I descend from"Juana Gertrudis de Villaseñor y Franco de Paredes" y "Joseph Thoribio Muñoz de la Barba", I am looking for information on her father, Christobal Villaseñor's parents and grandparents.
Yo desciendo de "Juana Gertrudis de Villaseñor y Franco de Paredes" y "Joseph Thoribio Muñoz de la Barba"
Juana "Ana" Gertrudis de Villaseñor y Franco de Paredes fue bautizada el 6/Aug/1724
Joseph Thoribio Muñoz de la Barba fue bautizado el 28/Apr/1718 en San Juan de los Lagos. El murio el 22//Nov/1779
Thoribio y Juana Ana Gertrudis se casaron el 9/Oct/1743
Joseph Thoribio Muñoz de la Barba is the son of Diego Muñoz de la Barba and Antonia Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza
Diego Muñoz de la Barba is the son of Cap. Luis Munoz de la Barba and Antonia Martin del Campo
Antonia Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza is the daughter of Cap. Agustin Gomez de Mendoza and Maria Leal de Ayala
Juana "Ana" Gertrudis de Villaseñor y Franco de Paredes is the daughter of Christobal Villaseñor and Gertrudis Franco de Paredes
Gertrudis Franco de Paredes is the daughter of Juan Antonio Franco de Paredes and Ana Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza
My big question is "Who are the parents and grandparents of Christobal Villaseñor?"
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Pedro De Yanguas and Ana Carillo De Peralta lawsuit
Here are two interesting court cases that may shed light on the ancestry of Pedro Yanguas and on the identity of the mother of Ana Carillo De Peralta Regada and of her half sister Ana De Peralta
First Case:
* Serie: Procesos judiciales. Ochoa-Sentenciados
* Fechas: 1547.01.28 - 1547.08.12
* Lugar:
* Contenido: Pedro de Yanguas, regidor perpetuo de la ciudad de Logroño, y Ana Carrillo de Peralta, su mujer, contra Gaston de Peralta, marques de Falces, sobre entrega de 2.000 ducados de dote ofrecidos en el testamento de Alfonso Carrillo de Peralta, marques de Falces.
Second case:
Serie: Procesos judiciales. Solano-Pendientes
Fechas: 1547.12.02 - 1553.12.31
Contenido: Ana de Peralta, mujer de Tristan de Mauleon, señor de Traibuenas y Rada, contra Gaston de Peralta, su hermano, marques de Falces, sobre pago de 10.000 ducados de dote.
342 Folios
Referencia ES/NA/AGN/F017/086296
I would assume that the larger dote is for the legitimate daughter Ana, and the smaller dote for the illegitimate daughter Ana but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes the illegitimate children are given more.
Rick A. Ricci,
source: my book Mygenes2000
On the Villaseñor
I descend also from Villaseñor, but unfortunately I have not been able to go further beyond José Nicolás and Teresa Ramirez that married in Bolaños in 1778, then their first daughter Victoriana was born in Tlaltenango in 1779, the second daughter Estefana was born in 1780 in Teul and then José George in Ojo Caliente around 1783. This one married Inocencia Colunga in 1812, in San Francisco Villa de Reyes, SLP and had 8 or so sons and one or two daughters, my tatarabuelo Canuto Villaseñor Colunga was one of his sons, born in 1821 and he then moved to Guanajuato, where the family stayed for the next generations.
I have not been able to find the parents of Nicolas Villaseñor, the marriage record doesn't make any mention of them and the Información Matrimonial seems to be in a lost book, and the only possible Padrón of Bolaños is from 1770 and they don't appear there, so I guess it is going to be very difficult to go past them. But who knows, maybe somebody here have a hint or tip to follow.
On the Villaseñor
Tim o start researching all the padrinos in all the baptismal records.
On the Villaseñor
Yes, but padrinos names have no clue. I am now finding some books on informacion matrimonial that may have theirs, but going page by page is slow. I am interested in this line because the Villaseñor name is in my mother name, but from my father I descend directly from Aldonza de Villaseñor y Avalos, married to Juan Dozal Madriz, although the Villaseñor name didnot lasted long. It is certainly a family that have spread wide thru Jalisco and Michoacán mostly. Most of my family lines, as well as a lot of friends, have Villaseñor in their trees.
Villaseñor Cuevas Lomelin ancestry
Dear Manny,
I felt that it was time to stop adding new information, stop researching other lines, and just focus on writing and publishing a book. I have more than enough information to get the book done but you had to throw a wrench in my plans.
The line that I had put together was based on me trying to make sense of the data in front of me, but since most genealogist had a different line I did not pull more threads since it was only possible in my mind and not proven. When you provided information that debunked the line of the other genealogists you made me look at my information again in a different light because it was no longer an exercise in making sense of what I had before me but the line with the highest probability of being the actual true lineage. This set into motion working all afternoon and night gathering more information and putting all the pieces together. It is so much information, and I need to review it after some sleep, so I won't post the findings at this time. What you have done is made relevant all the the information that I had collected when I had mistakenly believed that Sancho Sanchez el comendador was the same person as Sancho Sanchez Señor de Arnedo. Once it had been proved that they were not the same person, I had felt a sense of loss for all the time I had spent deciphering that tangled ancestral web. But now that time isn't wasted because your information connects one of my family lines to that tangled web. Your one little piece that didn't seem of much importance was the last straw that moved a mountain.
A million thanks,
Rick A. Ricci
Villaseñor Cuevas Lomelin ancestry
Hi Rick,
Ha! Well, here's another wrench - I sifted through some other notes, and found some more puzzle pieces with the target surnames. These are my raw notes, I haven't researched every document, since they tend to be 100+ pages long.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
CAPELLANIA Jun 1615 faltan paginas
Antonio de Villalobos Presbitero, Hacienda de Maluca, ganados mayores
1o Sebastian Villalobos colegio de menores ordenes (sobrino de Antonio y Augustin Villalobos);
Alferez Joseph de Figueroa Campofrio
Damian Villalobos presbitero HL de Augustin Villalobos cc Maria Nunez 16 Sep 1634
img200 Damaso de Vargas en nombre de Maria Magdalena Davalos Bracamonte Orosco y Cervantes Vda de Pedro Antonio Trebuesto, su hijo Vicente Trebuesto sobre las cap's de Antonio y Augustin Villalobos y de Alferes Tomas Gonzales Figueroa y Capp Manuel Orosco Cervantes
CAPELLANIA de Capp Juan Cavallero y Navarro (pages missing)
Labor de San Joseph Coroneo en Tepuxtepeque
Joseph Cavallero de la Cueba
HL Juan Caballero Navarro cc Beatriz de la Cueba Villasenor
CAPELLANIA Juan Cavallero Navarro titulos 400+ pages
CAPELLANIA de Antonio del Castillo 18 Apr 1667
Hacienda de Puxuagua en Taximaroa
begins pg 26, 1-25 missing, 1o cap was DIego Orosco, so we don't know how the 3 bro's are related to Antonio del Castillo (Villasenor?)
Juan (Leonardo) de Orosco Tovar clerigo
Hno de Diego de Orosco Tovar clerigo DTO 1o cap
Nietos de Diego de Orosco que fundio una cap
(Ldo?) Francisco de Orozco presbitero, nieto de Diego de Orosco cc Leonor Sotelo 16 Jun 1694
Hno de 1o Diego de Orozco Tovar clerigo DTO y de 2o Juan Leonardo Orozco clerigo DTO
note: later capellan will be Ber Lorenzo de Miranda. Francisco Orosco is same as in Vicente Trejuesto cap
CAPELLANIA que fundio George de Larios por Maria Contreras Vda de Nicolas Larios
Hacienda de Trapeches de Mihaguatlan en Zapotlan (280+ pages)
Parents of Gaspar Larios and Ynes Larios
Ber Tomas Larios hijo de Gaspar Larios
Ber Joseph Davalos presbitero colector de diezmos, Zapotlan y Colima
HL de Pedro Davalos cc Maria Ollaga vecinos de Colima;
AAPP Pedro Davalos cc Josepha Velasco; BBPP Alonso Davalos cc Ynes Larios
(hija de Nicolas Larios cc Maria Contreras)
CAPELLANIA Juana de Boyso cc Augustin Perrado?
Mentioned : Andres del Castillo cap; Gregorio Perez de la Fuente, Augustin Perez de la Fuente; Ber Joseph de Alderete
Juan Leonardo de Orosco cited
Bienes de Francisco de Orosco
CAPELLANIA Bernardino Diaz de Figueroa y su hno Manuel de Figueroa
Francisco Cano y Molina como albacea de su madre Barbara Flores (& Suarez?) de Villalba
Ldo Francisco Xavier Villasenor Cervantes
CAPELLANIA de Juan Martin Hernandez 20 Nov 1804
Jose Antonio Villasenor clerigo hmno de Ber Ramon Villasenor Cervantes
CAPELLANIA Juan Gomez Maldonado START
Juan Joaquin Duarte de Cuevas en nombre de Pedro Villasenor clerigo
CAPELLANIA Maria de Cuevas y Rebollar doncella (26y) vecina de Santa Fe Guanajuato
hmna de Catalina de Cuevas y Rebollar cc Nicolas Tamayo DTOS
principal - una casa suya en Gto
1o Pedro Cayetano Villafane HL de Sebastian de los Reyes Villafane y dcha Catalina de Cuevas su hermana.
CAPELLANIA Fernando Bocanegra
Bernabe Bocanegra y Montezuma Colegio en San Nicolas
CPELLANIA de Beatriz Ramos Vda de Alejo de Sosa
Ber Gil Ramirez de Avalos / Celaya
Domingo Marin de Villasenor sobre cap de Baltasar Cobarrubias
CAPELLANIA de Garcia Martinez alferez de Colima albacea sm Elbira Gomez Moscoso
Elvira Gomez
Geronimo de Avalos Vergara padre de Ber Garcia de Avalos
Joan Diaz de Leon clerigo de menores ordenes natural del valle de puxuiandiro 23 Jan 1652
HL Juan Diaz de Leon cc Maria de Aguilar; caps de Lucas Navarro y Francisco del Castillo, Garcia Martinez El Viejo
Antonio Villasenor Orosco clerigo de menores ordenes
re cap de Francisco Martinez de Alcaraz y Maria Espinosa
CAPELLANIA Fernando Bocanegra
Bernabe Bocanegra y Montezuma Colegio en San Nicolas
Joseph Arias Maldonado con pedro de Antonio Villasenor clerigo de menores ordenes
re: cap de Martin Hernandez, Ber Francisco Faustino Cervantes DTO
Orosco Villaseñor puzzle pieces
Dear Manny,
Thanks for the info. The more puzzle pieces we add to the puzzle the greater the probability we have of visualizing how the pieces fit together. You never know when a seemingly insignificant piece actually is the glue that brings a line together. There are many pieces involving the Villaseñor-Orosco, Boccanegra, Delgadillo, Davalos, Cervantes family lines These families intermarried over centuries so we are working on all of these lines at the same time. As long as we keep plugging away, every once a while we will connect a line to the first immigrants. The piece that you provided that lead to solving the Cuevas Villaseñor line still has me in a state of euforia. I am beyond cloud nine. Your little puzzle piece hit two birds with one stone. It solved my Regina Ines Cuevas Villaseñor line, while also leading me to work overtime on figuring out the Coría Peralta conundrum. Regina Ine's line is very important to me personally because it connects me to two lines that I have been working on in Italy and Europe that go back many centuries, with many interesting stories.
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
Villaseñor Davalos Orozo Cervantes Contreras Lomelin et al
Hi Rick,
You're welcome, and here's another batch of puzzle pieces. There might be dupes from my last posts - there's just so many, it's hard to keep track. Most of these are from Arquidiocesis de Morelia, but there might be some from Sagrada Mitra. This oughta keep you busy for a while!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Antonio Bocanegra Montesuma con Ynes Villasenor Hidalgo
HL Bernabe Bocanegra cc Maria Cervantes Montesuma (who were also dispensed)
HLa Francisco de Villasenor e Ynes Hidalgo Villasenor vnos de Puruandiro
DISPENSA 4o grado consang 29 May 1682 Valladolid
Juan Villasenor-2-Juan Bocanegra
Francisco Villasenor-3-Bernabe Bocanegra
Ynes Villasenor-4-Antonio Bocanegra
Luis Morales con Leonor Contreras Villasenor 16 Mar 1682
HLa Antonio Martin Tamayo cc Catalina Contreras Villasenor
Nicolas Contreras Villasenor con Angela Botillo, Salvatierra 01 Feb 1667
HL Sebastian Contreras Villasenor cc Leonor de Aguilar DTOS
HLa Pedro Perez Botillo DTO cc Juana de Alila?
Juan Vicente con Juana de Avalos HL de Salvador de Avalos cc Nicolasa Lopez
17 Apr 1664 Yurirapandaro tt Rodrigo Quintanilla36; Diego Chavez 33; Juan Moncaida
Juan Rodriguez Villasenor con Micaela Velasquez 26 Mar 1667
HL Nicolas Rodriguez cc Ysabel de Villasenor
Cap founded by Bachiller Don Francisco de Orozco Clerigo Pres first pages torn
Bro of Ber Juan Leonardo de Orozco DTO - Joseph Antonio Santander en nombre de Dna Maria Catharina Davalos y Orozco 3a Condesa de Miravalles; su nieto Don Joseph Diaz? Lavandero Trebuesto y Davalos
Lorenso Beltran con Maria Cervantes y Villasenor natural de Zamora
Juan Cervantes DTO y Catalina de Torres y Lupiana
Nicolas Maciel marries grandaughter Geronima Maciel-Saldana to Antonio Villasenor-Quesada, HL Juan Villasenor cc Maria Quezada
Juan de Villasenor Cervantes, vecino de SLP 06 Oct 1653
HL de Juan de Villasenor Cervantes y de Elena Arismendi Gogorron.
Permission from the King to govern his own affairs while still a minor:
Luisa de Orosco from Lagos HL Francisco Orosco Tobar y Ana Francisca
Bartolome Mollineda de Santa Cruz y Carrasa con Juana Villasenor Rincon 30 Sep 1662 HL Pedro Mollineda de Santa Cruz y Carrasa cc Leonor de Acuna y Mendoza DTA
HLa Diego Orozco Villasenor DTO y Leonor Duran Rincon
Gonzalo Villasenor en nombre de Dona Ynes del Rincon y Dona Maria Lomelin sus primas, viudas y albaseas de Juan de Villasenor? y Francisco Villasenor, vecinas de Puruandiro, 29 May 1662
Francisco Mota con Agustina Orozco Romero, Zamora 23 Sep 1662
Joseph Arias Maldonado Vdo con ? Bustamante Cervantes
Francisco de Orozco HL Francisco Orozco cc Maria Lopez mestiza
con Francisca d Oseguera
HL de ? Oseguera Coronado cc Francisca Vasquez
Nieto por via materna de momea? india
His sister Maria https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NPCD-YMQ
Regidor Joseph de Espinosa Cervantes con
Francisca de Hijar HL Gonzalo de Villaseñor y Zuñiga cc Aldonza de Avalos
DISPENSA 3o grado consang 01 Apr 1662
Gonzalo de Villaseñor-1-Ana Corona de Cervantes
Gonzalo de Villaseñor-2-Leonor de Solis Cervantes
Francisca de Hijar-3-Joseph Espinosa
Clemente de Villaseñor y Zuñiga es hermano mayor de Gonzalo de Villaseñor y Zuñiga
Demanda de Divorcio 7 Apr 1662
Augustina de Cervantes duena de serano contra Juan de Rueda Heredia su esposo
Melchor de Peral con Maria Hurtado de Castilla 09 Jan 1662
HL Gen Don Juan Hurtado de Castilla (orden de santiago) cc Maria Cervantes Carvajal y Avalos DTOS
Juan Suarez HL Diego Suarez Grimaldo cc Josefa Cervantes
Juan Lopez Munoz-Gomez con Francisca Patino Lomelin
HLa Joseph Patino de Herrera cc Clara Lomelin y Orozco
Domingo Serrato con Antonia Patino
HLa Joseph Patino cc Clara Lomelin
Damian de ? de la Huerta con Elena Cervantes de Villasenor
HLa Bernadino Guerra y Bolanos y Beatriz Cervantes Villasenor 1658
Joseph Alcocer vdo de Antonia Aredondo Bracamonte, Penjamo 12 Mar 1662 img284
con Ana de Leyba HL Pedro de Surita cc Leonor Renteria
Joseph Alcocer y Bocanegra con Ana Zurita de Leiba 10 Jun 1662 img633
HL Pedro Zurita cc Leonor de Leiba y Renteria vecinos de Sombrerete
Joseph de Alcoser criado de ganados mayor en Penjamo
albacea de Dona Zumar? de Avalos Bocanegra de la villa de Leon
su madre viuda del Tesorero Juan Alcoser su padre
Catalina de Vargas Villasenor con Joseph Venegas
HLa Andres de Vargas Velver? cc Catalina del Castillo
Antonio Cervantes cura beneficiado de la partida de Yndaparapeo
Villaseñor Davalos Orozo Cervantes Contreras Lomelin et al
Muchas gracias por compartir todos esos links,son una gran aportación.
He revisado algunos y por lo pronto solo quiero apuntar que el film que habla sobre Joseph de Alcocer, criador de ganado mayor en Penjamo menciona a su mamá, la cual se llamaba Guiomar Dávalos Bocanegra.
A esta Guiomar yo la tengo como hija de Pedro de Bocanegra Cervantes Villaseñor casado con María Verdugo
Guiomar fue hermana de María Delgadillo casada con José de Villaseñor Figueroa
A María Verdugo la tengo como hija de Alonso Avalos Saavedra y María Delgadillo Avalos quienes casaron el 18-ago-1585
Villaseñor Davalos Orozo Cervantes Contreras Lomelin et al
Regina Villaseñor de la Cuevas’s descent from royalty through her Peralta ancestors.
A few notes labeled A through H before the tree.
Note A.
A small minority claim that García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra are the parents of “Mosén Pierres de Peralta “el Viejo”.
Many people claim that 2.”Mosén Pierres de Peralta, el Viejo” was the illegitimate son of Charles II De Navarro d’ Evereaux.
Both are mistaken as their is an extra generation which shows that Mosen Pierre De Peralta “el Viejo” (Pedro Perez de Peralta) is a grandson of both García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra and king Carlos II “el malo” and queen Juana De Francia
Note B
Geronimo Lopez “el Mozo” and his wife, Ana Carillo de Peralta came from the upper high class. Their immediate descendants married into other upper high class society like the Villaseñor, Lomelin, Santiago, Ovande, Alvarez Nuñez, Rivadeneyra, and Cervantes families to name some of them.
Note C
The Diego Coria III that marries a daughter of Geronimo Lopez el Mozo and his wife, Ana Carillo De Peralta, is a descendant, but not a son, of Conquistador Diego Coria I
Note D
I was only going to post a line of descent without any stories but decided to give a glimpse of the many stories to go along with this family tree. One of the stories involve the French civil war between descendants of the same woman, but from different fathers. She was forced to separate from her first husband because they were too closely related. It was mainly because of jealousy and politics that there was a complaint. Since she was forced to separate from her husband, she marries marries a second husband and has more children. Then the jealousy and politics really come to a boiling point as now she is being accused of bigamy by the people who said that her first marriage wasn’t valid. She provided for separate inheritances of the two families, but eventually her descendants are involved in a big civil war that involves much of France. There are many other interesting stories like a Frenchman being held prisoner in London by his distant cousin, the Black Prince Of England. While he was under lock and key, he played chess and socialized with his distant cousin. There is also a connection that contributes to France backing Enrique II in its civil war between King Pedro the Cruel of Castilla and his half brother, Enrique II.
Note E
One of the ancestors, the Cardinal, is deeply involved in the politics in Castilla. He becomes a big enemy of King Ferdinand II of Aragon, the Catholic King..
Note F
Many of these people have multiple marriages, but I tried to only list the spouses that are the biological parents.
Note G
There are many lines of ancestry to kings of France, Navarra, Castilla, Leon, and England.
Note H
This Villaseñor line that Regina descends from is related to a Villaseñor D' Avalos line. Regina’s maternal grandfather, Jose de Villaseñor Figueroa, was married twice . Through his first marriage to Maria Delgadilla y Bocanegra D'avalos you have a line of descent that used Villaseñor D'avalos. Regina Villaseñor descends from the second marriage so she doesn't have D'avalos in her ancestry.
Regina Villaseñor de la Cuevas’s descent from royalty through her Peralta ancestors.
1. Charles II the bad Rey De Navarra and Juana De Francia o De Valois
2. Pierre de Nabarra Evreux, conde de Mortain (b. 31/Mar/1366, Évreux, Eure, Normandy, France; d. 29/July/1412) with Mistress Ana Martinez De Peralta (daughter of García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra) Pierre is married to another woman.
3. Pierre Perez De Peralta, señor De Aldonsilla, (known as “Mossen (Monsegneur) Pierre” [consejero real] Aka “Mosén Pierres de Peralta “el Viejo”. In 1416 he is named "ricohombre” in Navarra. Acting ambassador in París (1398, 1404, 1408 y 1409) in the conflict between the "armagnacs" y "borgoñones". Ambassador in Castilla (1412) and Aragón (1413 - 1414), ] ( He is often confused with his father, situation which repeats with his son “el menor or el joven”) [el mozo is more often reserved for “junior” and el menor or el joven is more often used for the third in line with similar names, ] He is married to Juana Ezpeleta y Garro, ( daughter of Ogier de Garo y Chatillon and Juana Ezpleta y Echauz, señora De Ezpleta)
4. Pedro, Mosen Pierres “el Joven” de Peralta y Ezpeleta, conde de santisteban. He is often confused with his father as he continued his father’s work as key advisor to the king of Navarra. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/MosenPierresFoto.JPG. First marriage: 27/Dec/1440 in “el Palacio Real de Olite” with Ana de Brabante, illegitimate daughter of Antonio de Borgoña. Aka Antonio De Brabante, duque de Brabante, Lothier y Limburgo, conde de Rethel,
5. Juana Peralta Regado m 22/Nov1467 with Troilo (o Zoilo) Carrillo (conde de Augusta, in Italy, illegitimate son of Cardenal Alonso Carrillo de Acuña
6. Alonso de Carrillo De Peralta, I marqués de Falces (b. circa 1450, married first wife Ana Velasco y Padilla ( daughter of Luis Fernandez De Velasco y Manrique De Lara and Ana De Padilla y Manrique De Lara.
7. Antonio de Peralta, II marqués de Falces (d.1545) 2° marqués de Falces, 4° conde de Santisteban de Lerín, señor de la baronía de Peralta, consejero de los reyes de Navarra, mayordomo mayor de la Casa real, m. 17/Dec/1514 Ana de Bosquet y Lucy, señora de Tornay, daughter of Jean (Juan) de Bosquet, barón de Pouget en Bearne, gran canciller de Navarra and. Ana de Lucy, señora de Belaire. Antonio had two children with another woman. One of these other children was also named Ana. The two Anas married and both sued their brother for their “dote” as it seems their father had passed away at the time of their marriages. Both these lawsuits are archived and if we could read them then we would find out which of the two Anas descends from Ana Bosquet y Lucy, and which descends from the other woman. The lawsuits may even tell us the name of the other woman. These documents are presently unavailable for review.
8. Ana Carrillo de Peralta (Regado was part of the surname with some of the women, sometimes it is spelled a little differently but lost my notes with the other spelling) married Pedro de Yanguas, regidor perpetuo de la ciudad de Logroño.
9. Ana Carillo De Peralta (named after her mother) married Geronimo Lopez “el mozo” (born in 1537) (Tesorero Real y Regidor, takes the position over after his father retires), [son of Geronimo Lopez “el viejo” (b.1488) (Also Tesorero Real y Regidor), and Catalina Alvarez De Cabrera (descendant of the house of David; she has an ancestor that is a sister of a famous Jewish theologian that became a Catholic Theologian.] This is Geronimo el mozo’s second marriage out of three.
10. María Peralta Regado Mendoza marries Diego Coria, Maria becomes a widow at an early age and becomes a nun before her father writes his will.
11. Coria Peralta ( the source is not clear as to whether #12Manuel is the son or grandson of #10Diego Coria And María Perlata Regado Mendoza
12. Manuel Coria Peralta Regado m. ca. 1630 to Catalina Lomelin (bap. 17/May/1607) (daughter of Luciano (Luis) Lomelin and Maria Del Olmo
13. Bernarda Lomelin Peralta (bap. 25/Oct/1632) Chilchota, Michoacan m. José de Villaseñor y Figueroa
14. María De Villaseñor y Lomelin m. Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal y Monjarás (son of de Don Pedro de Cuevas y Carvajal y de Doña Josepha de Solís y Monjarás)
15. Regina Villaseñor AKA Regina de la Cueva m. to Miguel De Hermosillo (Miguel Gonzalez De Hermosillo, Luis Miguel De Hermosilo, Miguel Muñoz de Hermosillo)
Many genealogists have concluded that Regina and Ynes are two different people and not one person. If they are different people then they are sisters as they have the same parents.
Rick A. Ricci, source: my book: Mygenes2000
Manny's data
Dear Manny,
The data you provided, in addition to what we already have, leads me to believe that there is a high probability that we will find The parents of Gonzalo de Avalos Tovar de Villaseñor and Antonia Hurtado de Mendoza in Michoacán records.
San Miguel de Los Alva and Cristóbal Villaseñor
Here is a previous post that is about "San Miguel de Los Alva" and also mentions Cristóbal Villaseñor:
By Xayme - Posted on 22 February 2009
While I was in Mexico several years ago I looked desperately this place. Anyone familiar with the area know that there are several "San Miguels" in the "nuestros ranchos" area. I went to all of them. Or at least I thought I did.
It wasn't until I came back to the U.S. did I come in contact with a distant cousin who happens to be a historian for Encarnacion de Diaz. I'm extremely thankful to him for the help he's given me and for his research. He also helped me find THEE San Miguel mentioned in my ancestors records. I also have photos if anyone is interesed. I hope this information can help someone else doing research in the same area.
If you have ties to this place or have more data on it's inhabitants during the 1600s please conatct me. This the part of my research where I have hit a dead end.
The following is an exerpt from an email my cousin Arq. Rodolfo H. Hernandez Ch sent me:
San Miguel de los Alba is located at the foot of the cerro de los Gallos, in the current municipality of Encarnacion de Diaz, and it is not the same San Miguel that is mentioned in the Llanos del Tecuan, neither is it the same San Miguel that you located in a map and belongs to the state of Queretaro.
El puesto de San Miguel de los Alba was founded at the beginning of the XVII century, when it belonged to Alonso of Alba, married to Doña Leonor de Retamosa, daughter of Nicolas Macias and Leonor de Retamosa who were proprietors of extensive lands in the actual municipality of Encarnación.
This hacienda or puesto de San Miguel de los Alba, depended on the village of the Asuncion de las Aguascalientes and their inhabitants were obligated to be baptized, married and buried in the parish of this village (you can know who lived their by checking the microfilms of the Iglesia del Sagrario de Aguascalientes, corresponding to the XVII and XVIII century). In 1752 a chapel was built dedicated to San Miguel Arcangel in this hacienda, with donations from Miguel de Alba and Cristobal Villaseñor, beginning to beginning to function as a vicariate, carrying books and registrations of baptisms that were made until the year of 1778, date in which said hacienda goes on to form part of the parish of in that passes this country property to be part of the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnacion de los Macias (before named el Sauz de los Macias)
After the death of Don Alonso Alva, his hacienda continued in ownership by his descendants, the Alva family, until the begingings of the century. XX. during this time the residents and surnames grew through marriage connections.
And all were devoted to the agriculture and and cattle raising to supply the trade with the north of the country.
end of exerpt
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Two possible Villaseñor de Avalos lines
I had originally posted that I was not a descendant of the Villaseñor De Avalos. I was wrong. My ancestor Cristobal Villaseñor is a descendant of a Villaseñor de Avalos line. The other Villaseñor lines, of which there are a few, would not fit the time frame. I had originally only researched other Villaseñor lines. I only started researching the Villaseñor De Avalos connections to help out with Manny's research. This research has been useful in figuring out what I believe are the earliest connection between these two families as Gonzalo De Avalos Villaseñor Tovar could only descend from one of two possible connections as he was born before all the other Villaseñor and De Avalos marriages. This is based on information collected from my Manny's, Chris's, Danny's and my research, and the information in "Retonos de España en la Nueva Galicia" by Mariano Gonzalez Leal. There are many pieces to this puzzle and I believe that I have put together two possible lines of descent.
Marcelina posted different great grandparents from the great grandparents listed by Mariano Gonzalez Leal. She found a tree that someone else had compiled. If the line that Marcelina found is correct then neither one of these two lines is correct.
Here are the two possible lines of descent:
First possible line
1). Alfonso Fernandez Villaseñor and Elvira Osórez (daughter of Fernando Osórez maestro de Santiago)
2). Fernan A. Villaseñor and Aldonza Gutierrez de Tapia
3). Diego Villaseñor alcaide de Segovía married to Maria Serones (Seron)(Seronis)
4). Juan Villaseñor Serones and Elvira de Tovar y Enriquez de Castilla
5). Diego de Villaseñor-Tovar and Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor
6). Diego Villaseñor-Tovar"de Burgos" (b.1442 and d.1520) and Guiomar de Orosco y Sandoval
7). Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco (b.1500) and Catalina Cervantes y Lara de Andrada
*8). Diego de Villaseñor-Tovar Orosco (bap 15/Apr/1543 and d.1610) y Cervantes and Jeronima d' Avalos y Gomez (m. abt. 1568)
9). Gonzalo de Avalos Tovar de Villaseñor and Antonia Hurtado de Mendoza
10) Gonzalo de Villaseñor Cervantes (b. Abt 1621) (m. 26/Sept/1650) and Juana Gomez de Espejo
11). Gonzalo Villaseñor Y Gomez (b. Abt 1660) ( buried 6/Aug/1733) and Teresa de Alva Bocanegra (m. March 1683, Aguascalientes)
12) Cristóbal Villaseñor y Alva ( bap. 7/Sept/1688 Aguascalientes) and Gertrudis Franco de Paredes.
Note: Cristobal had multiple marriages.he was also married to Maria Perez Luxan (Lujan). He may also have been married to Gertrudis Olmedo but I have not confirmed this. If he was married to Gertrudis Olmedo then she would have been the first marriage, with Juana Gertrudis Franco de Paredes the second, and Maria Perez de Luxan (Lujan) being the third marriage.
Second possible line:
1). Alfonso Fernandez Villaseñor and Elvira Osórez (daughter of Fernando Osórez maestro de Santiago)
2). Fernan A. Villaseñor and Aldonza Gutierrez de Tapia
3). Diego Villaseñor alcaide de Segovía married to Maria Serones (Seron)(Seronis)
4). Juan Villaseñor Serones and Elvira de Tovar y Enriquez de Castilla
5). Diego de Villaseñor-Tovar and Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor
6). Diego Villaseñor-Tovar"de Burgos" (b.1442 and d.1520) and Guiomar de Orosco y Sandoval
7). Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco (b.1500) and Catalina Cervantes y Lara de Andrada
8) Juan de Villaseñor Cervantes and Catalina Gonzales Corona (Catalina Corona)
*9). Gonzalo de Villaseñor (b abt 1540) y Cervantes and Maria Zuniga
*10) Gonzalo de Villaseñor Orosco y Zuñiga and Aldonsa de Avalos e Hijar
11) Gonzalo de Avalos Tovar de Villaseñor and Antonia Hurtado de Mendoza
12). Gonzalo de Villaseñor Cervantes (b. Abt 1621) (m. 26/Sept/1650) and Juana Gomez de Espejo
13) Gonzalo Villaseñor Y Gomez (b. Abt 1660) ( buried 6/Aug/1733) and Teresa de Alva Bocanegra (m. March 1683, Aguascalientes)
14). Cristóbal Villaseñor y Alva ( bap. 7/Sept/1688 Aguascalientes) and" Gertrudis Franco de Paredes. Cristobal had multiple marriages.
Rick A. Ricci
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Villaseñor D'Avalos and Villaseñor Lomelin connection
Submitted by R.A.Ricci on Fri, 2016-07-08 22:42.
Your welcome Manny and Chris,
I was trying to be helpful without any serious thought that I would be adding or changing information in my tree. It seems that I am being rewarded for helping out. There may be a change in my Villaseñor Lomelin line because of this research.
I have been digging deeper into the Villaseñor and D'Avalos connection. I found some interesting information on the Villaseñor family. This is from a secondary source but the author provides primary sources that I need to go back and check. There is a big implication for my family tree if this information is correct.
I had been researching the Villaseñor and Avalos connection without being a descendant of the Avalos line. I descend from the Villaseñor Lomelin family. In my research of the Avalos and Villaseñor I found that The web of the Avalos and Villaseñor is providing new information that is a little different than some of the information on the Villaseñor that we have taken for granted because genealogists from a long time ago had stated that so and so was the daughter of "Fulano". If this new information is correct, then my ancestor is not the great granddaughter of Luis (Luciano) Lomelin(i) and Maria del Olmo. This new information adds another generation so she is a great great granddaughter of Luis (Luciano) Lomelin(i) and Maria del Olmo. It also adds another generation in my Villaseñor line. I need time to look up all the primary sources to see if this is true. This is going to take some time. It may also ruffle some feathers because two prominent genealogists have different information in their books that many people, myself included, had taken as fact.
If this new information is true then I descend from a second wife of a Villaseñor after his first wife D'Avalos dies, and I am even more closely related to the D'Avalos Villaseñors. Like you said, there is a lot of information to be processed. One D'Avalos and Villaseñor line intermarried for four generations before finally marrying outside of the family.
Toribio Gomez and Gertrudis Villasenor
I am also descended from Toribio and Gertrudis. You would be my cousin albeit a distant one so nice to meet you. I have read many of your post on nuestro ranchos so some of your info has been helpful for me. The only fact that I know getrudis existed was a that I found a death record with just her first name and stating cristobal villasenor was her husband in aguascalientes.
Hi Rick,
I was going through my notes, and came upon the following entries, which I wish to contribute to this thread. These I pulled from the Archdiocese of Michoacan rolls, I hope you can find them useful.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Francisco de Villasenor y Lomelin Bernal colegial
HL Pedro Villasenor y Orosco cc Maria de Cueba y Lomelin y Bernal
b 24 Oct 1648 Xiquilpa pp Juan de Villasenor Patino y Maria Lomelin SM
tt Tesorero Gonzalo Villasenor Zuniga 60y su tio en 4o grado, Geronimo Marin de Villasenor 40y su primo en 5o grado,
His bro Juan https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N21X-NPJ
Nicolas de Villasenor y Cueba colegial del colegio Rl de San Nicolas
08 Apr 1666 corona y 4 grados, just a letter of intent, no limpieza
IM Tzinzacuaro 3 Jan 1665
Anna Corona de Villasenor cc Francisco Rosales
HL Gaspar Marin de Villasenor cc Geronima Montoya
Tzinapecuaro, obligacion de pagar?
Nicolas y Esteban Marin de Villasenor,
hmnos del Ldo Pedro Marin de Villasenor DTO
IM 29 Jun 1659 Xiquilpa
Juan de Cueva Lomelin con Maria de Villasenor Rincon
HL Francisco de Cueva cc Maria Orosco Lomelin
HaLa Francisco Villasenor cc Ynes Nunez del Rincon
DISPENSA 4o grado consang 11 Jul 1668
Alonso Villasenor y Zuniga HL Gonzalo Villasenor y Zuniga cc Aldonza Davalos de Hijar
Angela de Hijar y Monroy HL Capp Antonio Monroi y Figueroa y Maria de Hijar y Figueroa
Tronco: Juan Fernandez de Hijar cc Ysabel de Alvarado vqfd Guachinango
Beatriz de Hijar-1-Aldonza de Hijar
(Alonso Bracamonte)(Suero Vasquez y Moscoso from Autlan)
Francisca de Hijar-2-Mariana de Hijar y figueroa
(Diego de Avalos from Sayula)(Capp Lorenzo de Mesa)
Aldonza de Hijar-3-Maria de Hijar y Figueroa
Alonso Villasenor-4-Angela de Hijar y Monroi
DISPENSA 4o grado consang 18 Jan 1696 Villa de Santiago
Joseph de Villasenor Orosco HL Mathias Villasenor Cervantes y de Antonia de Antunes de Borja
Maria Ochoa de Villasenor HL Nicolas Ochoa y Juana Lomelin y Villasenor
Juan Villasenor-1-Miguel Villasenor
Francisco Villasenor-2-Diego Villasenor
Matias Villasenor-3-Juana Villasenor
Joseph Villasenor-4-Maria Ochoa
His sister Ynes https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JSW8-1X4
Bro Antonio https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N21X-FQC
Bro Juan https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N21X-N58
ORDENES tonsura y 4 grados 05 May 1698
Miguel Villasenor Lomelin HL Miguel Villasenor Lomelin cc Teodora Ortiz de Zarate from Tlazazalca
Don Gonzalo Davalos Vergara - Dean de la Santa Yglesia Catedral obispado de Mich
ORDENES 8 Jun 1639? Celaya
Lope (alias Francisco) de Contreras Villasenor vecino de Queretaro; b 9 Feb 1616 Apaceo, Mich?
HL de Bartolome Villapadierna y Leonor Contreras Villasenor
re: capellania de Garcia del Castillo Villasenor y Francisca Perez Cavallero SM
Hacienda Puruagua, Acambaro
CAPELLANIA 26 Feb 1643
Garcia del Castillo Villasenor owner of hacienda Puruagua en Acambaro
Su aguela Catalina Lopez; Ldo Juan de Olibares su hermano beneficiado de Tezpan
Bernardo Garcia de Villasenor HL de Garcia del Castillo Villasenor
Opositores (Garcia Davalos etc) to replace Juan Calderon as beneficiado de Capacuaro
Doctor Garcia de Avalos Vergara 13 Mar 1623
Speaks of ancestors, b Colima
garci rodriguez su bizabuelo paterno primer poblador y conquistador de NG y las 7 ciudades de Cibola;
por parte de su madre Catarina de Grijalva, Capp Juan de Grijalva
Hacienda de Taximoxo en Maravateo
Garcia de Villasenor Cervantes labrador y criador
CAPELLANIA - Vicente Trebuesto Davalos clerigo hijo de Maria Magdalena Davalos Bracamonte Orosco Cervantes
1. Francisco de Orozco y Tobar cc Mariana de Villalobos hija de Regidor Augustin Villalobos cc Maria Nunes
2. su hijo Capitan Manuel de Orosco y Cervantes cc Teresa de Ribadesella? y Castilla y hmno del Ber Francisco Orozco Cervantes
3. su hija Condesa Francisca Antonia Orosco y Cervantes cc Pedro Davalos Bracamonte Conde de Miravalles
4. su hija Maria Magdalena Davalos y Bracamonte cc Capp de Coxazas Don Pedro Trebuesto orden de Alcantara
5. su hijo Vicente Trebuesto Davalos, pretendiente de 3 capellanias, how he's related to the fundadores
capellanias de hermanos Antonio y Agustin de Villalobos, capellania del Alferez Tomas Gonzalez de Figueroa
Starts on img078
Garcia del Castillo Villasenor cc Francisca Perez Caballero
Villaseñor lines
Dear Manny,
The main reason that I never finish writing a book is that new information keeps popping up. I often am working on some specific research when I come across some information that is an important puzzle piece to a different research project. Although you provided this information as a possible help in the research on Cristobal Villaseñor, the pieces you are providing are helping me with two other research projects.
The information you are providing looks like it will help me in my Villaseñor Cueva Lomelin line. The second line of research that your information is helpful is in my research on my de Hijar lines.
What does the HaLa mean in "HaLa Francisco Villasenor cc Ynes Nunez del Rincon"?
Thank you for all your help,
Rick A. Ricci
Hi Rick,
I'm happy to hear it helps. I'm sorry, I cut & pasted from my notes, and I have some personal abbreviations: "HaLa" is for "hija legitima," and "HL" would be "hijo legitimo." Others I use are "DTO" id "difunto"; "tt" is "testigos"; "pp" is "padrinos"; "Ldo" is "licenciado"; "Ber" is "bachiller."
These surnames are on my radar, and I will continue to log them, as I find them.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
did these ordenes get you closer to connecting the Avalos brothers to the Villasenor or Avalos y Villasenor families?
Danny C. Alonso
Dear Danny,
It does not. The dispensas provides information in a different area of the Villaseñor family puzzle.
Dear Manny,
The information provided on Francisco de Villasenor y Lomelin Bernal is important in my research. He was a possible ancestor but if he is a priest then he cannot be the one Francisco de Villasenor that I find married and having children.
Rick A. Ricci
Dear Danny,
This Villaseñor line that Regina descends from is related to a Villaseñor D' Avalos line.
Jose de Villaseñor Figueroa was married twice . Through his first marriage to Maria Delgadilla y Bocanegra D'avalos you have a line of descent that used Villaseñor D'avalos. Regina Ines Villaseñor descends from the second marriage so she doesn't have D'avalos in her ancestry.
Rick A. Ricci
Regina Ines Villaseñor y Cuevas
Dear Manny,
One of my ancestors is Regina Ines Villaseñor y Cuebas. Her parents are in dispute. Some genealogists claim that she descends from the Francisco Villaseñor in your post. But based on all the information that I have at hand, I had constructed a different ancestry for her. Your post actually supports my work and clears up this mess as the alternate line is not valid unless that Francisco had a marriage before or after he became a priest.
The probability that this line that I had posted here on nuestrosranchos is valid just went up by leaps and bounds..
I have already connected another line of mine to the Viilaseñors but it was through the brother so it did not include the Cervantes. Regina descends from the Villaseñor Cervantes line, but the ancestry with Francisco didn't make sense to me given the information that I possessed as it led me to construct this alternate line. This line does show descent from the Villaseñor Cervantes line which is very important as I have continued the ancestry of the Cervantes to two thousand years through one line and through an Italian line well over one thousand years. These lines of descent are very solid as they are two lines with much history and are families with written records that can be checked.
Regina Ines Villaseñor
Submitted by R.A.Ricci on Sun, 2016-08-07 13:39.
1). Alfonso Fernandez Villaseñor and Elvira Osórez (daughter of Fernando Osórez maestro de Santiago)
2). Fernan A. Villaseñor and Aldonza Gutierrez de Tapia
3). Diego Villaseñor alcaide de Segovía married to Maria Serones (Seron)(Seronis)
4). Juan Villaseñor Serones and Elvira de Tovar y Enriquez de Castilla
5). Diego de Villaseñor-Tovar and Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor
6). Diego Villaseñor-Tovar"de Burgos" and Guiomar de Orosco y Sandoval
7). Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco and Catalina Cervantes y Lara de Andrada
8). Francisco de Villaseñor y Cervantes and Leonora Gasca y Reus
9). Miguel de Villaseñor Orosco and Maria de Figueroa y Bañuelos
10). José de Villaseñor Figueroa and 2nd wife, Bernarda de Lomelí y Peralta
11). María de Villaseñor y Lomelín and Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal
12). Regina Ines Villaseñor Cuevas (aka Cuevas Villaseñor) was born about 1670. She died prior to April 5, 1720.. She was married to Miguel de Hermosillo (aka Miguel Gonzalez de Hermosillo aka Miguel Muñoz de Hermosillo)
Thanks again Manny for your wonderful work,
Rick A. Ricci
Villaseñor Cuevas Lomelin
Dear Manny,
One thank you wasn't enough. The data you provided seems like just a little piece of the puzzle but in reality it is a big piece as it reinforces that the descent that other genealogists have proposed is not true and that this is the line of descent that fits with all of the information that I have.
Some of my information is based on some of Mariano Gonzalez Leal's work. I am relying on Mariano Gonzalez Leal's for a couple of generations and added it to other pieces of the puzzle that I already have.
Regina Ines Villaseñor
Submitted by R.A.Ricci on Sun, 2016-08-07 13:39.
1). Alfonso Fernandez Villaseñor and Elvira Osórez (daughter of Fernando Osórez maestro de Santiago)
2). Fernan A. Villaseñor and Aldonza Gutierrez de Tapia
3). Diego Villaseñor alcaide de Segovía married to Maria Serones (Seron)(Seronis)
4). Juan Villaseñor Serones and Elvira de Tovar y Enriquez de Castilla
5). Diego de Villaseñor-Tovar and Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor
6). Diego Villaseñor-Tovar"de Burgos" and Guiomar de Orosco y Sandoval
7). Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco and Catalina Cervantes y Lara de Andrada
8). Francisco de Villaseñor y Cervantes and Leonora Gasca y Reus
9). Miguel de Villaseñor Orosco and Maria de Figueroa y Bañuelos
10). José de Villaseñor Figueroa and 2nd wife, Bernarda de Lomelí y Peralta
11). María de Villaseñor y Lomelín and Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal
12). Regina Ines Villaseñor Cuevas (aka Cuevas Villaseñor) was born about 1670. She died prior to April 5, 1720.. She was married to Miguel de Hermosillo (aka Miguel Gonzalez de Hermosillo aka Miguel Muñoz de Hermosillo)
Thanks again Manny for your wonderful work,
Rick A. Ricci
Toribio Gomez and Gertrudis Villasenor
Dear prettycool,
Welcome to th family tree. I'm glad to hear that my posts have been helpful to your research. How do you descend from Thoribio and Gertrudis?
Rick A. Ricci
Cambios de apellido
Hola Richard:
Yo creo que si puede ser el mismo Cristóbal que haya estado un tiempo en Guanajuato, estas familias tenían propiedades en varios lugares del país.
En mi familia tengo un caso parecido: uno de mis tíos nació en 1918 y su madre murió después del parto. Después de un año el padre se casó con una mujer de familia importante y volvieron a registrarlo en 1919. Mi tío tenía dos actas de nacimiento. Sus hijos veían que visitaba una tumba de una mujer pero nunca les dijo nada, llevaba el apellido de la segunda esposa.
Todo esto era un secreto y sus hijos lo descubrieron recientemente, casi 100 años después.
Gertrudis murió en Aguascalientes y se señala que es esposa de Cristóbal Villaseñor y que vivían en el puesto de San Miguel, en Aguascalientes.
México, Aguascalientes, registros parroquiales, 1620-1962, database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N87P-B2K : 27 July 2015), Christobal Villaseñor in entry for Gertrudis, ; citing Death, Asunción de María, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico, parroquias Católicas, Aguascalientes (Catholic church parishes, Aguascalientes).
Creo que es más que una coincidencia que Gertrudis Villaseñor haya sido bautizada poco tiempo después de la muerte de la Gertrudis a que se refiere el registro citado.
Hipotesis sobre Cristóbal de Villaseñor
Hola Richard:
Creo que a Gertrudis se le cambió el apellido por la muerte de su madre, te expongo mi hipótesis.
La primera parte pertenece al árbol genealógico IN81-70K de Familysearch:
Juan de Villaseñor- Catalina de Cervantes
Francisco de Villaseñor Cervantes- Leonicia González y Reuss
Miguel de Villaseñor - María Figueroa
Gonzalo de Villaseñor- Juana Gomez
Gonzalo de Villaseñor- Theresa de Alba y Estrada Bocanegra
(Puruándiro, Michoacan 1636)
A partir de aquí son registros de Familysearch de Aguascalientes.
Gonzalo y Theresa se casan en Aguascalientes en 1683 M60484-5
son padres de
1685 Rosa María
1688 7 de septiembre Cristóbal
1692 Juan Mathias
1695 Lucía
1703 Gonzalo
Cristóbal se casa con Gertrudis de Olmedo, posiblemente mestiza.
Tienen una hija llamada Francisca Thomasa en Celaya el 22 de septiembre de 1722 (C60591-8) mestiza.
La hipótesis consiste en que tuvieron otra hija, en éste caso Gertrudis, pero la madre también Gertrudis muere el 7 de julio de 1724. ¿podría haber muerto de parto?
A partir de sus muerte pudieron ponerle a la hija otro apellido.
En fin, es una hipótesis que habría que comprobar, pero si liga a Gertrudis con la familia Villaseñor.
postdata Gonzalo de Villaseñor muere en Aguascalientes el 6 de agosto de 1733.
Cristobal Villaseñor
Informacíon que tengo en mis Nota's sobre Cristobal Villaseñor:
Cristobal Villaseñor fue Teniente alcalde de "San Miguel de Los Alba" que ahora pertence a Encarnacion de Diaz "La Chona". El fue dueño de varias propiedadas que ahora pertencen a Tepatitlan y Jalostotitlan. Cristobal Villaseñor nacio en Aguascalientes.
El se caso dos veces, la primera ves con Gertrudis Franco de Paredes y la segunda ves con Maria Perez Luxano
Yo desciendo del primer matrimonio. De su primer matrimonio nacío Juana "Ana" Gertrudis Villaseñor y Franco de Paredes. Juana "Ana" Gertrudis de Villaseñor y Franco de Paredes fue bautizada el 6/Aug/1724. Su esposo, Joseph Thoribio Muñoz de la Barba fue bautizado el 28/Apr/1718 en San Juan de los Lagos. El murio el 22//Nov/1779. Juana "Ana" Gertrudis y Joseph Thoribio se casaron el 9/Oct/1743.
Del segundo matrimonio tuvo por lo menos dos hijos, a) Maria Rosalia Villaseñor Luxano bautizada el 23/Apr/1746, y b) Juan de Villaseñor que se caso con Rosalia de la Trinidad Muñoz de la Barba
Cristobal Villaseñor
Hola Marcelina,
El Cristobal Villaseñor que yo busco nacio en Aguascalientes y algunos genealogos lo tienen como hijo de Gonzalo de Villaseñor- Theresa de Alba y Estrada Bocanegra.
(Puruándiro, Michoacan 1636)
Gertrudis Franco de Paredes no es la misma que se llama Gertrudis Olmedo. Puede ser que Cristobal tuvo tres esposas. El Cristobal Villaseñor que estaba casado con Gertrudis Olmedo vivia en Guanajuato.
El Cristobal Villaseñor casado con Gertrudis Franco de Paredes tambien se caso con Maria Perez Luxano (Lujano).
Cristobal Villaseñor
18 de Octubre de 1723caso en san juan de los lagos y si tienes bien a los padres de ellos