Many of the early families of Aguacalientes also had relations in San Luis Potosi. I am trying to solve a puzzle of shared compound surnames among the Nietos of Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, and San Luis Potosi.
Don Esteban Nieto (II) (estimated birth 1642) of San Luis Potosi was married twice, first to a Juana Gonzalez, second to a Dona Ana Diaz Rodriguez y Salas 26 November 1670 in San Luis Potosi. Ana was the daughter of a Rodrigo Martin and an Ana Rodriguez. Don Esteban Nieto II’s parents are not named in the marriage.
Don Esteban Nieto (II)’s descendants mostly spread throughout Armadillo de los Infante, San Luis Potosi. Strange surnames appear among two of his sons by his second wife: Augustin and Pedro. Augustin Nieto married three times, first to Angela del Castillo, second to Felipa de Cervantes, and third to Maria de Villalobos. Augustin Nieto’s descendants spread throughout Aguascalientes and, correct me if I am wrong; some begin appearing with the surname “Nieto Corona.” Don Esteban Nieto (II)’s son Pedro went by the name “Pedro Hernandez Sedillo”.
This would seem to indicate Don Esteban Nieto (II) as a son of Pedro Nieto (son of Hernando de Almeida and Isabel Hernandez) and Dona Josefa Corona. Esteban’s estimated birth of 1642 seems to match up with Pedro Nieto’s other children in Pinos. This would seem to explain why at least the surnames Hernandez and Corona spontaneously appear among the descendants of Don Esteban Nieto (II) (the origins of Sedillo/Cedillo is still a mystery). However, Pedro Nieto is not Esteban’s father.
Don Esteban Nieto (II)’s parents are not named in his marriage but curiously they are named when he was a padrino to the baptism of a boy “Leon?” (baptized 3 September 1690, in Armadillo de los Infantes) found here:…
Don Esteban Nieto (II) is named as the son of Esteban Nieto (I) and Ysabel Perez. This is the only primary source I have seen that directly names Don Esteban Nieto (II)’s parents.
This information seems to correspond to an old web-post found here:
Here Don Esteban Nieto (II) is named as “Esteban del Nieto y del Rio” and described as a son of an “Esteban del Nieto y Rodruguez” with the assumption that Don Esteban Nieto (II) was related to his wife Dona Ana Diaz Rodriguez y Salas. If they are related it might be through Ana’s mother Ana Rodriguez. I have been unable to contact the original poster of this information, so I do not know of its accuracy.
The question remains: Why do some of Augustin Nieto’s descendants use Corona? …Could Dona Josefa Corona’s husband Pedro Nieto be a brother or father to Esteban Nieto (I)?
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Nieto in New Mexico
I wonder if anyone has any info on the Nieto family in New Mexico. Knowing that many of the NM colonists came from Zacatecas area, I wonder if Nieto came from there and is connected to the families discussed here. There was an alcalde Jose Nieto born in 1616 and died in the Pueblo Indian uprising of 1680. His son was Cristobal Nieto, born 1648 in New Mexico.
Esteban Nieto
Thank you very much for the information on the parents for Esteban Nieto m. Ana Rodriguez!
Austin Perez
NIETO in Sagrario SLP
Hi David,
I'm unable to answer why your Esteban Nieto's descendants would use "Corona," nor do I have anything directly linking him to Esteban Nieto and Ysabel Perez, but here's what I have in my notes. You may already have some of these. These are from Sagrario, San Luis Potosi (much of which hasn't been indexed):
I have Esteban Nieto baptizing 3 children, possibly with the same woman: Ysabel Benavides, Ysabel Perez, Ysabel Alvarez:
1. Sebastian Nieto Benavides, b. 21 Feb 1616 (might be the same married to Ysabel Perez, below)
2. Juan Nieto Perez, b. 25 Sep 1633
3. Antonio Nieto Alvarez, b. 16 Oct 1640
Someone named Esteban Nieto (likely the one married to Ysabel Benavides) registered a cattle brand, looks like Jun 1620:
Registro de hierros y señales 1597-1615, exp 1-4 img175…
Your Esteban Nieto and Ana Diaz married 26 Nov 1670, Sagrario SLP. They're categorized as "Mestizos," though their chldren would be "Espanoles."…
1. Maria Ysabel Nieto Diaz, b. 12 Jul 1673
2. Petra Nieto Rodriguez, b. 23 Jul 1675
Other Nieto's in early SLP:
Alonso Nieto del Corral, m. Francisca de Paz:
1. Juana Nieto del Corral Paz, b. 03 Jul 1600
Diego Nieto m. Francisca Machin (or Martin):
1. Jacinto Nieto Martin, b. 18 Feb 1602
2. Anna Nieto Machin, b. 18 Jul 1608
Francisco Nieto and Luisa de Almarza:
1. Esteban Nieto Almarza, b. 15 Jan 1630
Sebastian Nieto (possibly Sebastian Nieto Benavides) m. Ysabel Perez:
1. Sebastian Nieto Perez m. Luisa Molina, 21 Jul 1636
Blas Nieto, m. Ysabel Perez:
1. Juan Nieto Perez, b. 27 Oct 1637
"Ysabel Perez" was either a popular name in SLP, or Blas, Sebastian and Esteban Nieto are the same person.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Estevan Nieto Perez
Actually, I thought it said "Juan" in the margin, but when I looked at the paragraph, it says "Estevan":
26 Sep 1633
Estevan hijo de Estevan Nieto y de Ysabel Perez su muger
p Juan Sevillano
(right image)…
I'm thinking Blas Nieto and Ysabel Perez are the same couple; check the timelines.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Estevan Nieto Perez
Thank you for the information Manny. Some I had, some was new. I am wondering if Blas Nieto (husband of Ysabel Perez) is the same Blas Nieto from that Dispensa.
Esteban Nieto & Juana Gonzalez
Hi David,
Here's Esteban Nieto cc Juana Gonzalez, in the 1684 SLP Padron. Left image, top right, listed with them is a child named Santiago Ruiz. I wonder if this was a notary's error, since Juana Gonzalez died before 1670?