Hola Every One , I am stuck , I am looking for the connection of Jose Clemente Ramirez(baptized 10 dec 1784 San Juan de Los lagos) son of Joaquin Ramirez and Carmela Garcia . Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez ( daughter of Joseph Eugenio Ramirez (born 05 feb 1755 San Juan de los lagos ) and Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas (born 14 may 1758 San Juan de Los lagos) .
Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez 08 feb 1809 San Juan de Los Lagos (Matrimonios-1797-1823 Image # 265 ) -Parientesco de Tercer Grado.
The only hint I have is Ermenegilda Ramirezs Parents -of whom I have mentioned ,but have also their Parents
Joseph Eugenio Ramirez-born to Jose Ramirez(son of Antonio Ramirez and Josefa Vasquez) and Ramona Justa Limon(parents -Miguel limon and Clara de Ornelas) married 08 april 1742 San Juan de Los lagos -Matrimonios-1722-1770 # Image 222
Miguel Limon son of Diego Limon and Marta de Ornelas.
Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas daughter of Antonio George Ornelas and Manuela Olivares
I hope I didn't confuse any one
thank you for your time
Jose Clemente ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez
Hola Danny and Members , I guess I was confusing ,sorry I will try again , I hope I am clearer. I am tying to connect
Jose Clemente Ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez who were married Feb 09 , 1809 San Juan de Los Lagos-(Matrimonos-San Juan de Lagos-1795-1823 Image # 265.
In the Acta it states that the couple had Parientesco de Tercer grado.
I was trying to figure out how. went to the Las Dispensas and nothing.
I hope this works , I became confused myself.
Other info is below.
From: Research on behalf of Ronald Reynoso
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 2:18 PM
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Jose Clemente ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez
Hola Every One , I am stuck , I am looking for the connection of Jose Clemente Ramirez(baptized 10 dec 1784 San Juan de Los lagos) son of Joaquin Ramirez and Carmela Garcia . Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez ( daughter of Joseph Eugenio Ramirez (born 05 feb 1755 San Juan de los lagos ) and Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas (born 14 may 1758 San Juan de Los lagos) .
Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez 08 feb 1809 San Juan de Los Lagos (Matrimonios-1797-1823 Image # 265 ) -Parientesco de Tercer Grado.
The only hint I have is Ermenegilda Ramirezs Parents -of whom I have mentioned ,but have also their Parents
Joseph Eugenio Ramirez-born to Jose Ramirez(son of Antonio Ramirez and Josefa Vasquez) and Ramona Justa Limon(parents -Miguel limon and Clara de Ornelas) married 08 april 1742 San Juan de Los lagos -Matrimonios-1722-1770 # Image 222
Miguel Limon son of Diego Limon and Marta de Ornelas.
Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas daughter of Antonio George Ornelas and Manuela Olivares
I hope I didn't confuse any one
thank you for your time
Jose Clemente ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez
Katy Brecht's index has Jose Clemente Ramirez and Ermengilda Ramirez marriage dispensation which can be found at (thnaks Katy):
Austin Perez
Jose Clemente ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez
you did confuse me. I don't get what you're looking for if you know their parents?
Danny C. Alonso
I assume you are looking for the dispensation for Jose Clemente and Ermenegilda. I would expect this to have been done in early 1809. There are four films in the Diocese of Guadalajara for 1809 dispensations, but unfortunately they have not yet been indexed. I checked Claudia's dispensa website.
What you are looking for may be there!
George Fulton
Hola Members ,wanted to say thank you to Austin Perez . I found the Dispensa ,the bad thing I cant figure out who the main tronco is. It states that (1) Jose Ramirez is the father of (2)Christobal Ramirez and Jose Ramirez.
Christobal bore --(3Joaquin Ramirez(married to Carmela Garcia )
whom bore Jose Clemente Ramirez(Pretenso)
Jose Ramirez(married to Ramona Justa Limon) whom bore Jose Eugenio Ramirez (married to Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas)
who bore Ermenegilda RamirezI (Pretensa)
I am trying to figure out who the Tronco---Jose Ramirez is all about .
I have a Antonio Ramirez and Josefa Vasquez but I don't know if Antonio is Jose (Antonio) and if he is then its him
I obtained these names from the Marriage of Jose Ramirez and Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas-Matrimonios-San Juan de Los Lagos-1722-1770 Image # 222
Thank you