Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
- Log in to post comments
RE: Diego Centeno of Celaya 1600s
Hi pcenteno,
A decade later but I stumbled with this post just now. I think I descend from the same Diego Centeno, particularly but from his daughter María (FS ID: M4L9-JMP) whom he had with his second wife, Isabel de la Paz.
In the Marriage information of María Centeno (1664), an Alonso Centeno says he is half-brother of María, which may help you prove the point: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9392-KPZT-Y?i=697&cc=1883388
Best regards.
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hi Ronnie,
You might also be interested in the Centenos.
Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c 1625)
and Da. María de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around 1600) and
Da. Ana Ortiz;
Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and Quiteria
Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain, and he
was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was the
daughter of Cristobal Martínez and Ana de Rosas.
I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose Ramon, who
married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de Reynoso
and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
Hector Felix Aizcorbe
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Petronila de Moctezuma
Ive done extensive research on the descendants of DOna Petra if anyone needs any info. -Daniel
Petronila de Moctezuma
Hola Daniel ,I would like some info if possible on Petronila de Moctezuma
Tu Primo Ronnie
>From: mormonboy74
>Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petronila de Moctezuma
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 18:43:03 -0700 (PDT)
>Ive done extensive research on the descendants of DOna Petra if anyone
>needs any info. -Daniel
Petronila de Moctezuma
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA
Hi Daniel:
I would appreciate any information that you have on Petronila de Moctezuma. I am a descendent from Ana Francisca de Gabay and Lope Ruiz de Esparza, their daughter Lorenza Ruiz de Esparza and Luis Tiscareno de Molina,their daughter Lorenza Tiscareno de Molina and husband Pedro Romo de Vivar. The only information that I have on Lope Ruiz de Esparza is a copy of the record when he left Spain, (pasaje a Indias) that you sent me. Do you have anything else on him?
It looks like we might be primos.
Thank you
John Gonzalez
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Thanks for the information primo. My line comes through Francisca Gabay Navarro y Moctezuma. I will have to wrte more later. I am supposed to be shutting down so my computer can go in the rv. We are leaving on a trip to Washington state. We will be there for Thanksgiving and then on to California to spend Christmas with a son and family. We won't be back home until January sometime, when the weather should be good and cold. Here I am busy with genealogy, my favorite thing to do. We take our computers with us and we get on the internet whenever possible. I should be able to still work on indexing and keep track of things.
I am doing fine, thankyou. I will feel a little more rested once we are on the road and I quit working.
Will get back to you soon so we can learn more about our ancesctors.
Have a great day.
----- Original Message ----
From: Ronald Reynoso
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com; ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:36:54 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hola Hector ,how are you ? Thanks for the info ,I haven't gone further than
Jacinto Centeno. I was given info that Jose Matias Centeno also went by the
.Dates are the same as the wife . I found it strange and thought the Centeno
was a name change.
tu primo nuevo
Ronnie ,pariente acasi todos de LOS ALTOS de JALISCO
>From: "Hector Felix"
>Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:24:24 -0500
>Hi Ronnie,
>You might also be interested in the Centenos.
>Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c 1625)
>and Da. María de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
>Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around 1600)
>Da. Ana Ortiz;
>Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and Quiteria
>Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain, and
>was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
>century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was the
>daughter of Cristobal Martínez and Ana de Rosas.
>I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose Ramon,
>married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de Reynoso
>and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
>Hector Felix Aizcorbe
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
>Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
>Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
>ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
>Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
>This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
>Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
>Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
>Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
>Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
>Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
>Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
>Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
>Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
>Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
>Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
>Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
>Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
>Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hi Ronnie,
You're right about the surname Carrasquilla. It might have belonged to his
maternal grandmother, whom we don't know.
I have all the usual Los Altos ancestors: Romo de Vivar, Ruiz de Esparza,
Lopez de Elizalde, Gonzalez de Hermosillo, Munoz de Nava, Pedroza, Luna,
Martin del Campo, Vazquez Zermeno, Loza, Diaz de Leon, Hurtado de Mendoza,
Lozano, Anda Altamirano, Moreno de Ortega, etc. most of whom are already
very well known to all the group.
Plus many more from the Zacatecas region: Felix de Arellano, Sanchez
Castellanos, Carlos de Godoy, de la Torre Valdes, Llanos y Valdes, Carrillo
de Avila, Rodarte, Correa Troncoso Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Garcia de la
Cadena, Gonzalez de Haro, Miramontes, Marquez de los Olivos, Perez Montes,
Minjares y Solorzano, Escobedo, Vazquez de Mercado, Acevedo y Alarcón,
Enriquez, Cid Caldera, de la Cueva Carvajal, Olague Etulain, Chavez
Banuelos, Tello de Orozco, Soto y Almeida, Renteria, Rio de Losa, Cabral,
Avila, Ortiz de San Pedro, Luna, Haro, Lamas, Vela, Beruben, Ruiz de
Guadiana, etc.
Plus some from the Celaya (El Bajio) region (Garcia de Leon, Aguilar y
Arteaga, Lopez de Aguirre, Vallejo, Maldonado, Centeno, Landin, Pisano, de
la Parra, Melendez, Mandujano, Paredes, Muñoz de Sanabria, Herrera y Porras,
Garcia Caballero, Medina, Silva, etc.), and current states of Mexico,
Pachuca, Queretaro, Puebla and Mexico City.
I've just sent some clarification on the Centenos to John Gonzalez which I
repeat here, because I relieve it didn't go through to all the list:
The first part of the information I gave (on Jose Jacinto Centeno) I got
from Mariano Gonzalez Leal: Information about the parents of Jose Jacinto
Centeno appear in the marriage information for his wedding to Antonia Ruiz
de Esparza en Aguascalientes on 21st May, 1679, cited by Luz Montejano on
her books page 185 / 1007.
As to the ancestry of Alonso Centeno, it appears on his marriage information
to wed Antonia Tello y Valverde, In Archivo de Casa de Morelos, on 2nd
August, 1664:
Celaya, 2 de Agosto de 1664
Alonso Centeno, viudo de María de Castro, hijo de Diego Centeno y de Ana
Ortiz, difunta, tiene tratado casar con Antonia Tello Valverde, hija de
Mateo Pérez de Valverde, difunto, y de Magdalena Tello Sandoval.
Testigos: Francisco de Oviedo, Gabriel Centeno, su hermano, Pedro Rentería
Villa, Diego Dávila, maestro de boticario.
AHCM/PARROQUIAL/SACRAMENTAL/Matrimonios/Subserie/Caja 29/Exp.106/F. 251
Martin Centeno couldve been Alonsos father. For the dowry he got when
marrying Quiteria Martínez de Rosas he granted carta de dote in Celaya on
on 9th July, 1612, which appears in the protocols of Francisco Jimenez,
notary public at the time in Celaya, which are kept in Archivo Historico
Municipal de Morelia. Although there is the possibility that Martin and
Alonso might haved been brothers.
I can say that I'm a specialist in Celaya and its region. If you or anybody
from the group have ancestors in this region let me know and I'll try and
help you.
Best regards,
Hector Felix Aizcorbe
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 11:17 p.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hola Hector ,how are you ? Thanks for the info ,I haven't gone further than
Jacinto Centeno. I was given info that Jose Matias Centeno also went by the
Dates are the same as the wife . I found it strange and thought the Centeno
was a name change.
tu primo nuevo
Ronnie ,pariente acasi todos de LOS ALTOS de JALISCO
>From: "Hector Felix"
>Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:24:24 -0500
>Hi Ronnie,
>You might also be interested in the Centenos.
>Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c 1625)
>and Da. Marma de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
>Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around 1600)
>Da. Ana Ortiz;
>Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and Quiteria
>Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain, and
>was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
>century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was the
>daughter of Cristobal Martmnez and Ana de Rosas.
>I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose Ramon,
>married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de Reynoso
>and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
>Hector Felix Aizcorbe
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
>Enviado el: Miircoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
>Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
>ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
>Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
>This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
>Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
>Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
>Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
>Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
>Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
>Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
>Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
>Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
>Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
>Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
>Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
>Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
>Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
You seem to have a lot of the surnames that I have. I would like to know more about your Renteria line and where they lived.
.----- Original Message ----
From: Hector Felix
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:17:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hi Ronnie,
You're right about the surname Carrasquilla. It might have belonged to his
maternal grandmother, whom we don't know.
I have all the usual Los Altos ancestors: Romo de Vivar, Ruiz de Esparza,
Lopez de Elizalde, Gonzalez de Hermosillo, Munoz de Nava, Pedroza, Luna,
Martin del Campo, Vazquez Zermeno, Loza, Diaz de Leon, Hurtado de Mendoza,
Lozano, Anda Altamirano, Moreno de Ortega, etc. most of whom are already
very well known to all the group.
Plus many more from the Zacatecas region: Felix de Arellano, Sanchez
Castellanos, Carlos de Godoy, de la Torre Valdes, Llanos y Valdes, Carrillo
de Avila, Rodarte, Correa Troncoso Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Garcia de la
Cadena, Gonzalez de Haro, Miramontes, Marquez de los Olivos, Perez Montes,
Minjares y Solorzano, Escobedo, Vazquez de Mercado, Acevedo y Alarcón,
Enriquez, Cid Caldera, de la Cueva Carvajal, Olague Etulain, Chavez
Banuelos, Tello de Orozco, Soto y Almeida, Renteria, Rio de Losa, Cabral,
Avila, Ortiz de San Pedro, Luna, Haro, Lamas, Vela, Beruben, Ruiz de
Guadiana, etc.
Plus some from the Celaya (El Bajio) region (Garcia de Leon, Aguilar y
Arteaga, Lopez de Aguirre, Vallejo, Maldonado, Centeno, Landin, Pisano, de
la Parra, Melendez, Mandujano, Paredes, Muñoz de Sanabria, Herrera y Porras,
Garcia Caballero, Medina, Silva, etc.), and current states of Mexico,
Pachuca, Queretaro, Puebla and Mexico City.
I've just sent some clarification on the Centenos to John Gonzalez which I
repeat here, because I relieve it didn't go through to all the list:
The first part of the information I gave (on Jose Jacinto Centeno) I got
from Mariano Gonzalez Leal: Information about the parents of Jose Jacinto
Centeno appear in the marriage information for his wedding to Antonia Ruiz
de Esparza en Aguascalientes on 21st May, 1679, cited by Luz Montejano on
her books page 185 / 1007.
As to the ancestry of Alonso Centeno, it appears on his marriage information
to wed Antonia Tello y Valverde, In Archivo de Casa de Morelos, on 2nd
August, 1664:
“Celaya, 2 de Agosto de 1664
Alonso Centeno, viudo de María de Castro, hijo de Diego Centeno y de Ana
Ortiz, difunta, tiene tratado casar con Antonia Tello Valverde, hija de
Mateo Pérez de Valverde, difunto, y de Magdalena Tello Sandoval.
Testigos: Francisco de Oviedo, Gabriel Centeno, su hermano, Pedro Rentería
Villa, Diego Dávila, maestro de boticario.
AHCM/PARROQUIAL/SACRAMENTAL/Matrimonios/Subserie/Caja 29/Exp.106/F. 251”
Martin Centeno could’ve been Alonso’s father. For the dowry he got when
marrying Quiteria Martínez de Rosas he granted “carta de dote” in Celaya on
on 9th July, 1612, which appears in the protocols of Francisco Jimenez,
notary public at the time in Celaya, which are kept in Archivo Historico
Municipal de Morelia. Although there is the possibility that Martin and
Alonso might haved been brothers.
I can say that I'm a specialist in Celaya and its region. If you or anybody
from the group have ancestors in this region let me know and I'll try and
help you.
Best regards,
Hector Felix Aizcorbe
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 11:17 p.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hola Hector ,how are you ? Thanks for the info ,I haven't gone further than
Jacinto Centeno. I was given info that Jose Matias Centeno also went by the
Dates are the same as the wife . I found it strange and thought the Centeno
was a name change.
tu primo nuevo
Ronnie ,pariente acasi todos de LOS ALTOS de JALISCO
>From: "Hector Felix"
>Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:24:24 -0500
>Hi Ronnie,
>You might also be interested in the Centenos.
>Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c 1625)
>and Da. Marma de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
>Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around 1600)
>Da. Ana Ortiz;
>Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and Quiteria
>Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain, and
>was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
>century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was the
>daughter of Cristobal Martmnez and Ana de Rosas.
>I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose Ramon,
>married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de Reynoso
>and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
>Hector Felix Aizcorbe
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
>Enviado el: Miircoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
>Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
>ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
>Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
>This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
>Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
>Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
>Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
>Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
>Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
>Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
>Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
>Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
>Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
>Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
>Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
>Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
>Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
So we connect with the "Carlos de Godoy and Cid Caldera" will like to know
where is your connection and how far do you have information on the first
Carlos de Godoy?
Sylvia H Corona
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hi Silvia,
I have at least 3 lines of Carlos de Godoy:
María Tomasa Carlos de Godoy, married to Bonifacio de la Torre Valdes
Daughter of Jose Carlos de Godoy and Juana Cid Caldera
Son of Juan Carlos de Godoy and Sebastiana Rodriguez
Son of Juan Carlos de Godoy and Maria Rosales
Son of Nicolas Carlos de Godoy
Juana Cid Caldera, married to Jose Carlos de Godoy
Daughter Juana Rosales and Pedro Cid Caldera
Daughter of Antonio Carlos Godoy
Son of Juan Carlos Godoy and Maria Rosales
Son of Nicolas Carlos Godoy
Juan Antonio Carlos de Godoy, married to Magdalena de la Torre Valdes
Son of Miguel Carlos de Godoy y Velasco and Antonia de Llanos y Valdés
Son of Ignacio Carlos de Godoy y Velasco and Maria de Miranda
Son of Sebastián Carlos de Godoy and Agustina de Velasco y Renteria
Son of Juan Carlos de Godoy and Maria Rosales
Son of Nicolas Carlos de Godoy
I don't know who Nicolas' wife and parents were. I know there was a Juan
Carlos de Godoy living in Culiacán around 1570.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Sylvia
Enviado el: Viernes, 19 de Octubre de 2007 01:21 a.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
So we connect with the "Carlos de Godoy and Cid Caldera" will like to know
where is your connection and how far do you have information on the first
Carlos de Godoy?
Sylvia H Corona
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
My Renteria lines come from Juan de Renteria, who was in Oaxaca, Havana and
in Florida with Hernando de Soto. Since 1576 he was "factor de la Real
Audiencia de Guadalajara". He married Luisa de Rivera or Pereyra;
Son: Sancho de Renteria, married to Angela de Velasco;
Children (from whom I'm descended):
- Sancho de Renteria, married to Agueda del Rio de Losa. Their daugther
Angela de Velasco Renteria y Mojica married Juan del Campo y de la Torre;
- Diego de Renteria Mojica y Velasco, married to Isabel Sarmiento.Son Diego
de Renteria Mojica y Sarmiento married Emerenciana Arias de Orozco y Valdes
and their daughter Josefa de Renteria y Valdes married in turn Francisco de
Reinoso y Padilla, whose daughter Juana Bernarda de Reinoso y Renteria
married Juan Antonio Martinez Gallardo.
They lived in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Jerez and Guadalajara.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Irene Sweet
Enviado el: Jueves, 18 de Octubre de 2007 11:14 p.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
You seem to have a lot of the surnames that I have. I would like to know
more about your Renteria line and where they lived.
----- Original Message ----
From: Hector Felix
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:17:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hi Ronnie,
You're right about the surname Carrasquilla. It might have belonged to his
maternal grandmother, whom we don't know.
I have all the usual Los Altos ancestors: Romo de Vivar, Ruiz de Esparza,
Lopez de Elizalde, Gonzalez de Hermosillo, Munoz de Nava, Pedroza, Luna,
Martin del Campo, Vazquez Zermeno, Loza, Diaz de Leon, Hurtado de Mendoza,
Lozano, Anda Altamirano, Moreno de Ortega, etc. most of whom are already
very well known to all the group.
Plus many more from the Zacatecas region: Felix de Arellano, Sanchez
Castellanos, Carlos de Godoy, de la Torre Valdes, Llanos y Valdes, Carrillo
de Avila, Rodarte, Correa Troncoso Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Garcia de la
Cadena, Gonzalez de Haro, Miramontes, Marquez de los Olivos, Perez Montes,
Minjares y Solorzano, Escobedo, Vazquez de Mercado, Acevedo y Alarcón,
Enriquez, Cid Caldera, de la Cueva Carvajal, Olague Etulain, Chavez
Banuelos, Tello de Orozco, Soto y Almeida, Renteria, Rio de Losa, Cabral,
Avila, Ortiz de San Pedro, Luna, Haro, Lamas, Vela, Beruben, Ruiz de
Guadiana, etc.
Plus some from the Celaya (El Bajio) region (Garcia de Leon, Aguilar y
Arteaga, Lopez de Aguirre, Vallejo, Maldonado, Centeno, Landin, Pisano, de
la Parra, Melendez, Mandujano, Paredes, Muñoz de Sanabria, Herrera y Porras,
Garcia Caballero, Medina, Silva, etc.), and current states of Mexico,
Pachuca, Queretaro, Puebla and Mexico City.
I've just sent some clarification on the Centenos to John Gonzalez which I
repeat here, because I relieve it didn't go through to all the list:
The first part of the information I gave (on Jose Jacinto Centeno) I got
from Mariano Gonzalez Leal: Information about the parents of Jose Jacinto
Centeno appear in the marriage information for his wedding to Antonia Ruiz
de Esparza en Aguascalientes on 21st May, 1679, cited by Luz Montejano on
her books page 185 / 1007.
As to the ancestry of Alonso Centeno, it appears on his marriage information
to wed Antonia Tello y Valverde, In Archivo de Casa de Morelos, on 2nd
August, 1664:
Celaya, 2 de Agosto de 1664
Alonso Centeno, viudo de María de Castro, hijo de Diego Centeno y de Ana
Ortiz, difunta, tiene tratado casar con Antonia Tello Valverde, hija de
Mateo Pérez de Valverde, difunto, y de Magdalena Tello Sandoval.
Testigos: Francisco de Oviedo, Gabriel Centeno, su hermano, Pedro Rentería
Villa, Diego Dávila, maestro de boticario.
AHCM/PARROQUIAL/SACRAMENTAL/Matrimonios/Subserie/Caja 29/Exp.106/F. 251
Martin Centeno couldve been Alonsos father. For the dowry he got when
marrying Quiteria Martínez de Rosas he granted carta de dote in Celaya on
on 9th July, 1612, which appears in the protocols of Francisco Jimenez,
notary public at the time in Celaya, which are kept in Archivo Historico
Municipal de Morelia. Although there is the possibility that Martin and
Alonso might haved been brothers.
I can say that I'm a specialist in Celaya and its region. If you or anybody
from the group have ancestors in this region let me know and I'll try and
help you.
Best regards,
Hector Felix Aizcorbe
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 11:17 p.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hola Hector ,how are you ? Thanks for the info ,I haven't gone further than
Jacinto Centeno. I was given info that Jose Matias Centeno also went by the
Dates are the same as the wife . I found it strange and thought the Centeno
was a name change.
tu primo nuevo
Ronnie ,pariente acasi todos de LOS ALTOS de JALISCO
>From: "Hector Felix"
>Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:24:24 -0500
>Hi Ronnie,
>You might also be interested in the Centenos.
>Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c 1625)
>and Da. Marma de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
>Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around 1600)
>Da. Ana Ortiz;
>Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and Quiteria
>Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain, and
>was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
>century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was the
>daughter of Cristobal Martmnez and Ana de Rosas.
>I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose Ramon,
>married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de Reynoso
>and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
>Hector Felix Aizcorbe
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
>Enviado el: Miircoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
>Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
>ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
>Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
>This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
>Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
>Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
>Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
>Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
>Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
>Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
>Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
>Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
>Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
>Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
>Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
>Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
>Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Message for Hector Felix, et al.
In your message of October 19th you stated that you're a descendant of
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco. I'm not related, but I have an
interest in this family because of its connection with other families in
the region, more specifically to Angela Temiño de Velasco (aka Angela de
Velasco) married to Geronimo de Orosco. They lived in Aguascalientes. Here
is some information about Geronimo de Orosco from the book "Los Españoles en
Aguascalientes durante la época colonial - Origen, desarrollo e influencia
de una minoría" (1st Ed. 2002 pp. 51) by Prof. Jesús Gómez Serrano of the
University of Aguascalientes:
"La influencia ejercida por los inmigrantes en el incipiente pero crucial
desarrollo que se observa en la región de Aguascalientes durante la segunda
mitad del siglo XVI puede detectarse también de otras maneras. Si aceptamos
el valor de los símbolos en la historia, tendremos que conceder gran
importancia al hecho de que la cédula de fundación de la villa de
Aguascalientes haya sido firmada por el vasco Gerónimo de Orozco. En
diciembre de 1574, cuando Orozco asumió la presidencia de la Audiencia de
Guadalajara, recibió del rey instrucciones muy precisas en el sentido de
fortalecer la defensa de la frontera norteña. El mismo, como funcionario de
la Audiencia de México, había recorrido el camino que conducía a las minas
de Zacatecas, constatando la fragilidad de las rutas y los daños, muertes y
robos que hacían los indios chichimecos. Gerónimo de Orozco y su hermano
Juan Bautista, quien lo antecedió en el gobierno de la Audiencia de
Guadalajara, desempeñaron un papel fundamental en la colonización defensiva
de la frontera norteña."
And from the book "Encomenderos y Hacendados 1534-1650" (I don't remember
the name of the author, but can look it up if you'd like):
"Uno de los carreteros mas activos entre 1615 a 1622 fue Gerónimo de Orozco,
descendiente de los primeros pobladores y conquistadores de la Villa de
Aguascalientes, heredó de su abuela doña María de Ortega sitios de ganado
mayor. Los hijos de Gerónimo de Orozco y Angela de Velasco fueron 3 hombres
y 3 mujeres (...)
Apparently the Gerónimo the Orosco that lived in Aguascalientes was the son
of the Governor of the Audiencia de Guadalajara. I'm still not convinced
but I know that they were an important family in early Aguascalientes.
Angela de Temiño y Velasco was a native of the "Villa de los Lagos" in
Jalisco. Any information about the connection between the Angela de Velasco
married to Sancho de Rentería, and Angela Temiño de Velasco (aka Angela de
Velasco) married to Gerónimo de Orosco will be appreciated.
Bill Figueroa
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Hello All! I was wondering where could ou find or purchase the books Bill mentioned about early Aguas. They sound really swell books! Just a connection my Juan del Camino, was Governeror of la audiencia of Guadalajara, starting in 1603, I havent read the whole document yet, if anyone is interested in it let me know! They were from Fresnillo.
-Daniel MdC
Help yourself to FREE treats served up daily at the Messenger Café. Stop by today.
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Hello Daniel,
I bought the two books in question in Aguascalientes during my last visit in
2006. They're were published a few years ago and probably not available at
bookstores in the U.S., but you may be able to find them at a public library
in your area, or order them as an "interlibrary loan". They're not
reference books, so there is a pretty good chance you can get them that way.
Now a funny note. I couldn't help but laugh when you said that they "sound
really swell books!". I hadn't heard that expression in many years. To me,
it sounds like it's right out of "Leave it to Beaver...". Since you're only
14 years old (maybe 15 by now) I guess you probably heard it from your
Anyway, good luck finding the books. Incidentally, I have not found any
reference to Juan del Camino, Governor of the Audiencia de Guadalajara in
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mendez"
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Hello All! I was wondering where could ou find or purchase the books Bill
mentioned about early Aguas. They sound really swell books! Just a
connection my Juan del Camino, was Governeror of la audiencia of
Guadalajara, starting in 1603, I havent read the whole document yet, if
anyone is interested in it let me know! They were from Fresnillo.
-Daniel MdC
Help yourself to FREE treats served up daily at the Messenger Café. Stop by
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Hi Hill,
I'm not sure, but it's posible that your Jerónimo de Orozco married to
Angela de Velasco was the brother of my Francisco Tello de Orozco (died in
Guadalajara 10th May, 1615) married to my Ana de Carvajal y Figueroa (died
in Guadalajara 12th May, 1620).
My Francisco was supposed to be the son of Jerónimo de Orozco Lerma,
president of the Audiencia de Guadalajara, and doña Beatriz Tello de
Ana de Carvajal y Figueroa was the daughter of Rodrigo de Carvajal y Ulloa
and doña Francisca de Figueroa y Bañuelos (daughter of Francisco de Figueroa
y Carvajal y doña Maria Ana de Velasco or Temiño, previously married to
Pedro Pacho Rodríguez).
So, husbands and wives were related.
Angela de Velasco was the daughter of capt. Diego Flores de la Torre,
alcalde and regidor of Juchipila and 2nd encomendero of Juchipila, Mixtón
and Nochistlán, and another Angela de de Velasco (daughter of conqueror
Pedro Pacho Rodríguez and Maria Ana de Velasco or Temiño, who later married
Francisco de Figueroa).
The above information I got from don Francisco de Castaños, a renowned
genealogist who like Jaime Holcombe specialized in Nueva Galicia.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Bill Figueroa [mailto:bill_figueroa@usa.net]
Enviado el: Domingo, 21 de Octubre de 2007 07:39 a.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
CC: "Hector Felix"
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Message for Hector Felix, et al.
In your message of October 19th you stated that you're a descendant of
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco. I'm not related, but I have an
interest in this family because of its connection with other families in
the region, more specifically to Angela Temiño de Velasco (aka Angela de
Velasco) married to Geronimo de Orosco. They lived in Aguascalientes. Here
is some information about Geronimo de Orosco from the book "Los Españoles en
Aguascalientes durante la época colonial - Origen, desarrollo e influencia
de una minoría" (1st Ed. 2002 pp. 51) by Prof. Jesús Gómez Serrano of the
University of Aguascalientes:
"La influencia ejercida por los inmigrantes en el incipiente pero crucial
desarrollo que se observa en la región de Aguascalientes durante la segunda
mitad del siglo XVI puede detectarse también de otras maneras. Si aceptamos
el valor de los símbolos en la historia, tendremos que conceder gran
importancia al hecho de que la cédula de fundación de la villa de
Aguascalientes haya sido firmada por el vasco Gerónimo de Orozco. En
diciembre de 1574, cuando Orozco asumió la presidencia de la Audiencia de
Guadalajara, recibió del rey instrucciones muy precisas en el sentido de
fortalecer la defensa de la frontera norteña. El mismo, como funcionario de
la Audiencia de México, había recorrido el camino que conducía a las minas
de Zacatecas, constatando la fragilidad de las rutas y los daños, muertes y
robos que hacían los indios chichimecos. Gerónimo de Orozco y su hermano
Juan Bautista, quien lo antecedió en el gobierno de la Audiencia de
Guadalajara, desempeñaron un papel fundamental en la colonización defensiva
de la frontera norteña."
And from the book "Encomenderos y Hacendados 1534-1650" (I don't remember
the name of the author, but can look it up if you'd like):
"Uno de los carreteros mas activos entre 1615 a 1622 fue Gerónimo de Orozco,
descendiente de los primeros pobladores y conquistadores de la Villa de
Aguascalientes, heredó de su abuela doña María de Ortega sitios de ganado
mayor. Los hijos de Gerónimo de Orozco y Angela de Velasco fueron 3 hombres
y 3 mujeres (...)
Apparently the Gerónimo the Orosco that lived in Aguascalientes was the son
of the Governor of the Audiencia de Guadalajara. I'm still not convinced
but I know that they were an important family in early Aguascalientes.
Angela de Temiño y Velasco was a native of the "Villa de los Lagos" in
Jalisco. Any information about the connection between the Angela de Velasco
married to Sancho de Rentería, and Angela Temiño de Velasco (aka Angela de
Velasco) married to Gerónimo de Orosco will be appreciated.
Bill Figueroa
Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
Hi, Hector, we're related from your Zacatecas ancestry for sure. I
recognize so many of the names below. Marge:)
On Oct 18, 2007, at 10:17 AM, Hector Felix wrote:
> Plus many more from the Zacatecas region: Felix de Arellano, Sanchez
> Castellanos, Carlos de Godoy, de la Torre Valdes, Llanos y Valdes,
> Carrillo
> de Avila, Rodarte, Correa Troncoso Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Garcia de la
> Cadena, Gonzalez de Haro, Miramontes, Marquez de los Olivos, Perez
> Montes,
> Minjares y Solorzano, Escobedo, Vazquez de Mercado, Acevedo y Alarcón,
> Enriquez, Cid Caldera, de la Cueva Carvajal, Olague Etulain, Chavez
> Banuelos, Tello de Orozco, Soto y Almeida, Renteria, Rio de Losa,
> Cabral,
> Avila, Ortiz de San Pedro, Luna, Haro, Lamas, Vela, Beruben, Ruiz de
> Guadiana, etc.
> Plus some from the Celaya (El Bajio) region (Garcia de Leon, Aguilar y
> Arteaga, Lopez de Aguirre, Vallejo, Maldonado, Centeno, Landin,
> Pisano, de
> la Parra, Melendez, Mandujano, Paredes, Muñoz de Sanabria, Herrera y
> Porras,
> Garcia Caballero, Medina, Silva, etc.), and current states of Mexico,
> Pachuca, Queretaro, Puebla and Mexico City.
> I've just sent some clarification on the Centenos to John Gonzalez
> which I
> repeat here, because I relieve it didn't go through to all the list:
> The first part of the information I gave (on Jose Jacinto Centeno) I
> got
> from Mariano Gonzalez Leal: Information about the parents of Jose
> Jacinto
> Centeno appear in the marriage information for his wedding to Antonia
> Ruiz
> de Esparza en Aguascalientes on 21st May, 1679, cited by Luz Montejano
> on
> her books page 185 / 1007.
> As to the ancestry of Alonso Centeno, it appears on his marriage
> information
> to wed Antonia Tello y Valverde, In Archivo de Casa de Morelos, on 2nd
> August, 1664:
> “Celaya, 2 de Agosto de 1664
> Alonso Centeno, viudo de María de Castro, hijo de Diego Centeno y de
> Ana
> Ortiz, difunta, tiene tratado casar con Antonia Tello Valverde, hija de
> Mateo Pérez de Valverde, difunto, y de Magdalena Tello Sandoval.
> Testigos: Francisco de Oviedo, Gabriel Centeno, su hermano, Pedro
> Rentería
> Villa, Diego Dávila, maestro de boticario.
> AHCM/PARROQUIAL/SACRAMENTAL/Matrimonios/Subserie/Caja 29/Exp.106/F.
> 251”
> Martin Centeno could’ve been Alonso’s father. For the dowry he got when
> marrying Quiteria Martínez de Rosas he granted “carta de dote” in
> Celaya on
> on 9th July, 1612, which appears in the protocols of Francisco Jimenez,
> notary public at the time in Celaya, which are kept in Archivo
> Historico
> Municipal de Morelia. Although there is the possibility that Martin and
> Alonso might haved been brothers.
> I can say that I'm a specialist in Celaya and its region. If you or
> anybody
> from the group have ancestors in this region let me know and I'll try
> and
> help you.
> Best regards,
> Hector Felix Aizcorbe
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> [mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
> Reynoso
> Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 11:17 p.m.
> Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
> Hola Hector ,how are you ? Thanks for the info ,I haven't gone further
> than
> Jacinto Centeno. I was given info that Jose Matias Centeno also went
> by the
> Dates are the same as the wife . I found it strange and thought the
> Centeno
> was a name change.
> tu primo nuevo
> Ronnie ,pariente acasi todos de LOS ALTOS de JALISCO
>> From: "Hector Felix"
>> Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:24:24 -0500
>> Hi Ronnie,
>> You might also be interested in the Centenos.
>> Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c
>> 1625)
>> and Da. Marma de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
>> Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around
>> 1600)
>> and
>> Da. Ana Ortiz;
>> Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and
>> Quiteria
>> Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain,
>> and
>> he
>> was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
>> century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was
>> the
>> daughter of Cristobal Martmnez and Ana de Rosas.
>> I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose
>> Ramon,
>> who
>> married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de
>> Reynoso
>> and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
>> Regards,
>> Hector Felix Aizcorbe
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>> [mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de
>> Ronald
>> Reynoso
>> Enviado el: Miircoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
>> Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
>> ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
>> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>> Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
>> This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
>> Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
>> Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz
>> de
>> Esparza
>> Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not
>> mentioned
>> Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
>> Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
>> Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
>> Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
>> Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
>> Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
>> Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
>> Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
>> Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
>> Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Hola Hector ,sorry I'm bugging but what other lines do you descend from and
from what states ? Tu primo Ronnie
>From: "Hector Felix"
>Reply-To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:24:24 -0500
>Hi Ronnie,
>You might also be interested in the Centenos.
>Jose Jacinto Centeno was the son of Alonso Centeno (born in Celaya c 1625)
>and Da. María de Castro (born in Zacatecas c 1630);
>Alonso Centeno was the son of Diego Centeno (born in Celaya around 1600)
>Da. Ana Ortiz;
>Diego Centeno was, most probably, the son of Martin Centeno and Quiteria
>Martinez de Rosas. I don't know where he was born, possibly in Spain, and
>was a prominent business man and regidor of Celaya in the early 17th
>century. Quiteria was possibly born in Apaseo (near Celaya) and was the
>daughter of Cristobal Martínez and Ana de Rosas.
>I'm descended from Maria Antonia Centeno, the sister of your Jose Ramon,
>married three times: to Jose Lazaro Sanchez, to Miguel Antonio de Reynoso
>and to Antonio Ramon de Luna. My ancestor is the last husband.
>Hector Felix Aizcorbe
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Ronald
>Enviado el: Miércoles, 17 de Octubre de 2007 12:37 p.m.
>Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org; chavz2000@aol.com;
>ron.chavez@verizon.net; jcenteno@cox.net; rogelioloza1956@yahoo.com.mx
>Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Petrolona de Moctezuma Line
>Hola Kelly ,how are you ? Well I hope.
>This is just one over a dozen lines of my connection to Petrolina de
>Moctezuma and Martin Navarro:
>Daughter :Francisca de Gabay Navarro de Moctezuma married Lope Ruiz de
>Son: Cristobal Ruiz de Esparza -Had an affair-name of woman not mentioned
>Illegitimate Daughter=Antonia Ruiz de Esparza married Jacinto Centeno
>Son :Jose Matias Centeno married Margarita Munoz Romo
>Son:Jose Felix Centeno married Maria Antonia Moreno
>Son:Jose Ramon Centeno married Maria Concepcion Ramirez
>Son:Joseph Antonio Abad Centeno married Maria Guadalupe Alderete
>Daughter:Sesaria de Jesus married Jose Anastacio Padilla
>Son: Cruz Padilla married Juanita Perez
>Daughter ; Jesus Padilla married Manuel Reynoso
>Son :Baudelio Reynoso married Betty Hermosillo
>Me :Ronald(Ronnie) Reynoso married Cristina Rodriguez
Hola me gustaria saber de donde obtuvo el nombre de los padres de Jacito Centeno esposo de ANtonia Ruiz de Esparza casada en Aguascalientes, porque yo tengo el acta de matrimonio y no aparecen los padres y no he podido conseguir la informacion matrimonial., te agradeceria mucho esta informacion para continuar con mi busqueda de los ancestros mil gracias
Hola Jose, como estas ? Ojala que bien. Jacinto Centeno y Antonia Ruiz de Esparza son mis antepasados . Alguien in el grupo me dijo que Alonso Centeno (nacido como 1625 en Celaya,Guanjuato) y Maria de Castro era los padres de Jacinto Centeno y el padre de Alonso Centeno era un Diego Centeno pero no lo ha probrado. Pero no me acuerdo quien me doy estos nombres.
Ronnie Reynoso
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: josejime@yahoo.com
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 17:20:42 -0800
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Centenos
> Hola me gustaria saber de donde obtuvo el nombre de los padres de Jacito Centeno esposo de ANtonia Ruiz de Esparza casada en Aguascalientes, porque yo tengo el acta de matrimonio y no aparecen los padres y no he podido conseguir la informacion matrimonial., te agradeceria mucho esta informacion para continuar con mi busqueda de los ancestros mil gracias
Lo mismo, obtuve la informacion aqui en este foro, aun como Ronnie no me recuerdo quienlo dijo necesitamos comprobarlo.
Segun aqui en el foro Jacinto Centero era hijo de Alonso Centeno y Maria de Castro luegoera hijo de Diego Centeno, naturales de Celaya. Tuve nota en mis registros que segun aqui en el foro algun persona"obtuvo" esta informacion. No esta comprobado seria interesante si lo podiamos hacer.
Daniel Méndez y Pérez de Camino
> From: chilerey@msn.com
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 19:37:30 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Centenos
> Hola Jose, como estas ? Ojala que bien. Jacinto Centeno y Antonia Ruiz de Esparza son mis antepasados . Alguien in el grupo me dijo que Alonso Centeno (nacido como 1625 en Celaya,Guanjuato) y Maria de Castro era los padres de Jacinto Centeno y el padre de Alonso Centeno era un Diego Centeno pero no lo ha probrado. Pero no me acuerdo quien me doy estos nombres.
> Ronnie Reynoso
> > To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> > From: josejime@yahoo.com
> > Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 17:20:42 -0800
> > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Centenos
> >
> > Hola me gustaria saber de donde obtuvo el nombre de los padres de Jacito Centeno esposo de ANtonia Ruiz de Esparza casada en Aguascalientes, porque yo tengo el acta de matrimonio y no aparecen los padres y no he podido conseguir la informacion matrimonial., te agradeceria mucho esta informacion para continuar con mi busqueda de los ancestros mil gracias
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Hola Daniel
mil gracias , pense que ustedes habian puesto los padres de Jacinto centeno pero
revizando otra vez fue Héctor Félix Aizcorbe que sita a mariano leal y a la
sagrada mitra para obtener el nombre de los padres de Jacinto centeno comenta
que fue en la pag 185 / 1007. de el libro de luz montejano, pero en esa dispensa
nunca menciona los padres de jacinto centeno solo el padres de su esposa antonia
ruiz de esparza, pero yo vivo en Aguascalientes y voy a ver si puedo conseguir
los nombres de la informacion matrimonial ya que en los libros que estan por
internet no se encuentra esos años de las informaciones matrimoniales mil
gracisa y un saludo
----- Original Message ----
From: Daniel Mendez de Torres y Camino-Trasgallo
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Thu, December 9, 2010 11:40:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Centenos
Lo mismo, obtuve la informacion aqui en este foro, aun como Ronnie no me
recuerdo quienlo dijo necesitamos comprobarlo.
Segun aqui en el foro Jacinto Centero era hijo de Alonso Centeno y Maria de
Castro luegoera hijo de Diego Centeno, naturales de Celaya. Tuve nota en mis
registros que segun aqui en el foro algun persona"obtuvo" esta informacion. No
esta comprobado seria interesante si lo podiamos hacer.
Daniel Méndez y Pérez de Camino
> From: chilerey@msn.com
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 19:37:30 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Centenos
> Hola Jose, como estas ? Ojala que bien. Jacinto Centeno y Antonia Ruiz de
>Esparza son mis antepasados . Alguien in el grupo me dijo que Alonso Centeno
>(nacido como 1625 en Celaya,Guanjuato) y Maria de Castro era los padres de
>Jacinto Centeno y el padre de Alonso Centeno era un Diego Centeno pero no lo ha
>probrado. Pero no me acuerdo quien me doy estos nombres.
> Ronnie Reynoso
> > To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> > From: josejime@yahoo.com
> > Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 17:20:42 -0800
> > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Centenos
> >
> > Hola me gustaria saber de donde obtuvo el nombre de los padres de Jacito
>Centeno esposo de ANtonia Ruiz de Esparza casada en Aguascalientes, porque yo
>tengo el acta de matrimonio y no aparecen los padres y no he podido conseguir la
>informacion matrimonial., te agradeceria mucho esta informacion para continuar
>con mi busqueda de los ancestros mil gracias
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Diego Centeno of Celaya 1600s
I'm interested in finding out about Alonso Centeno, Diego Centeno and the Centenos who came before them.
The last written proof that I have is the marriage certificate of Jacinto Centeno, Alonso's son. Has anyone found out any additional info to what was posted four years ago, or could you point me in the right direction? I have begun to read the church records from Celaya, but as you know, they are quite difficult to read.
Paul V. Centeno