I have located the will of Diego Vallin, husband of Francisca Ruis de Esparza, dated October 1679.
This will is in the Archives of Aguascalientes at http://sigue.aguascalientes.gob.mx/AXWeb/Main.aspx?DataSource=APPXTENDER (use search parameter *Vallin to find it).
It is somewhat difficult for me to read, but I think it has the following information:
Diego was the son of Geronmio Vallin and Dona Francisca de Carara (I'm not sure about her last name), and married (1) Dona Mariana de Sandia, daughter of Juan Marin de Penalosa and Dona Maria de Sandi. They had two children
(1) Dona Francisca de Herrera who married Andres de Sandoval
(2) Bartholome Vallin, apparently unmarried and of age 21 or 22
Diego married (2) Francisca de Esparza daughter of Salvador de Esparza and Maria de Vielma. They have two children under the age of 14
(1) Nicolas
(2) Antonia
I can find no reference to children of Francisca de Esparza by her first husband.
Armando and Jaime: perhaps you can get more information from it.
George Fulton
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Nicolas Ballin
Hi there,
By any chance would you have any information on my ancestor Nicolas Ballin who married Victoria De Sotomayor who married in Aguascalientes in 1663?
Francisca Ruis de Esparsa and Francisco de Alvarado
Hello everyone,
This is my first post to Nuestros believe it or not, but I have huge questions and hope you can help. My 9th great grandparents are Francisco de Albarado/Alvarado and Francisca Ruis de Esparsa who were married on 01 November 1675 in El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Mexico. I have their marriage record which states no parents. I have tried to find the informational marriage record but am having trouble.
Does anyone know how Francisca fits into the Ruis y de Esparsa family? Also does anyone know Francisco Albarado's family?
Norberto Menchaca Morales III
Diego Vallin, husband of Francisca Ruis de Esparza
Hi George,
The names read Diego Vallin son of Geronimo Vallin and Francisca de Herrera. There seems to be a connection with the grandmother and grandaughter in this case. Now I am wondering who are the parents of Geronimo Vallin and Francisca de Herrera. Would you happen to have more info on this Andres Sandoval (Sandoval Moscoso?).
George, Armando, Jaime, Daniel, and all
I'm still confused about this Vallin family, and have several questions and some additions:
Re marriage entry of Domingo Yriarte and Francisca de Esparza, in the margin she is called Isabel, in the body she is Francisca. Does this make a difference? Is it a mistake or is there another sister named Isabel?
Re children of Diego Vallin and Mariana de Sandi:
Could Dona Francisca de Herrera be the same person as Fransisca Valli, bap Sep 1639?
(Fran.ca. hija de Diego Valli and Maria de Sandi, in Bau Ags Ags 1616-1660, Image 85). Or this is a different family altogether?
Their son Bartolome was baptized 3 Oct 1656, in Ags.
(Bartolome, esp, hijo de Diego Balli y Mariana de Sandi, bap Oct 1656, Image 210).
Bartolome married Teresa Nunes; their son Visente Anastasio was baptized in Aguas also. (Visente Anastacio, esp, hl de Bartolome Valli y Teresa Nunes, bap 13 Mar 1685, Ags, 1684-1691, Image 24).
Diego Vallin and Francisca de Esparza's daughter, Petra, was born about 1666.
Petra, esp, 7 years old, hija lexitima de Diego Vallin y Francisca Ruis Esparsa, died in Ags, 28 May 1673 (Ags, Sag, Def, 1620-1701, Image 129)
Gloria Delgado
Vallin Families
This family is somewhat complex.
First of all, the name can be spelled Vallin or Ballin, as well as Valli or Balli.
There are possibly two distinct Vallin families, that where Diego s/o Geronimo is the founder, and that of Nicolas Vallin. I do not know if Diego and Nicolas are related.
Diego Vallin had two wives (Maria de Sandi and Francisca de Esparza), and Francisca de Esparza had two husbands (Domingo de Iriarte and Diego Vallin; to complicate thing further, Domingo had another wife, Maria de Anso y Telles).
In the marginal entry for the Domingo de Iriarte marriage, I think "Ysabel" is an error, and the body of the record is correct. There is no matrimonial investigation to corroborate this, but this is the only instance of the name "Ysabel" that I am aware of in this family.
Francisca de Esparza, d/o Salvador (we know this from more than one source), was baptized in 10 Feb 1625, so she can't be the Francisca baptized in 1639, this is just too much of a time difference.
Teresa Nunes is also known as Teresa Vasquez.
I'm in the process putting together all that I've found on these families, but it is not yet complete.
Rose Hardy, in her book on the San Gabriel Families, has a fair amount of information on Nicolas Vallin and his descendants.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
Vallin Families
Hi George,
Now my interest has really been sparked. As you may know there has been much speculation about the Vallín family in the past. From my understanding all the Vallín descend from Lic. Juan Bautista de Vallín who married María de Estrada on 25 Feb 1601 in Guadalajara. He was the son of Pierre or Pedro Vallín and Catalina del Valle. María de Estrada was daughter of Diego López de la Cruz and Bernardina de Estrada. There was a genealogist in Lagos de Moreno, who stated the Vallín are somehow tied with a Bailey family somewhere near Alasia, France or Germany. This is where I refuse to believe until I see documented proof, Juan Bautista Vallín son of Juan Bautista or Jean Baptiste Vailey or Bailey of Frankfurt, Germany and Catalina Rodríguez. I never took this into consideration, because I never found proof of this. Many people try to connect certain lines to those of French or German people. Even though, there are a handful of French families that made a name for themselves in Mexico, not too many existed around this time period.
Forgive me if I repeat this information or if you have it already, but several months ago I found researching in the Guadalajara record the baptisms of several of the early Vallín all children of Juan Bautista Vallín and María de Estrada. It appears this family is very well connected in Mexico City and Guadalajara, so some movement occurred between the two cities.
María López de la Cruz b. 8 Sep 1609 in Guadalajara who married Lázaro Martín del Campo.
Francisca de Vallín b. 20 Nov 1617 in Asunción, Ciudad de México who married Salvador Ruiz de Esparza, hijo.
Bernardina de Vallín b. 16 Dec 1624 in Asunción.
Juan de Vallín b. 3 Nov 1604 in Guadalajara
Catalina de Vallín b. 3 Mar 1602 in Guadalajara
Ana de Vallín b. 10 May 1627 in Asunción.
Mariana de Vallín b. 4 Sep 1607 in Guadalajara.
We do know however Pedro de Vallín or Pierre Vallín and Catalina del Valle did in fact exist because they baptize a daughter in Asunción, Mexico City.
Francisca de Vallín b. 9 Nov 1592 who later marries in the same parish on 18 Feb 1629 to Diego García Caballero.
Could you please elaborate on the Nicolás Vallín and his family, I am not sure which Nicolás you are referring to. Also, excuse my ignorance, but I cannot find a Gerónimo Vallín as father of Diego. I have Diego married to María de Sandi and Francisca Ruiz de Esparza as son of that previously stated Lic. Juan Bautista Vallín and María de Estrada.
I found an error in the genealogy I have for these Francisca Ruiz de Esparza. I agree with you about Francisca Ruiz de Esparza as daughter of Salvador Ruiz de Esparza and María de Biedma who married Domingo de Yriarye and Diego de Vallín. I also had the same Francisca married a third time to Nicolás Durán Duque of Nochistlán married on 5 Mar 1669 in Nochistlán. I later calculated it was highly unlikely due to the history and time period of her producing children in her sixties. My question is which Francisca Ruiz de Esparza married to Nicolás Durán. Who was she the daughter of?
As you may know Nicolás Durán and Francisca Ruiz de Esparza instituted the Durán-Ruiz de Esparza family of Nochistlán. This surname was very well used up until the early XIX century. Their descedentants quickly married into families such as Cervantes-Negrete, Castanedo y Ceballos, Xáuregui, Huerta, González de Ruvalcaba, Ruiz de Esparza, Ramírez-Rosales, González Bermejo and Flores Alatorre. I descend through the Flores Alatorre-Durán Ruiz de Esparza connection.
I have done tremendous research on the Tellez-Rivera and Anso families, whom I also descend of. There is a mayorazgo that is connected with them and have ties to Zacatecas, Mexico and conquistadores.
Daniel Méndez Camino
Santa Clara, California
Francisca Ruiz de Esparza
Hello everyone, I know this is an old post, but were any of you able to find out who Francisca Ruiz de Esparza's parents were. I hit a wall on this one.
I am referring to the one married to Nicolas Duran. I know she cannot be the one mentioned born in 1625, because Francisca was having children up to 1684 (Ysabel Duran 03/30/1684-Nochistlan) with her husband Nicolas Duran. She would have been in her sixties and that does not add up.
I found her "defuncion" record 9/01/1692 Nochistlan, and her marriage record from Aguascalientes on 3/05/1669. Neither one mentions parents name.
If anyone has a clue of her parents please let me know.
Thank You
Ruben Rojas
Francisca Ruiz de Esparza
I have not been able to identify her parents. There is no matrimonial information for her that I have seen.
Perhaps there is a dispensation that names her: a check of Claudia's Guadalajara Dispensations may be fruitful where she might be named as an ancestor of the bride or groom.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
Origen francés de Pedro Balli
Hola a todos:
Pedro Balli fue además de impresor intérprete de la lengua francesa, lo que ha hacho presumir su origen francés, pero nació en Salamanca España hijo de Juan Bautista Balli y Catalina Rodríguez, pasó a Nueva España por orden de 15 de julio de 1569, dejó cinco hijos: Jerónimo que era impresor heredó la imprenta pero vivió poco tiempo, tres hijas que quedaron bajo el resguardo del otro hijo: el Licenciado Juan Bautista Balli que escribió un memorial de su familia. Dicho Juan Bautista es el que pasó a Nueva Galicia. Una de las fuentes es la siguiente:
Hay otro libro sobre la imprenta en México que refiere las desventuras de la viuda de Pedro, Catalina del Valle y de su hijo Jerónimo cuyos datos trataré de localizar. Un tercer libro que se encuentra en versión PDF sobre los herederos de ésta familia es el siguiente:
Juan Bautista Balli
Thank you/Gracias por la informacion!
Juan Bautista Balli
Pedro Vailli estudio en Salamanca y también en Strasbourg. Esa parte de Francia ha sido parte de Alemania y Pedro tiene raíces de los dos países. Por ahora no voy a discutir donde nació Pedro, pero en su joventud le decían Pierre y Pietro. El hablaba cinco idiomas y tiene antepasados de Francia, Alemania, Italia, y España.
Rick A. Ricci
There are clues as to whether or not the name Isabel was a mistake based on
dates of marriages and baptisms of the children, the dispensas, and the will
of Diego Vallín.
1. Francisca married Diego Vallin at an advanced age of 42 years. Meaning
she most likely married previously and that would have been to Domingo de
2. The dispensa tells us Juana was a daughter of Francisca and granddaughter
of Salvador Ruiz de Esparza.
3. The matrimonial investigation of Juana states she was 18 in 1678 meaning
her birth year was about 1660. Three years before Nicolás Vallín is reported
to have been born and four years before Diego Vallín and Francisca married.
4. Juana is not reported as a living child in the will of Diego Vallín,
which was written while she was alive. Therefore, her father would have been
from Francisca's first marriage or out of wedlock.
5. In the marriage entry of Diego Vallin and Francisca Ruiz de Esparza it is
stated "no estan velados" Victoriano Navarro has informed us they did not do
this for second marriages.
6. As George has stated Isabel is not found in any other document.
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:40 AM, wrote:
> George, Armando, Jaime, Daniel, and all
> I'm still confused about this Vallin family, and have several questions and
> some additions:
> Re marriage entry of Domingo Yriarte and Francisca de Esparza, in the
> margin she is called Isabel, in the body she is Francisca. Does this make a
> difference? Is it a mistake or is there another sister named Isabel?
> Diego Vallin and Francisca de Esparza's daughter, Petra, was born about
> 1666.
> Petra, esp, 7 years old, hija lexitima de Diego Vallin y Francisca Ruis
> Esparsa, died in Ags, 28 May 1673 (Ags, Sag, Def, 1620-1701, Image 129)
> Gloria Delgado
Diego Vallin, husband of Francisca Ruis de Esparza
Diego Vallin and Francisca de Esparza had at least another child, a girl named Petra, who died as an infant and was burried 28 May 1673.
Jaime Alvarado
Thank you for this.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
Diego Vallin, husband of Francisca Ruis de Esparza
Hi George,
This is a huge find for all of us. I have not had too much time to investigate all the testamentos I would like, but every now and then information such as this creates more and more curiosity. Especially, this case with all these Francisca Ruiz de Esparza. One thing is for sure. The daughter of Salvador ruiz de Esparza and Maria de Vielma, Francisca Ruiz de Esparza married Diego Vallin.
Diego Vallin was son of Jeronimo Vallin and Francisca de Herrera, surely a relative of the other Herrera around there, not sure how. He married Mariana Carrillo de Sandi daughter of Capt. Juan Marin de Penalosa and Da. Maria Carrillo de Sandi.
Their kids Da. Drancisca de Herrera who married Andres Vasquez de Sandoval y Moscoso and Bartolome Vallin. Then he marries Francisca ruiz de Esparza and has two more kids Nicolas Vallin and the latter Antonia de Esparza.
I still have issues with the other Francisca de Esparza who married Domingo de Yriarte.
The Vallin genealogy still needs to be further and professionally researched by true genealogist. I have seen to many errors, etc. Although Vallin is of French origin and seems to spead into Spain and England around the XVI century.
Let's go to work,
Daniel Mendez Camino
Diego Vallin, husband of Francisca Ruis de Esparza
Daniel, Jaime and George,
It is more than likely that the two Francisca's are the same, meaning there
is no "other" Francisca. In the marriage entry of Francisca de Esparza to
Domingo de Iriarte it states she is the daughter of Salvador de Esparza and
Maria de Vielma.
that we have the will of Diego Vallin we know that his wife Francisca
was also the daughter of Salvador de Esparza and Maria de Vielma. We only
know of one daughter of Salvador de Esparza named Francisca. Since Juana de
Esparza, for whom this part of the investigation is really about, isn't
named in the will of Diego Vallín we can assume she was from the first
marriage of Francisca. We also know that Francisca, the daughter of Salvador
de Esparza, was baptized 16 February 1625 meaning she was 42 years old when
she married Diego Vallín on 24 February 1667 and is uncommon for a woman to
remain single until that age. Therefore, she most likely had been married
previously and that brings us back to the marriage of Domingo de Iriarte and
Francisca de Esparza on 8 March 1649 when she would have been 24. The normal
age for a woman to marry. Since the dispensa states Juana de Esparza was a
granddaughter of Juana de Esparza and daughter of Francisca de Esparza that
only leaves Domingo de Iriarte to be the father of Juana based on all of the
documents and dates that we have available.
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 3:01 AM, Daniel Mendez de Torres <
mendezdetorres@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi George,
> This is a huge find for all of us. I have not had too much time to
> investigate all the testamentos I would like, but every now and then
> information such as this creates more and more curiosity. Especially, this
> case with all these Francisca Ruiz de Esparza. One thing is for sure. The
> daughter of Salvador ruiz de Esparza and Maria de Vielma, Francisca Ruiz de
> Esparza married Diego Vallin.
> Diego Vallin was son of Jeronimo Vallin and Francisca de Herrera, surely a
> relative of the other Herrera around there, not sure how. He married Mariana
> Carrillo de Sandi daughter of Capt. Juan Marin de Penalosa and Da. Maria
> Carrillo de Sandi.
> Their kids Da. Drancisca de Herrera who married Andres Vasquez de Sandoval
> y Moscoso and Bartolome Vallin. Then he marries Francisca ruiz de Esparza
> and has two more kids Nicolas Vallin and the latter Antonia de Esparza.
> I still have issues with the other Francisca de Esparza who married Domingo
> de Yriarte.
> The Vallin genealogy still needs to be further and professionally
> researched by true genealogist. I have seen to many errors, etc. Although
> Vallin is of French origin and seems to spead into Spain and England around
> the XVI century.
> Let's go to work,
> Daniel Mendez Camino
Diego Vallin, husband of Francisca Ruis de Esparza
From your last communication it appears that you think that Francisca Ruiz Esparza married to Diego Vallin is not the same person as the Francisca married to Domingo de Iriarte. Yet, in the marriage of Francisca to Domingo, 8 march 1649, Aguascalientes, her parents are listed as "Salbador de Esparsa y Maria de Bielma", the same parents you are giving for the Francisca married to Diego Vallin. I am confused.
Jaime Alvarado