By oldcar53 |
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
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Why are we doing Genealogy
Good reading, I have found out a lot about my family. Last names changed but my grandfather and family had no clue. One great aunt (age 14) was raped by her half brother in front of my grandmother and had a child but no ones knows what happened to the child. Same aunt left with her husband and went with my great grandfather. Even now there is a lot of scandalous things that occur in the family, father raping daughter, uncle had children with niece. I had never heard of the past stories until I started working on the family tree and my mom and grandmother actually spoke of it. The world does not change, we had crazy things happening back then and still happening now. We all know about it but no one speaks of it.
Why are we doing Genealogy
Re skeletons in the family closet: back in the 1980s when my mother and all her siblings were still alive, I found my mother and her only sister Emilia reluctant to tell me how one of their cousins was related to them---whose daughter was she. My mother and my aunt looked at each other as if to say, "should we tell her?". It was like pulling hen's teeth at first but I finally got it out of them that this cousin's mother was the daughter of a mistress of my great-grandfather. Now my mother and all her siblings are gone, except for Aunt Emilia, and she is spilling all the beans, no holds barred anymore. It is almost with glee, since everyone else is gone, that she is telling where all the bodies are buried. Also, all my research has uncovered many more "secrets".
----- Original Message -----
From: Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing Genealogy
It doesn't cease to amaze me what secrets do to the human spirit and to families. It should be so much easier to deal with whatever ails us if we could only put it out there. Once things are out they are out, and not a thing people can do about it. After all we can't change the past and we can't go back and change things. What's done is done!! I'm so glad my family was able to deal with my great grandfather's second family and accept them, after all they are family?? Of course, to this day, there are still those who want to keep the undesirable secret or so they think, the more you try to keep it a secret, the more tantalizing it becomes.
Your Aunt Emilia is probably peeling off the weight of all those family members who have gone before her.
My applause to Aunt Emilia, for letting it out and freeing all those trapped spirits.
Thanks for sharing,
From: Emilie Garcia
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:46:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Re skeletons in the family closet: back in the 1980s when my mother and all her siblings were still alive, I found my mother and her only sister Emilia reluctant to tell me how one of their cousins was related to them---whose daughter was she. My mother and my aunt looked at each other as if to say, "should we tell her?". It was like pulling hen's teeth at first but I finally got it out of them that this cousin's mother was the daughter of a mistress of my great-grandfather. Now my mother and all her siblings are gone, except for Aunt Emilia, and she is spilling all the beans, no holds barred anymore. It is almost with glee, since everyone else is gone, that she is telling where all the bodies are buried. Also, all my research has uncovered many more "secrets".
----- Original Message -----
From: Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing Genealogy
Oh, yes! One of my tias was highly insulted when I revealed that my
grandfather was a child whose father was not on his birth record. She
very emphatically told her sisters that it was NOT true.
Then, I just recently learned that this same grandfather was not the
eldest in his family as I'd always been told. I found information
(and on the new Family History pilot site, hurray!) that showed his
brother was his elder by 3 years. THAT record was another "no father
listed." :( Pobre visabuela mia. Marge:)
On Feb 22, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Alicia Carrillo wrote:
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed
reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to
do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a
great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do
family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have
been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing Genealogy
No apology needed. I would think that anyone honestly researching genealogy would expect to find such things. As of now, I've only researched a couple of years, 1856-58, in Aguas, Aguas, on the pilot site, and I'll admit that at first I was surprised, but now I'm mostly intrigued at how many "libro recervado", "no se dice", and "N." for last name entries there are. Recently, I asked the group if anyone knew how to access such "libro recervado" information and received no response. With so many entries, I can't believe that no one within our group has family members hidden away in a "libro recervado". I'd love to know. These mysteries make genealogy all the more interesting! Alice BB
--- wrote:
From: "Ricci, Richard"
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 21:35:38 -0800
I am sorry if I offended anyone with my response. I did not mean to offend anyone with these details. I have been wrestling with disclosing these details and being completely honest with the people who ask me questions about their family. By partially disclosing this way I guess I am testing the waters as to whether or not I should have full disclosure.
From: on behalf of Ricci, Richard
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Dear Alicia,
How do i answer your question regarding skeletons?
Let me start by saying that one of the reasons that Jaime Holcombe was such a great genealogist, besides his work ethic and his meticulous attention to detail, was his ability to work through, discover and report the skeletons that he came across. He did not find all of them, but he reported the ones he did find.
In the valle de guadalupe we have have had some excellent genealogist that have gained some recognition for their work, I am not embarassed to say that I am one of them. I am embarassed about the next part. For such a small town with so many genealogist gaining some fame, there is a lack of truthful reportimg in some of the genealogies. MMy tio doctor Rito Romo never published his writings because he kept putting it off as he wrestled with this queston, His wife, my aunt, was afraid that he would reveal famliy secrets. A book was recently published by a genealogist from the Valle that every one praises (except for typograhical eroors, picture captions naming the wrong person) that leaves out the genelogy in his own family because of these skeletons. He did not put in print details that led to the killing of his father or his wifes parents data . Another genealogist recently told me he was going to write a big book on the town. Will he include the incest that resulted in chil
dren growing up to be upstanding citizens in the community that probably don't want to know that their biological grand father was their mother's maternal uncle.
What about that great uncle out on the ranch, his wife is really his oldest daughter, His first wife died when his daughter was young. The oldest took on the cares of raising her siblings and performing other wifely duties adding mores children. Who is going to tell them?
How about the biggest financial donator to the town. Who is going to reports that he and, his women claim that he has fathered 35 children in his lifetime . Do they all get listed in the records?
What about the genealogist that should know that his brothers child is not his biological child, A few people know and the genalogist should have figured it out Does he tell his brother or keep quiet? How about the family that keeps repeating that they know that their family name was changed from its original? Do you tell them the real reason why? When these people are second and third cousins do you write anything down?
How about the family that hides other secrets ?
How about the genealogist that had a father that was the result of an affair between a fortyish widow and a teenager. The mother died soon after and the child was raised by his aunt
I know many more. If I ever write the book about my town I could not do a thorough book
From: on behalf of Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing Genealogy
I have not seen libro reservado yet for Nochistlan, but I'm sure it must exist somewhere. Some of the indiscretions of some of my ancestors are well know and documented. There's an entire branch of my GGgrandfather's children that are recorded in Hijos Naturales with both parents duly noted, nothing hidden there. We have always known of his second family.
It's a great topic for discussion when we gather with that branch of the family.
I would say that for the most part, most of us just want to know where we come from, about our ancestors and what makes us who we are, our customs, traditions, culture and heritage, everything else is just the icing on the cake.
From: AliceBB
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:21:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
No apology needed. I would think that anyone honestly researching genealogy would expect to find such things. As of now, I've only researched a couple of years, 1856-58, in Aguas, Aguas, on the pilot site, and I'll admit that at first I was surprised, but now I'm mostly intrigued at how many "libro recervado", "no se dice", and "N." for last name entries there are. Recently, I asked the group if anyone knew how to access such "libro recervado" information and received no response. With so many entries, I can't believe that no one within our group has family members hidden away in a "libro recervado". I'd love to know. These mysteries make genealogy all the more interesting! Alice BB
--- wrote:
From: "Ricci, Richard"
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 21:35:38 -0800
I am sorry if I offended anyone with my response. I did not mean to offend anyone with these details. I have been wrestling with disclosing these details and being completely honest with the people who ask me questions about their family. By partially disclosing this way I guess I am testing the waters as to whether or not I should have full disclosure.
From: on behalf of Ricci, Richard
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Dear Alicia,
How do i answer your question regarding skeletons?
Let me start by saying that one of the reasons that Jaime Holcombe was such a great genealogist, besides his work ethic and his meticulous attention to detail, was his ability to work through, discover and report the skeletons that he came across. He did not find all of them, but he reported the ones he did find.
In the valle de guadalupe we have have had some excellent genealogist that have gained some recognition for their work, I am not embarassed to say that I am one of them. I am embarassed about the next part. For such a small town with so many genealogist gaining some fame, there is a lack of truthful reportimg in some of the genealogies. MMy tio doctor Rito Romo never published his writings because he kept putting it off as he wrestled with this queston, His wife, my aunt, was afraid that he would reveal famliy secrets. A book was recently published by a genealogist from the Valle that every one praises (except for typograhical eroors, picture captions naming the wrong person) that leaves out the genelogy in his own family because of these skeletons. He did not put in print details that led to the killing of his father or his wifes parents data . Another genealogist recently told me he was going to write a big book on the town. Will he include the incest
that resulted in chil
dren growing up to be upstanding citizens in the community that probably don't want to know that their biological grand father was their mother's maternal uncle.
What about that great uncle out on the ranch, his wife is really his oldest daughter, His first wife died when his daughter was young. The oldest took on the cares of raising her siblings and performing other wifely duties adding mores children. Who is going to tell them?
How about the biggest financial donator to the town. Who is going to reports that he and, his women claim that he has fathered 35 children in his lifetime . Do they all get listed in the records?
What about the genealogist that should know that his brothers child is not his biological child, A few people know and the genalogist should have figured it out Does he tell his brother or keep quiet? How about the family that keeps repeating that they know that their family name was changed from its original? Do you tell them the real reason why? When these people are second and third cousins do you write anything down?
How about the family that hides other secrets ?
How about the genealogist that had a father that was the result of an affair between a fortyish widow and a teenager. The mother died soon after and the child was raised by his aunt
I know many more. If I ever write the book about my town I could not do a thorough book
From: on behalf of Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing Genealogy
Dear Alicia,
How do i answer your question regarding skeletons?
Let me start by saying that one of the reasons that Jaime Holcombe was such a great genealogist, besides his work ethic and his meticulous attention to detail, was his ability to work through, discover and report the skeletons that he came across. He did not find all of them, but he reported the ones he did find.
In the valle de guadalupe we have have had some excellent genealogist that have gained some recognition for their work, I am not embarassed to say that I am one of them. I am embarassed about the next part. For such a small town with so many genealogist gaining some fame, there is a lack of truthful reportimg in some of the genealogies. MMy tio doctor Rito Romo never published his writings because he kept putting it off as he wrestled with this queston, His wife, my aunt, was afraid that he would reveal famliy secrets. A book was recently published by a genealogist from the Valle that every one praises (except for typograhical eroors, picture captions naming the wrong person) that leaves out the genelogy in his own family because of these skeletons. He did not put in print details that led to the killing of his father or his wifes parents data . Another genealogist recently told me he was going to write a big book on the town. Will he include the incest that resulted in chil
dren growing up to be upstanding citizens in the community that probably don't want to know that their biological grand father was their mother's maternal uncle.
What about that great uncle out on the ranch, his wife is really his oldest daughter, His first wife died when his daughter was young. The oldest took on the cares of raising her siblings and performing other wifely duties adding mores children. Who is going to tell them?
How about the biggest financial donator to the town. Who is going to reports that he and, his women claim that he has fathered 35 children in his lifetime . Do they all get listed in the records?
What about the genealogist that should know that his brothers child is not his biological child, A few people know and the genalogist should have figured it out Does he tell his brother or keep quiet? How about the family that keeps repeating that they know that their family name was changed from its original? Do you tell them the real reason why? When these people are second and third cousins do you write anything down?
How about the family that hides other secrets ?
How about the genealogist that had a father that was the result of an affair between a fortyish widow and a teenager. The mother died soon after and the child was raised by his aunt
I know many more. If I ever write the book about my town I could not do a thorough book
From: on behalf of Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Family skeletons
I didn't intend to pry in to sensitive material for anyone......just wondered if this was problematic for anyone else. I know in my family there is a lot of lore that has some truth to it and I've been asked by some family relations "why are you doing this"? Some believe that I'm trying to uncover some dirt and that has never been my intention.
As far as I know there are a couple of other distant family members doing Genealogy but I have yet to meet them in person. Most of the family is intrigued by the findings and how it is that we can trace our ancestry. It has been a pleasure to share what I have with different branches of the family. To see the wonderment in their eyes when they see the actual documents that trace back several generations and to hear them say, no wonder my father or mother used to say, "THIS IS YOUR TIO OR TIA or YOUR COUSIN" but I never knew how they were related to me.
I did find one skeleton but rather than flinch, they were intrigued and wanted to know more about my Ggrandfather's out of wedlock child and where might they find this individual and his descendants.
Thanks Ricci,
Alicia, San Jose, Calif
From: "Ricci, Richard"
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 8:31:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Dear Alicia,
How do i answer your question regarding skeletons?
Let me start by saying that one of the reasons that Jaime Holcombe was such a great genealogist, besides his work ethic and his meticulous attention to detail, was his ability to work through, discover and report the skeletons that he came across. He did not find all of them, but he reported the ones he did find.
In the valle de guadalupe we have have had some excellent genealogist that have gained some recognition for their work, I am not embarassed to say that I am one of them. I am embarassed about the next part. For such a small town with so many genealogist gaining some fame, there is a lack of truthful reportimg in some of the genealogies. MMy tio doctor Rito Romo never published his writings because he kept putting it off as he wrestled with this queston, His wife, my aunt, was afraid that he would reveal famliy secrets. A book was recently published by a genealogist from the Valle that every one praises (except for typograhical eroors, picture captions naming the wrong person) that leaves out the genelogy in his own family because of these skeletons. He did not put in print details that led to the killing of his father or his wifes parents data . Another genealogist recently told me he was going to write a big book on the town. Will he include the incest
that resulted in chil
dren growing up to be upstanding citizens in the community that probably don't want to know that their biological grand father was their mother's maternal uncle.
What about that great uncle out on the ranch, his wife is really his oldest daughter, His first wife died when his daughter was young. The oldest took on the cares of raising her siblings and performing other wifely duties adding mores children. Who is going to tell them?
How about the biggest financial donator to the town. Who is going to reports that he and, his women claim that he has fathered 35 children in his lifetime . Do they all get listed in the records?
What about the genealogist that should know that his brothers child is not his biological child, A few people know and the genalogist should have figured it out Does he tell his brother or keep quiet? How about the family that keeps repeating that they know that their family name was changed from its original? Do you tell them the real reason why? When these people are second and third cousins do you write anything down?
How about the family that hides other secrets ?
How about the genealogist that had a father that was the result of an affair between a fortyish widow and a teenager. The mother died soon after and the child was raised by his aunt
I know many more. If I ever write the book about my town I could not do a thorough book
From: on behalf of Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Family skeletons
Hi Alicia and Richard! I agree with Alicia, I have found out so many 'interesting stories' (scandals, hatred, love stories, murders, betrayals) Maybe I can post some on Ranchos one day. MY goodness it sounds like novela on "el catorce." But really if its something really bad, I still want to know its part of who you are and your family history. Like one would be my cuarto bisabuelo don Estevan López had an affair with a younger women Gorgonia de Mendoza and had two kids. Apparently only some certain confidants he had knew about it, one was his son-in-law's two brothers Viviano and Manuel del Camino. And some others. his wife didnot find out until these two kids were about 12 or so. By then he Estevan had long been dead when his two hijos naturales were 6 and 7. Lets say Estevan wasnt the faithfulest man on the hacienda! On there records baptisms ( they have the last name López but "de padre no conocido" y Gorgonia de Mendoza" Everyone knew he was the father except his wife and his other family. THe list goes on of escándolos. Thought I just share this part of Alteño history in my family. -Daniel
Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious email.…
Family skeletons
That same sort of stuff is on the Sagrada Mitra book because it's in
the official record, so no big deal in those cases. In those days,
lots of people couldn't read so they didn't have the privelege of
trumpeting all the juicy gossip everywhere. We call one person in
this area around here "Channel 5" because like the tv station, she's
the first in "Breaking News." And I think it would be a great idea to
write the documented stories on NR, if Josef permits. Marge:)
On Feb 22, 2009, at 11:47 PM, Daniel M�ndez del Camino wrote:
Hi Alicia and Richard! I agree with Alicia, I have found out so many
'interesting stories' (scandals, hatred, love stories, murders,
betrayals) Maybe I can post some on Ranchos one day. MY goodness it
sounds like novela on "el catorce." But really if its something really
bad, I still want to know its part of who you are and your family
history. Like one would be my cuarto bisabuelo don Estevan López had
an affair with a younger women Gorgonia de Mendoza and had two kids.
Apparently only some certain confidants he had knew about it, one was
his son-in-law's two brothers Viviano and Manuel del Camino. And some
others. his wife didnot find out until these two kids were about 12 or
so. By then he Estevan had long been dead when his two hijos naturales
were 6 and 7. Lets say Estevan wasnt the faithfulest man on the
hacienda! On there records baptisms ( they have the last name López
but "de padre no conocido" y Gorgonia de Mendoza" Everyone knew he was
the father except his wife and his other family. THe list goes on of
escándolos. Thought I just share this part of Alteño history in my
family. -Daniel
Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious
Family skeletons
The problem is that the stories that I have on some of the families is not centuries old but 30 to 130 years old and may be too close in time for some people. We are talking of people getting upset about their grandparents and greatgrandparents information.
From: on behalf of Marge Vallazza
Sent: Mon 2/23/2009 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Family skeletons
That same sort of stuff is on the Sagrada Mitra book because it's in
the official record, so no big deal in those cases. In those days,
lots of people couldn't read so they didn't have the privelege of
trumpeting all the juicy gossip everywhere. We call one person in
this area around here "Channel 5" because like the tv station, she's
the first in "Breaking News." And I think it would be a great idea to
write the documented stories on NR, if Josef permits. Marge:)
On Feb 22, 2009, at 11:47 PM, Daniel M?ndez del Camino wrote:
Hi Alicia and Richard! I agree with Alicia, I have found out so many
'interesting stories' (scandals, hatred, love stories, murders,
betrayals) Maybe I can post some on Ranchos one day. MY goodness it
sounds like novela on "el catorce." But really if its something really
bad, I still want to know its part of who you are and your family
history. Like one would be my cuarto bisabuelo don Estevan López had
an affair with a younger women Gorgonia de Mendoza and had two kids.
Apparently only some certain confidants he had knew about it, one was
his son-in-law's two brothers Viviano and Manuel del Camino. And some
others. his wife didnot find out until these two kids were about 12 or
so. By then he Estevan had long been dead when his two hijos naturales
were 6 and 7. Lets say Estevan wasnt the faithfulest man on the
hacienda! On there records baptisms ( they have the last name López
but "de padre no conocido" y Gorgonia de Mendoza" Everyone knew he was
the father except his wife and his other family. THe list goes on of
escándolos. Thought I just share this part of Alteño history in my
family. -Daniel
Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious
Why are we doing Genealogy
I am sorry if I offended anyone with my response. I did not mean to offend anyone with these details. I have been wrestling with disclosing these details and being completely honest with the people who ask me questions about their family. By partially disclosing this way I guess I am testing the waters as to whether or not I should have full disclosure.
From: on behalf of Ricci, Richard
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
Dear Alicia,
How do i answer your question regarding skeletons?
Let me start by saying that one of the reasons that Jaime Holcombe was such a great genealogist, besides his work ethic and his meticulous attention to detail, was his ability to work through, discover and report the skeletons that he came across. He did not find all of them, but he reported the ones he did find.
In the valle de guadalupe we have have had some excellent genealogist that have gained some recognition for their work, I am not embarassed to say that I am one of them. I am embarassed about the next part. For such a small town with so many genealogist gaining some fame, there is a lack of truthful reportimg in some of the genealogies. MMy tio doctor Rito Romo never published his writings because he kept putting it off as he wrestled with this queston, His wife, my aunt, was afraid that he would reveal famliy secrets. A book was recently published by a genealogist from the Valle that every one praises (except for typograhical eroors, picture captions naming the wrong person) that leaves out the genelogy in his own family because of these skeletons. He did not put in print details that led to the killing of his father or his wifes parents data . Another genealogist recently told me he was going to write a big book on the town. Will he include the incest that resulted in chil
dren growing up to be upstanding citizens in the community that probably don't want to know that their biological grand father was their mother's maternal uncle.
What about that great uncle out on the ranch, his wife is really his oldest daughter, His first wife died when his daughter was young. The oldest took on the cares of raising her siblings and performing other wifely duties adding mores children. Who is going to tell them?
How about the biggest financial donator to the town. Who is going to reports that he and, his women claim that he has fathered 35 children in his lifetime . Do they all get listed in the records?
What about the genealogist that should know that his brothers child is not his biological child, A few people know and the genalogist should have figured it out Does he tell his brother or keep quiet? How about the family that keeps repeating that they know that their family name was changed from its original? Do you tell them the real reason why? When these people are second and third cousins do you write anything down?
How about the family that hides other secrets ?
How about the genealogist that had a father that was the result of an affair between a fortyish widow and a teenager. The mother died soon after and the child was raised by his aunt
I know many more. If I ever write the book about my town I could not do a thorough book
From: on behalf of Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sun 2/22/2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing Genealogy
As for me I can say no, not on my Mexican side anyways. I have not been able to find out anything that I did not post initially when I signed up with this group. I am still left with the same information. However on my American side, yes, several family members are not too happy with the skeletons in the closet..But it is what it is. I just want to find out more about my Acatic relatives. There was a great dispute when I was a baby that seperated the family, and it is sad, because I still know little about my extended family other than my fathers brothers and sisters. Even that is not great. But I will keep trying.
Cindy Gutierrez
From: Alicia Carrillo
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:27:55 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Why are we doing Genealogy
What a great question to ask the group............I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings and the various reasons for beginning to do Genealogical research and the reasons for continuing to do research.
Thanks everyone for sharing so openly and honestly, it makes for a great book on Genealogy.
Now another question, is anyone in your family offended because you do family research and with the findings??
Meaning dark skeleton's in the family closet that may or may not have been intentional findings.
Thanks again to everyone, great reading.
Why are we doing genealogy
I must say I have enjoyed everyone's responses. I myself started nearly 20 years ago. It was something my mother and I had always talked about, but I ended up taking the plunge and have never stopped....its addicting....its like finding buried treasure. I have always had a passion for history and archaeology and even though I never majored in archaeology, I love digging for the truth.
When I first started I was looking for my San Juan Capistrano, California ancestors. Well, I found them, and that my Californio ancestors traveled with Anza to San Francisco and settled in Santa Clara County.....I have roots in San Diego, San Juan Capistrano, San Gabriel Valley, Santa Clara County and a Spanish land grant in Galt, CA with a city park named after my ancestors, Chabolla.
My Los Altos ancestors are many. My fathers family came from Aguascalientes and settled in the San Gabriel Valley of California....many other Aguascalientes families did as well, not just mine......
Since joining this group I have found more cousins, in fact one cousin I went to high school with and reunited with him two years ago. Little did I know that my Zacatecas ancestors where his too.
Genealogy for me gives me a sense of who I am, and I'm proud of that. No one can ever take that away from me. Reading all the books about the plagues through the centuries, I am always in awe that my blood line was strong enough to carry on and conquer adversity.
I think we should all take pride in what we are doing. We should all give ourselves a pat on the back.
Rose Gonzales-Hardy
Fresno, CA
Are we related?
Rose, my maternal grandfather's surname was Chavoya. I have many ancestors from Los Altos. His lineage includes Chabolla, Chagolla, Chagoya, and many other variations of Chavoya. There is a large group of Chavoya(s) that reside in Dallas, Texas that descend from Tereso Chavoya. I have been wondering how/if we are related to the large group of Chavoya (or Chabolla) that reside in California.
Would you be willing to share the names of your ancestors that lived in Los Altos. I would be happy to share my research with you.
My email is My DNA gedmatch is A899794.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Alma H Rosales
Why are we doing Genealogy? - skeletons?
That is an interesting question. Fortunately, I have had no such reaction. I
find that my family members are either very interested and amazed at the
info I've found or take absolutely no interest in it. However, I haven't
uncovered any "skeletons" yet, at least none that weren't already partially