Hola prim@s,
This is the 10 Jul 1607 testamento of Beatriz Lopez de Fuenllana, widow of Alonso de Robalcava:
Testamento de Beatriz Lopez de Fuenllana
She identifies her parents as Juan de Baeça and Ysabel Perez, vecinos de Patzcuaro, and her legitimate children as (in order that she names them):
- Mateo de Robalcava
- Alonso de Robalcava
- Francisco Gonzalez (ya difunto, cc Ana de la Paz en Ciudad de Mexico)
- Fulgencio Gonzalez
- Mariana Gonzalez cc Martin Peres
- Beatriz Lopez cc Lorenço Marques
- Ysabel de Todos Los Santos monja profesa, convento de Nra Señora de Gracia
- Francisca de San Clemente monja profesa, convento de Nra Señora de Gracia
- Ursula Gonzalez cc Gabriel Lopes
- Maria Gonzalez cc Pedro de Huerta
She says, when she and Alonso married, neither brought anything into the marriage, I guess, meaning she received no dote. She also explains that when their sons married, they gave them nothing, but their daughters received cartas de dote, including the 2 who entered the convent.
While scrounging through the archives of the Inquisicion in Mexico, I located 2 procesos against her brother, Fray Diego de Fuenllana, both for “solicitar” (i.e. seducing women in his congregation). The first on 03 Jan 1583:
Proceso contra Fray Diego de Fuenllana 1583
And again 10 Jul 1617:
Proceso contra Fray Diego de Fuenllana 1617
The 1583 proceso gives info about Fray Diego’s birth - he was born in Cuyseo (Cuitzeo), Mich, around 1546. It also includes a partial limpieza de sangre (image 125):
He says his father, Juan de Baeça was natural de Patzcuaro, where he served as magistrato. As for his mother, Ysabel Perez, I can’t make out the name of her birthplace. Anybody?
Unfortunately, he never knew his grandparents, so he didn’t know their names, except for his maternal grandmother: BEATRIZ DE TORRES. The missing piece! She would be the wife of conquistador Francisco de Santaella, I can’t make out the name of her birthplace. He also names a brother of his mother, Diego del Castillo, minero en el Fresnillo.
Fray Diego names his siblings and the spouses of his sisters. This is the family group of Juan Lopez de Baeza and Ysabel Perez de Santaella, in the order that Fray Diego names them. I’ll list him first, since I don’t know his place, only his age:
- Fray Diego de Fuenllana, b. 1546
- Fray Gaspar de Baeza, Fraile de San Agustin
- Miguel Lopez de Fuenllana (looks like “en Peru”? Anybody?
- Juan Lopez de Fuenllana, mynas de Chiametla? Anybody?
- Catalina Lopez de Fuenllana muger de Alo de Lupiana en la Villa de Çamora
- Beatriz Lopez muger de Alo de Robalcava en el Nuevo Reyno de Galicia
- Ysabel del Castillo muger de “Orozco”? en Çamora
- Francisca Lopez muger Alo de Vargas en Çamora
- Petronila Lopez muger de Cristobal Ramirez en Çamora
We finally have the name of Francisco de Santaella’s wife, Beatriz de Torres. “Castillo” is new to me, as far as this FG. Good lead, for anyone researching that surname in Fresnillo.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Thank you very much for this great find!
Austin Perez
I wonder if the word is Chametla (in reference to location of Juan Lopez de Fuenllana). Chametla is in Sinaloa and was founded in 1531 by Nuno Beltran de Guzman. It's also the place from which Hernan Cortes planned his conquest. Here is more information about it: https://vidamaz.com/2016/01/23/most-important-archeological-site-in-nor…
Info on Fray Diego and family
This is indeed fantastic! Thank you so much for this work!
Could I add a few comments after looking at the records myself?
I noticed a few other interesting tidbits:
Fray Diego was the guardian of the convent at Patzcuaro.
His father was "naguatato" (?) of Patzcuaro. (What is that?)
His parents were deceased by Nov 1582.
Am I retrojecting if I suppose that Beatriz de Torres' birthplace is Mexico City? I read and read and compared letters to other parts of the document and it seems like it could be an abbreviation for feligresia. However, since this is an Inquisition record and there was no parish (presumably) and it's 1582, not sure if that makes sense. Note that at the bottom of the page where Diego's maternal grandmother is referenced, it says that she is also a "natural" of the same city as her daughter.
I do think that the first letter is an F, the second an E, and the last one is an A.
Also, I believe you left out one of his brothers: Diego del Castillo, the first on the list, described as a miner in Fresnillo.
In case it helps someone else figure out where his mother was from, here's my best effort at transcribing this page of the Inquisition record. I would love to see if someone else can figure this out better than can I :)
En la ciudad de Mexico, catorze días del mes de Novy.e de Mill y quien.s ochenta y dos ... estando los S.S. ... licen.dos ... Garcia en su audiencia de la tarde ... mismo siendo llamado y juro ... de dezir verdad... en esta audiencia como ... las demas que con el se ... de su causa en ... que dijo llamar de
Fray Diego de Fuenllana natural del pueblo de Cuyseo, del ... de Mechoacan, sacerdote profeso de la S. orden de S. Fr.co guardian ... del convento de Paßquaro de ... de donde ... le mando con una carta venir al test.o ... officio, ... de hedad de treynta y seis a.os, preg.do por su genealogia la declaro en la forma siguiente
Juan de Baeça natural de Baeça de Paßcuaro donde fue naguatato (?), y de Ysabel de Perez su muger, natural de Fe...a defuntos
que no los conocía ni save como se llamaron
que no los con.e mas de a la que la beatriz de torres y que esta de (?) sera natural de Fe...a (same word as used in his mother's record).
Diego Castillo
The Diego del Castillo that is described as a miner in Fresnillo is a brother of Beatriz Torres, and son of Cristobal Castillo ( aka Torres ) and Leonor Perez
Rick A. Ricci
Diego Castillo
The following "pasajeros" record is from the PARES website and appears to match the same family for Beatriz Torres that Rick provided. I did not find a town named "Lepuza" in Spain, so this maybe a transcription error. The record has the image of the original record, but I can't make out the name of the town.
Título de la unidad: "Beatriz de Torres"
Archivo: Archivo General de Indias
Signatura: CONTRATACION,5536,L.3,F.238(5)
1535-5-13: "Beatriz de Torres y Juan de Torres, hijos de Cristóbal de Torres y de Leonor Pérez, naturales de Lepuza, a Nueva España."
Diego Castillo
Thank you Agustin Perez for sharing your find of the pasajeros record. If this is the record of the two siblings, and it looks like it is, then now we know that the brother was known as both Juan and Diego and also that he used both surnames like their dad, Cristobál Castillo aka Torres. So now we should look to see if Juan Diego Castillo/Torres had any descendants.
Their mother Leonor Perez was from Sevilla, Spain.
I looked for Lepuza in Spain and could not find any thing by that exact name. I did find :
Municipio de la provincia de Albacete, España
Thank you everyone for this collaboration,
And especially thank you Manny Diez for your work,
Rick A. Ricci
I’m having my doubts that Beatriz de Torres is the same who passed to Indies in 1535; the time lines don’t square. In his proceso, Fray Diego de Fuenllana’s age is given as 36, placing his birth around 1546. If that's so, then his mother, Ysabel Perez, could have been born no later than 1532 - before Beatriz de Torres passed to Indies in 1535. On the passengers list, there is no mention of Beatriz de Torres being married, nor was she accompanied by any children. It's possible that Fray Diego's age is "overestimated," but for now, that's all we have.
Throughout the first decades of the 1600's, there was a Geronimo de Orozco married to Ysabel de Castañeda, living in Zamora, who had contact with Ysabel de Orozco del Castillo cc Juan de Zamora. I thought it possible that these 2 were the same as Geronimo de Orozco cc Ysabel del Castillo, though the timelines would be stretched: Geronimo de Orozco cc Ysabel de Castañeda baptized children in 1615 & 1617, whereas Ysabel de Orozco del Castillo and Maria de Orozco were born closer to 1585-1590. It's doable, but unlikely. It might be the same Geronimo de Orozco, and Ysabel de Castañeda, a second wife, or, this Geronimo de Orozco is son of the other. Anybody?
From the Sagrario, Zamora, Mich archives:
10 Jul 1606, Juana hija de Juan de Zamora y de Ysabel del Castillo Fueron sus padrinos Geronimo de Orosco y de Ysabel de Castañeda su muger.
18 Nov 1609, baptized was Juan hijo de Geronimo de Abreo y de Ysabel de Calvero? Fueron sus padrinos Geronimo de Orosco y su muger.
15 Jul 1611, baptized was Josefa hija de Juan de Zamora y de Ysabel de Orosco Fueron sus padrinos Melchor Masiel y Ma de Orosco.
22 Aug 1613, baptized was Ysabel, hija de Pedro y Juana Indios laborios de Geronimo Orosco. Fueron sus padrinos el susdho e Ysabel de Castañeda su muger vecinos deste dho pueblo.
04 Mar 1614 habiendose echado las suertes segun lo dispuesto por testamento y codicilio del Razº Juan Baptista de Ojeda de esta ciudad cupo a Maria de Espinosa Sobrina de Franco Martin Alcaras y de la Villa de Zamora a Maria de Horosco hija de Geronimo de Horosco y de Ysabel del Castillo vecinos de esta dha villa.(from Morelia archives).
10 Jun 1615, baptized was Maria Xertrudis hija de Juan de Zamora y de Ysabel del Castillo Fueron sus padrinos Diego Romo vno del Real de las Minas de Marfil y Maria de Orosco donsella cuñada y hermana de los susodhos.
21 Nov 1615, baptized was Juana Baptista hija de Geronimo de Horosco y de Ysabel de Castañeda Fue su padrino Miguel Ochoa Garibay.
24 Apr 1617, bele a Pedro de Peñas Corregidor de Tasasalca y a Doña Maria de Horosco Padrinos el alguacil Juan de la Mora y Doña Francisca de Garibay y Solis.
17 Jul 1617, baptized was Josefa hija de Geronimo de Horosco y de Ysabel de Castañeda Fueron sus padrinos Geronimo Sanchez y Francisca de Orosco su muger.
01 May 1621, baptized was Geronimo hijo de Francisco Sanchez y de Ysabel de Vargas Fueron sus padrinos Geronimo de Orosco e Ysabel de Castañeda su muger vecinos deste dho pueblo.
25 Feb 1625, baptized was Nicolas hijo de Lusia India criada de Geronimo de Orosco Fueron sus padrinos Salvador de Orosco y Doña Isabel Ramirez.
17 Jan 1651, buried was Ysabel de Castañeda, viuda de 70 años.
Who are Salvador de Orosco and Francisca de Orosco?
Great work, all of you! Thanks!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
BEATRIZ DE TORRES, Cristobal Castiilo /Torres Leonor Perez
i agree with Manny Diez that the timeline is a little off. But I believe the issue is that "Fray Diego's age is "overestimated," just like he said was possible. All the other dates seem to fit nicely with the timeline when considering the dates of the grandchildren’s marriages and deaths.
I already had the information on Francisco de Santaella’s father in law and mother in law, even that the father in law used the two surnames Castillo and Torres, and that the mother in laws name is Leonor Perez. What I didn’t have was the name of Francisco Santaella’s wife, which Manny has now provided.
The only thing slightly off is Fray Diego's given age which is only a ballpark number given many decades later. We have come across many instances where the age given many decades later is a little off from the real age that we discover when we find records closer to their birth.
Thanks Manny and everyone for all your work,
Rick A. Ricci
Geronimo de Orozco y Isabel del Castillo / Isabel de Castaneda
My theory theory is that Geronimo de Orozco, let's call him the first (I), who was married to Isabel del Castillo, is different than the Geronimo de Orozco, let's call him the second (II), who was married to Isabel de Castaneda. I *think* that the Geronimo's might be a generation apart and different people altogether. There are two facts that help this theory:
1. We know that Geronimo de Orozco (I) and Isabel del Castillo were a couple and were living in Zamora as early as November 9, 1580 given that Isabel del Castillo (mujer de Geronimo de Orozco) voted no in the petition to have the Franciscan order take administrative charge of the church of Zamora. You can find Isabel del Castillo voting no here.
2. Manny points out that a "dote" was granted to Maria de Orozco a daughter of Geronimo de Orozco (I) and Isabel del Castillo in 1614. This dote was gifted to Maria as an "obra pia" since she qualified for it. The primary qualification for the "dote" was that the recipient be an orphan. Here's the link to the dote.
The children that Geronimo de Orozco (I) and Isabel del Castillo started marrying around the 1610s, so they were born around 1580s-1590s. While the children that Geronimo de Orozco (II) and Isabel de Castaneda were being born around the 1610s. Not to mention that if Geronimo de Orozco (1) remarried, Maria de Orozco would not have received the dote.
My two cents,
Daniel Serna Valencia
Hola prim@s,
Here’s an interesting tidbit I came upon, while flipping through the pages of Francisco A. de Icazo’s “Conquistadores y pobladores de Nueve España: diccionario autobiografico sacado de los textos originales.” On page 160, entry 898:
En efecto, que es vezino de Mechoacan y natural de Villaviciosa, e hijo legitimo de Alvaro Lopez y Maria Harta, su muger; e abra veynte años que paso a esta Nueba Spaña, y deziocho que rreside en Mechoacan, y diez que esta casado con la muger que fue de Francisco de Santaella, conquistador; y tiene vna hija legitima, y dos hijos bastardos; y se ha hallado en todos los alardes que en este tiempo se han hecho en Mechoacan, con sus armas y cauallos, los quales siempre ha tenydo, y su casa poblada; y se hallo en el socorro de Tonala; nonbra personas que dize que lo saben.
What do you think? Did Beatriz de Torres remarry after Francisco Santaella’s death? The time line and location fits. I’ve found no other information on Peralvarez - which would be a contraction for “Pedro Alvarez,” but I’ll dig around.
Hope you’re all well!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
Info on Fray Diego and family
The word *Naguatato* comes from the Nahuatl language. The Spanish
adopted the word and to them it meant someone who could speak clearly or
who was an interpreter of the various native languages. Because there were
many ethnicities in neighboring communities. In the book, "The War For
Mexico's West" by Ida Altman, she states that the question of language and
ethnicity was murky because the natives lived in multi-ethnic communities
with an absence of large political organizations, there was a multi-ethnic
composition that required people who could clearly interpret the various
languages. These interpreters were called by the Spaniards, *Naguatatos*,
they developed this term in or around 1525
On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 10:57 AM, wrote:
> This is indeed fantastic! Thank you so much for this work! Could I add a
> few
> comments after looking at the records myself? I noticed a few other
> interesting tidbits: Fray Diego was the guardian of the convent at
> Patzcuaro.
> His father was "naguatato" (?) of Patzcuaro. (What is that?) His parents
> were
> deceased by Nov 1582. Am I retrojecting if I suppose that Beatriz de
> Torres'
> birthplace is Mexico City? I read and read and compared letters to other
> parts of the document and it seems like it could be an abbreviation for
> feligresia. However, since this is an Inquisition record and there was no
> parish (presumably) and it's 1582, not sure if that makes sense. Note that
> at
> the bottom of the page where Diego's maternal grandmother is referenced, it
> says that she is also a "natural" of the same city as her daughter. I do
> think that the first letter is an F, the second an E, and the last one is
> an
> A. Also, I believe you left out one of his brothers: Diego del Castillo,
> the
> first on the list, described as a miner in Fresnillo. In case it helps
> someone else figure out where his mother was from, here's my best effort at
> transcribing this page of the Inquisition record. I would love to see if
> someone else can figure this out better than can I :) En la ciudad de
> Mexico,
> catorze días del mes de Novy.e de Mill y quien.s ochenta y dos ... estando
> los S.S. ... licen.dos ... Garcia en su audiencia de la tarde ... mismo
> siendo llamado y juro ... de dezir verdad... en esta audiencia como ... las
> demas que con el se ... de su causa en ... que dijo llamar de Fray Diego de
> Fuenllana natural del pueblo de Cuyseo, del ... de Mechoacan, sacerdote
> profeso de la S. orden de S. Fr.co guardian ... del convento de Paßquaro de
> ... de donde ... le mando con una carta venir al test.o ... officio, ... de
> hedad de treynta y seis a.os, preg.do por su genealogia la declaro en la
> forma siguiente PADRES Juan de Baeça natural de Baeça de Paßcuaro donde
> fue naguatato (?), y de Ysabel de Perez su muger, natural de Fe...a
> defuntos
> ABUELOS PATERNOS que no los conocía ni save como se llamaron ABUELOS
> MATERNOS que no los con.e mas de a la que la beatriz de torres y que esta
> de
> (?) sera natural de Fe...a (same word as used in his mother's record).
Thank you very much!
Hola prim@s,
Great work! Where it gives Juan de Baeza's occupation/title, I thought it said "magistrato," but now, knowing the existence of the word, "Naguatato," and reviewing the original document, it's clear, that is what it says. Thank you, Rick F, and thank you, Alicia, for the definition! Super interesting, that Diego de Baeza would learn the native tongues! Also, I mistakenly wrote that Juan de Baeza was a natural of Patzcuaro: he was born in Baeza, and vecino de Patzcuaro.
According to Fray Diego de Fuenllana's limpieza, Diego del Castillo minero was the brother of his mother, Ysabel Perez, so he'd be the son of Francisco de Santaella and Beatriz de Torres. Rick R - the Cristobal Castillo (aka Torres) cc Leonor Perez is a great lead - it would reconcile the Castillo/Torres/Perez surnames. Do you have any more info on them? From the timeline, they'd have to be around 1500, if Fray Diego was born around 1546.
Re: Geronimo de Orozco cc Ysabel del Castillo, I also have him listed as Geronimo de Orozco Liebana, and her, as Ysabel de Castaneda. I'm still not convinced she is the same Ysabel del Castillo spoken of in the limpieza. Need more documentation. Anyone?
Manny Diez Hermosillo
I read somewhere, don’t remember where right now, that Juan De Baeza learned native languages almost immediately upon arriving in the “new world” and his occupation was from then on “translator”. Manny’s find confirms this information.
Thanks Manny,
Rick A. Ricci
Info on Fray Diego and family
Rick F,
Here is what I was able to transcribe from the inquisition document:
[al margen: juramento]
En la ciudad de México, catorce días del mes de <¿noviembre?> de mil quinientos ochenta y dos años, estando los señores <¿inquisidores?> licenciados Bonilla y Santos García en su audiencia, de la tarde, pareció; siendo llamado y juro, de forma debida de derecho, decir verdad, así en esta audiencia, como < ¿? > las de más que con él se tuvieren hasta la determinación de su causa; un hombre que dijo llamarse
[al margen: edad 36]
Fray Diego de Fuenllana, natural del pueblo de Cuitzeo, obispado de Michoacan, sacerdote profeso del orden de San Francisco, guardian que < ¿? > del convento de Patzcuaro del dicho obispado, de donde el < ¿? > le mando con una carta venir a este Santo Oficio, y que es de edad de treinta y seis años y preguntado por su genealogía, la declaro en esta forma siguiente
[al margen: genealogía]
Juan de Baeza, natural de la Baeza, vecino de Patzcuaro donde fue naguatato, y de Isabel Perez, su mujer, natural de < ¿? >, difuntos.
Abuelos Paternos
Que no los conoció, ni sabe cómo se llamaron
Abuelos Maternos
Que no los conoció más de a la abuela Beatriz de Torres que < ¿? > era natural de < ¿? >
Tíos hermanos de Padre
Que no los conoce
Tíos hermanos de Madre
Diego del Castillo, minero en el Fresnillo
Ysabel del Castillo muger de “Orozco”? en Çamora
Fantastic find Manny! The inquisition records are proving to be a gold mine!
As for Isabel del Castillo, I suspect that she's the Isabel del Castillo who married Geronimo de Orozco and had among other children:
Maria de Orozco cc Pedro de Penas
Isabel Orozco del Castillo cc Juan de Zamora
Thanks for the find!
Ysabel del Castillo muger de “Orozco”? en Çamora
Great work Manny,
I believe you are correct in placing Diego first, as I believe he is the eldest. I would place Ysabel del Castillo last as she is married to Geronimo Miguel De Orozco that was baptized in 1562. If we place her birthdate close to his baptism then she is most likely the youngest sibling.
Geronimo Miguel De Orozco, baptized 24/Oct/1562 by his parents Dr. Geronimo De Orozco and Beatriz Tello De Sandoval.
Francisco Santaella was married to Beatriz Torres daughter of Cristobal Castillo ( aka Torres ) and Leonor Perez.
Rick A. Ricci
Could you please provide the sources for the info on Geronimo and for Beatriz Torres' parents? Also, did you deduce that Diego del Castillo (the miner from Zacatecas) was the mother's brother from the Inquisition list? I'm no expert by far. I think I misread the heading - I believe it says "Hijos y Hermanos de Madre" is that right? If so, that's why the miner is in this list :)
Ysabel del Castillo muger de “Orozco”? en Çamora
I think the Geronimo de Orozco Liébana tjat married to Isabel del Castillo Lopez de Fuenllana was baptized in 1553, the other one is a younger sibling.
Ysabel del Castillo muger de “Orozco”? en Çamora
Thank you Carlos,
If it was the younger brother then it would have been most likely that the bride was older than the groom by a few years, which is not unheard of, but not an often occurrence. I was unaware that there was an older brother also named Geronimo. I agree with you that the older one is most likely the spouse.
I am unsure however as to Isabel Castillo and Isabel Castaneda being the same person. Can someone clarify why they believe that they are the same person? Could the Isabel Calderon be married to the younger brother, Geronimo Miguel Orozco?
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
Beatriz López de fuenllana
Yay! Thanks so much. Great work.
Are there any primary source documents tying Fulgencio Gonzalez who married Luisa de Rodas to the family?