived and if we could read them then we would find out which of the two Anas descends from Ana Bosquet y Lucy, and which descends from the other woman. The lawsuits may even tell us the name of the other woman. These documents are presently unavailable for review.
15)- Ana Carrillo de Peralta (Regado was part of the surname with some of the women, sometimes it is spelled a little differently but lost my notes with the other spelling) married Pedro de Yanguas, regidor perpetuo de la ciudad de Logroño.
16)- Ana Carillo De Peralta (named after her mother) married Geronimo Lopez “el mozo” (born in 1537) (Tesorero Real y Regidor, takes the position as his father), [son of Geronimo Lopez “el viejo” (b.1488, d. 1949 while on a ship returning to Spain) (Also Tesorero Real y Regidor), and his second wife, Catalina Alvarez De Cabrera (descendant of the house of David; she has an ancestor that is a sister of a famous Jewish theologian that became an even more famous Catholic Theologian.] Ana Carillo Peralta is Geronimo el mozo’s second of three wives.
17)- María Peralta Mendoza marries Diego Coria, Maria becomes a widow at an early age and becomes a nun before her father writes his will.
18)- There may be an extra generation here as there is some confusion as to whether #19 is the son or grandson of #18.
19)- Manuel Coria Peralta m. ca. 1630 to Catalina Lomelin (bap. 17/May/1607) (daughter of Luciano (Luis) Lomelin and Maria Del Olmo
20)- Bernarda Lomelin Peralta (bap. 25/Oct/1632) Chilchota, Michoacan m. José de Villaseñor y Figueroa
21)- María De Villaseñor y Lomelin m. Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal y Monjarás (son of de Don Pedro de Cuevas y Carvajal y de Doña Josepha de Solís y Monjarás)
22)- Regina Villaseñor de la Cueva m. to Miguel De Hermosillo (aka Miguel Gonzalez De Hermosillo, aka Miguel Munoz De Hermosillo)
RIck A. Ricci
Source: my book Mygenes2000
Two daughters from different mothers named Ana
Here are two interesting court cases that may shed light on the ancestry of Pedro Yanguas and on the identity of the mother of Ana Carillo De Peralta Regada and of her half sister Ana De Peralta
First Case:
* Serie: Procesos judiciales. Ochoa-Sentenciados
* Fechas: 1547.01.28 - 1547.08.12
* Lugar:
* Contenido: Pedro de Yanguas, regidor perpetuo de la ciudad de Logroño, y Ana Carrillo de Peralta, su mujer, contra Gaston de Peralta, marques de Falces, sobre entrega de 2.000 ducados de dote ofrecidos en el testamento de Alfonso Carrillo de Peralta, marques de Falces.
Second case:
Serie: Procesos judiciales. Solano-Pendientes
Fechas: 1547.12.02 - 1553.12.31
Contenido: Ana de Peralta, mujer de Tristan de Mauleon, señor de Traibuenas y Rada, contra Gaston de Peralta, su hermano, marques de Falces, sobre pago de 10.000 ducados de dote.
342 Folios
Referencia ES/NA/AGN/F017/086296
I would assume that the larger dote is for the legitimate daughter Ana, and the smaller dote for the illegitimate daughter Ana but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes the illegitimate children are given more.
Rick A. Ricci,
source: my book Mygenes2000
Regina Villaseñor deCuevas’s royal ancestry through Peralta
Regina Villaseñor de la Cuevas’s descent from royalty through her Peralta ancestors.
A few notes labeled A through H before the tree.
Note A.
A small minority claim that García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra are the parents of “Mosén Pierres de Peralta “el Viejo”.
Many people claim that 2.”Mosén Pierres de Peralta, el Viejo” was the illegitimate son of Charles II De Navarro d’ Evereaux.
Both are mistaken as their is an extra generation which shows that Mosen Pierre De Peralta “el Viejo” (Pedro Perez de Peralta) is a grandson of both García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra and king Carlos II “el malo” and queen Juana De Francia
Note B
Geronimo Lopez “el Mozo” and his wife, Ana Carillo de Peralta came from the upper high class. Their immediate descendants married into other upper high class society like the Villaseñor, Lomelin, Santiago, Ovande, Alvarez Nuñez, Rivadeneyra, and Cervantes families to name some of them.
Note C
The Diego Coria III that marries a daughter of Geronimo Lopez el Mozo and his wife, Ana Carillo De Peralta, is a descendant, but not a son, of Conquistador Diego Coria I
Note D
I was only going to post a line of descent without any stories but decided to give a glimpse of the many stories to go along with this family tree. One of the stories involve the French civil war between descendants of the same woman, but from different fathers. She was forced to separate from her first husband because they were too closely related. It was mainly because of jealousy and politics that there was a complaint. Since she was forced to separate from her husband, she marries marries a second husband and has more children. Then the jealousy and politics really come to a boiling point as now she is being accused of bigamy by the people who said that her first marriage wasn’t valid. She provided for separate inheritances of the two families, but eventually her descendants are involved in a big civil war that involves much of France. There are many other interesting stories like a Frenchman being held prisoner in London by his distant cousin, the Black Prince Of England. While he was under lock and key, he played chess and socialized with his distant cousin. There is also a connection that contributes to France backing Enrique II in its civil war between King Pedro the Cruel of Castilla and his half brother, Enrique II.
Note E
One of the ancestors, the Cardinal, is deeply involved in the politics in Castilla. He becomes a big enemy of King Ferdinand II of Aragon, the Catholic King..
Note F
Many of these people have multiple marriages, but I tried to only list the spouses that are the biological parents.
Note G
There are many lines of ancestry to kings of France, Navarra, Castilla, Leon, and England.
Note H
This Villaseñor line that Regina descends from is related to a Villaseñor D' Avalos line. Regina’s maternal grandfather, Jose de Villaseñor Figueroa, was married twice . Through his first marriage to Maria Delgadilla y Bocanegra D'avalos you have a line of descent that used Villaseñor D'avalos. Regina Villaseñor descends from the second marriage so she doesn't have D'avalos in her ancestry.
Regina Villaseñor de la Cuevas’s descent from royalty through her Peralta ancestors.
1. Charles II the bad Rey De Navarra and Juana De Francia o De Valois
2. Pierre de Nabarra Evreux, conde de Mortain (b. 31/Mar/1366, Évreux, Eure, Normandy, France; d. 29/July/1412) with Mistress Ana Martinez De Peralta (daughter of García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra) Pierre is married to another woman.
3. Pierre Perez De Peralta, señor De Aldonsilla, (known as “Mossen (Monsegneur) Pierre” [consejero real] Aka “Mosén Pierres de Peralta “el Viejo”. In 1416 he is named "ricohombre” in Navarra. Acting ambassador in París (1398, 1404, 1408 y 1409) in the conflict between the "armagnacs" y "borgoñones". Ambassador in Castilla (1412) and Aragón (1413 - 1414), ] ( He is often confused with his father, situation which repeats with his son “el menor or el joven”) [el mozo is more often reserved for “junior” and el menor or el joven is more often used for the third in line with similar names, ] He is married to Juana Ezpeleta y Garro, ( daughter of Ogier de Garo y Chatillon and Juana Ezpleta y Echauz, señora De Ezpleta)
4. Pedro, Mosen Pierres “el Joven” de Peralta y Ezpeleta, conde de santisteban. He is often confused with his father as he continued his father’s work as key advisor to the king of Navarra. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/MosenPierresFoto.JPG. First marriage: 27/Dec/1440 in “el Palacio Real de Olite” with Ana de Brabante, illegitimate daughter of Antonio de Borgoña. Aka Antonio De Brabante, duque de Brabante, Lothier y Limburgo, conde de Rethel,
5. Juana Peralta Regado m 22/Nov1467 with Troilo (o Zoilo) Carrillo (conde de Augusta, in Italy, illegitimate son of Cardenal Alonso Carrillo de Acuña
6. Alonso de Carrillo De Peralta, I marqués de Falces (b. circa 1450, married first wife Ana Velasco y Padilla ( daughter of Luis Fernandez De Velasco y Manrique De Lara and Ana De Padilla y Manrique De Lara.
7. Antonio de Peralta, II marqués de Falces (d.1545) 2° marqués de Falces, 4° conde de Santisteban de Lerín, señor de la baronía de Peralta, consejero de los reyes de Navarra, mayordomo mayor de la Casa real, m. 17/Dec/1514 Ana de Bosquet y Lucy, señora de Tornay, daughter of Jean (Juan) de Bosquet, barón de Pouget en Bearne, gran canciller de Navarra and. Ana de Lucy, señora de Belaire. Antonio had two children with another woman. One of these other children was also named Ana. The two Anas married and both sued their brother for their “dote” as it seems their father had passed away at the time of their marriages. Both these lawsuits are archived and if we could read them then we would find out which of the two Anas descends from Ana Bosquet y Lucy, and which descends from the other woman. The lawsuits may even tell us the name of the other woman. These documents are presently unavailable for review.
8. Ana Carrillo de Peralta (Regado was part of the surname with some of the women, sometimes it is spelled a little differently but lost my notes with the other spelling) married Pedro de Yanguas, regidor perpetuo de la ciudad de Logroño.
9. Ana Carillo De Peralta (named after her mother) married Geronimo Lopez “el mozo” (born in 1537) (Tesorero Real y Regidor, takes the position as his father), [son of Geronimo Lopez “el viejo” (b.1488, d. 1949 while on a ship returning to Spain) (Also Tesorero Real y Regidor), and his second wife, Catalina Alvarez De Cabrera (descendant of the house of David; she has an ancestor that is a sister of a famous Jewish theologian that became an even more famous Catholic Theologian.] Ana Carillo Peralta is Geronimo el mozo’s second of three wives.
10. María Peralta Regado Mendoza marries Diego Coria, Maria becomes a widow at an early age and becomes a nun before her father writes his will.
11. There may be an extra generation here as there is some confusion as to whether #12 is the son or grandson of #10.
12. Manuel Coria Peralta Regado m. ca. 1630 to Catalina Lomelin (bap. 17/May/1607) (daughter of Luciano (Luis) Lomelin and Maria Del Olmo
13: Bernarda Lomelin Peralta (bap. 25/Oct/1632) Chilchota, Michoacan m. José de Villaseñor y Figueroa
14. María De Villaseñor y Lomelin m. Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal y Monjarás (son of de Don Pedro de Cuevas y Carvajal y de Doña Josepha de Solís y Monjarás)
15. Regina Villaseñor de la Cueva m. to Miguel De Hermosillo (aka Miguel Gonzalez De Hermosillo, aka Miguel Munoz De Hermosillo)
In some family trees that I have seen in secondary sources Regina De Cueva Villaseñor and Ynes Cueva Villaseñor are sisters and not the same person. They are both daughters of María De Villaseñor y Lomelin and Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal y Monjarás
Rick A. Ricci, source: my book: Mygenes2000
Looking for confirmation of
The discussion of this line has moved to another thread:
Regina Ines Villaseñor
1). Alfonso Fernandez Villaseñor and Elvira Osórez (daughter of Fernando Osórez maestro de Santiago)
2). Fernan A. Villaseñor and Aldonza Gutierrez de Tapia
3). Diego Villaseñor alcaide de Segovía married to Maria Serones (Seron)(Seronis)
4). Juan Villaseñor Serones and Elvira de Tovar y Enriquez de Castilla
5). Diego de Villaseñor-Tovar and Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor
6). Diego Villaseñor-Tovar"de Burgos" and Guiomar de Orosco y Sandoval
7). Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco and Catalina Cervantes y Lara de Andrada
8). Francisco de Villaseñor y Cervantes and Leonora Gasca y Reus
9). Miguel de Villaseñor Orosco and Maria de Figueroa y Bañuelos
10). José de Villaseñor Figueroa and 2nd wife, Bernarda de Lomelí y Peralta
11). María de Villaseñor y Lomelín and Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal
12). Regina Ines Villaseñor Cuevas (aka Cuevas Villaseñor) was born about 1670. She died prior to April 5, 1720.. She was married to Miguel de Hermosillo (aka Miguel Gonzalez de Hermosillo aka Miguel Muñoz de Hermosillo)
Regina Villaseñor Cuevas ( cuevas Villaseñor)
It is tempting to just accept Jorge's statement since genealogist Enrique Carvajal Ayala has done extensive work on this line. But the goal is the truth so it is important to question the existence of two marriage records of Regina/ Ines Villaseñor de Cuevas to a Gonzalez de Hermosillo. Jaime Holcombe stated that the marriage record of 2/Feb/1689 was with Miguel Gonzalez the Hermosillo. The person who indexed the record typed in Luis de Ermo (Hermosillo). I haven't been able to find the record to see what says. The second record does name the groom as Miguel yet here the bride is Ines
Rick A. Ricci
Regina Villaseñor Cuevas ( cuevas Villaseñor)
I have been working on the genealogical tree of my son's mother and found as his ancestors Regina de la Cueva Villaseñor married to Miguel de Hermosillo Camarena in La Barca in february 1689, a daughter of them, Isabel de Hermosillo Cueva (1706-1736) married to Joaquín Gutierrez Laris in 1723 is in the ancestry line (8° grade) of my son. I found this today and realized it may be related to the subject of this thread. Anyway, I am going to go into it in more detail.
Reginas marriage record
Here is where Reginas record is supposed to be according to Jaime Holcombe but my eyes are too tired and I can't find it.
Regina De La Cueva I Villasr.
mentioned in the record of Luis ... De Ermo and Regina De La Cueva I Villasr.
Name Luis ... De Ermo
Spouse's Name Regina De La Cueva I Villasr.
Event Date 02 Feb 1689
Event Place La Barca,Jalisco,Mexico
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JC84-CSQ : 15 July 2015), Luis ... De Ermo and Regina De La Cueva I Villasr., 02 Feb 1689; citing La Barca,Jalisco,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 281,070.
Jorge states that Regina is also known as Ines. The problem with this is that there is another record with an Ines De la Cueba y Villaseñor marrying a Miguel de Hermosillo from Jalostotitlan. In this record she is the daughter of Francisco de la Cueva and Maria Villaseñor. Why are there two marriage records if they are the same person.
Ines De La Cueba Y Villasenor
mentioned in the record of Miguel De La Ermosillo and Ines De La Cueba Y Villasenor
Name Miguel De La Ermosillo
Spouse's Name Ines De La Cueba Y Villasenor
Event Date 21 Nov 1694
Event Place San Agustin, Ayo El Chico, Jalisco, Mexico
Spouse's Father's Name Fransisco De La Cueba
Spouse's Mother's Name Maria De Villasenor
Image 37 out of 109, film 280818 (Ayotlan)
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JHGY-87N : 14 July 2015), Miguel De La Ermosillo and Ines De La Cueba Y Villasenor, 21 Nov 1694; citing San Agustin, Ayo El Chico, Jalisco, Mexico, reference 2:26WLMS0; FHL microfilm 280,814.
Here a re a few baptismal records
Regina De Cueva Villa Senor
mentioned in the record of Joseph Ermos Cueva
Name Regina De Cueva Villa Senor
Gender Female
Husband Miguel De Ermos
Son Joseph Ermos Cueva
Name Joseph Ermos Cueva
Gender Male
Christening Date 12 Oct 1690
Christening Place , LA BARCA, JALISCO, MEXICO
Father's Name Miguel De Ermos
Mother's Name Regina De Cueva Villa Senor
CITING THIS RECORD image 35 out of 414, film 281015
No grandparents listed
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NK7G-H9J : 12 December 2014), Regina De Cueva Villa Senor in entry for Joseph Ermos Cueva, 12 Oct 1690; citing , LA BARCA, JALISCO, MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 281,015.
Regina De La Cueva
mentioned in the record of Joseph Migl. Ermosillo Cueva
Name Regina De La Cueva
Gender Female
Husband Migl. De Ermosillo
Son Joseph Migl. Ermosillo Cueva
Name Joseph Migl. Ermosillo Cueva
Gender Male
Christening Date 11 May 1710
Father's Name Migl. De Ermosillo
Mother's Name Regina De La Cueva
Image 79 out of 372, film 279254
No grandparents listed, padrinos are Francisco Hermosillo and Antonia M. De la Barba
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NK9B-8WT : 2 January 2015), Regina De La Cueva in entry for Joseph Migl. Ermosillo Cueva, 11 May 1710; citing NUESTRA SENORA DE LA ASUNCION,JALOSTOTITLAN,JALISCO,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 279,254.
Name Regina De Cuebas
Gender Female
Husband Migl. De Hermosillo
Daughter Ysabel Hermosillo Cuebas
Name Ysabel Hermosillo Cuebas
Gender Female
Christening Date 25 May 1706
Father's Name Migl. De Hermosillo
Mother's Name Regina De Cuebas
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NK9B-Q2F : 2 January 2015), Regina De Cuebas in entry for Ysabel Hermosillo Cuebas, 25 May 1706; citing NUESTRA SENORA DE LA ASUNCION,JALOSTOTITLAN,JALISCO,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 279,253.
Discussion not confirmation
By mistake I wrote confirmation on the title. I am hoping for a conversation on Reginas parents as I had them as Francisco Villaseñor Cuevas and Maria Lomelin which is different than what is in that post. The father that I have for Francisco is a close relative to the one in Jorge's post. I did not put a source in my notes but I believe that the source may have been Jaime Holcombe. I do descend from the Villaseñor from other lines but those lines are complete. This is my only Villaseñor line that I still question. I forgot to write the source down of the information in my notes.
Rick A. Ricci