I have begun to systematically go through film 0443967 (Tlaltenango Matrimonios 1626-1723) since the film is not indexed. I am up to about 1642 now and about 80-90% of the marriages are for Indios with no surnames. However, there are a few indios with surnames and a few Spanish marriages interspersed there and I imagine that will increase as I go further in time on the film.
If anybody has any families/lineages that they want me to keep an eye open for while I do this, please let me know.
I have run across the following thus far. If you would like further details on any of these marriages let me know.
1629 Juan Garcia de Miramontes con Ana de Lopez
1629 Pablo de Ortiz con Ynez de Saucedo
1630 Juan de Frias Vandal con Alfonsina de la Paz
1630 Manuel Diaz con Maria Ruiz
1632 Jacintro de Lamas con Mariana Rodriguez
1632 Juan de Isabel Pinedo con Juana de Castro
1632 Antonio de Ribera con Maria de Solis
1633 Gerardo Cardosso con Catalina de Haro
1633 Pablo Flores de la Torre con Clara de Miramontes
1634 Juan de Vera con Maria de Miramontes
1634 Juan Sanchez con Tomasina Saucedo
1634 Juan Gallardo con Maria Delgado
1636 Rodrigo de Castro con Francisca de Rodas
1637 Pedro de Chabes Banuelos con Catalina de Haro
1638 Benito Gonzalez con Mariana Lopez
1638 Juan Ruiz con Marta de Bobadilla
1638 Francisco de Guzman con Catalina Gonzalez
1639 Gerardo de Lamas con Leonor Ortiz
1642 Antonio Lopez de la O con Maria Perez
1644 Joseph Munoz con Maria Cid
1644 Nicolas Perez con Gertrudis de Haro
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I'm making some effort to…
I'm making some effort to index more tlaltenango informacion matrimonios which i'm posting here when complete(or mostly complete with a certain few earlier ones) https://katysotherindexes.wordpress.com/
Posting Missing Marriages 1704-1713
As I describe on my web page at
there are many marriages in the period 1704-1713 that are omitted from the book.
So, I am very slowly working my way through the online images and posting all of the missing marriages at
Wesley Johnston
marriages 1600
Jorge Campos Lamas
Defunción de Da. Ysabel Soto Almeida.
SOTO ALMEIDA doña Isabel DE, falleció en la villa de Jerez el 2 de noviembre de 1697, viuda del Capitán Juan de Chávez, adminsitrele los santos sacramentos como teniente de Cura. Hizo testamento que pasó ante el Capitán don Manuel Hurtado de Mendoza, teniente de Alcalde Mayor de la villa de Jerez, deja la disposición de su entierro a la voluntad de sus albaceas que lo fueron Pedro y Francisco de Chávez, sus hijos y así mismo herederos, a los dichos con las demás sus hermanas, a la Cofradía del Santísimo Sacramento los quince ducados de Castilla, a las mandas forzosas a dos reales y a la casa Santa cuatro reales, no dejo otro legado pío, enterrose en Nuestra Iglesia parroquial con entierro mayor, y misa de cuerpo presente y para que conste lo firmé. Lorenzo Carrillo Dávila. Rúbrica. Al margen: los15 ducados. Cofrada. Derechos de fábrica - 19 p 2. Foja: 4 vuelta
marriages 1600
She is one of my ancestresses. Marge:)
On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:55 PM, jcampos@cmt-mexico.com wrote:
Jorge Campos Lamas
Defunción de Da. Ysabel Soto Almeida.
SOTO ALMEIDA doña Isabel DE, falleció en la villa de Jerez el 2 de
noviembre de 1697, viuda del Capitán Juan de Chávez, adminsitrele los
santos sacramentos como teniente de Cura. Hizo testamento que pasó
ante el Capitán don Manuel Hurtado de Mendoza, teniente de Alcalde
Mayor de la villa de Jerez, deja la disposición de su entierro a la
voluntad de sus albaceas que lo fueron Pedro y Francisco de Chávez,
sus hijos y así mismo herederos, a los dichos con las demás sus
hermanas, a la Cofradía del Santísimo Sacramento los quince ducados de
Castilla, a las mandas forzosas a dos reales y a la casa Santa cuatro
reales, no dejo otro legado pío, enterrose en Nuestra Iglesia
parroquial con entierro mayor, y misa de cuerpo presente y para que
conste lo firmé. Lorenzo Carrillo Dávila. Rúbrica. Al margen: los15
ducados. Cofrada. Derechos de fábrica - 19 p 2. Foja: 4 vuelta
Tlaltenango Matrimonios 1626-1723-Request to Keep An Eye Out
Gus Meza
If you would be so kind to keep an eye for a marriage in the vicinity of 1720 or so for Nicolas Miramontes and Juana de Sandoval in Tllaltenango.
They are the parents of Lorenso de Miramontes who married Agueda de Jesus Gonsales Llamas and were married 14 Jan 1741 in Tlaltenango. Mateo de Llamas and Maria Gonsales were the parents of Agueda de Jesus Llamas.
Thanks for your offer for assistance.
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Gus et al:
Before the local family history center closed for remodeling in June, I had just gotten up to about 1700 on extracting the early Tlaltenango marriage records. There is still about a quarter of the film left to go so I imagine that is where the later year marriages are, though I know that the film skips whole decades and then goes back and forth. I think the latter part of the film and the beginning part of the next film are remnants of books which encompass the late 1600s and early 1700s. Hopefully there are not too many years missing between the two.
Most of what I have is in the GEDCOM database and I have begun compiling the information for publication with a name index. I will have to decide whether to wait to finish going through the whole film before publishing or publishing what I have to date. I also would like to put together genealogies of the earliest families, i.e. Haro, Miramontes, Vergara, Covarrubias, Bugarin, etc.
If anybody is interested in collaborating on such a project, please let me know.
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Hola Arturo,
I'm a direct descendant of the first family's of Tlaltenango, Miramontes, aka Haros, Luna, Lamas, Esquivel, etc, I'll be very glad to share what i have with you, you can contact me directly.
Anna arellano Smith
arturoramos wrote:
Gus et al:
Before the local family history center closed for remodeling in June, I had just gotten up to about 1700 on extracting the early Tlaltenango marriage records. There is still about a quarter of the film left to go so I imagine that is where the later year marriages are, though I know that the film skips whole decades and then goes back and forth. I think the latter part of the film and the beginning part of the next film are remnants of books which encompass the late 1600s and early 1700s. Hopefully there are not too many years missing between the two.
Most of what I have is in the GEDCOM database and I have begun compiling the information for publication with a name index. I will have to decide whether to wait to finish going through the whole film before publishing or publishing what I have to date. I also would like to put together genealogies of the earliest families, i.e. Haro, Miramontes, Vergara, Covarrubias, Bugarin, etc.
If anybody is interested in collaborating on such a project, please let me know.
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Hi Anna...
You mentioned Luna family....I am a Luna from Tlaltenango area...I have
gotten "stuck" with my research regarding that surname....to the early
1800's....would you mind sharing with our whole board what you have? Many of us have
been able to make family connections because we have uploaded our trees on to
this site!
Chicagoland area
************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Hi Esperanza,
My Lunas from the 1800's are in my file, they married into my Arellano's, I do however have the entire line of luna's going back to the early 1600's but have not been able to upload my file, I don't know what i am doing wrong. I descend from Bartolome De Luna, son of Francisco De Luna and Maria De tapia, i have some info on His brother Luis De Luna going forward to early 1700's, my line of Luna's in the 1800 's were already in El Teul and Tepechitlan. Let me know if I can help.
Latina1955@aol.com wrote:
Hi Anna...
You mentioned Luna family....I am a Luna from Tlaltenango area...I have
gotten "stuck" with my research regarding that surname....to the early
1800's....would you mind sharing with our whole board what you have? Many of us have
been able to make family connections because we have uploaded our trees on to
this site!
Chicagoland area
************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at
Lunas in Tlaltenango
Have you seen this marriage record which lists Francisco Luna with his sister-in-law as padrinos? What is the source that you have for Bartholome's parents' names?
Antonio López de la O español con María Pérez vecinos de dicho pueblo [de Tlaltenango]. Padrinos: Francisco Luna y Catalina Jiménez, su cuñada.
Lunas in Tlaltenango
Also, I remember reading somewhere that the Tapias, like the Haros were descendants of Pedro de Bobadilla, original encomendero of Tepechitlan.
There is a marriage register of Bartholome de Luna y Tapia, marrying a daughter of Hernando de Haro and Cecilia Lopez, which indicates they were cousins and would seem to support this theory:
Cuarto grado de parentesco con dispensación. Bartholomé de Luna y Tapia, español soltero con Doña Lorenza Ortiz de San Pedro, española vuida. Padrinos Ignacio Rubio de Loyola y Isabel Tello, su mujer. Testigos Alonzo ___, Juana de Reyes y Pedro Jiménez, todos españoles y vecinos del partido.
Lunas in Tlaltenango
Thank very much for the info, i do have that record but it does not clarify the relationship, i look up the book that Hilton published on the dispensation's of the sagrada mitra, but there is no entry for this couple, my source for the relationship of Bartolome De Luna and Francisco De Luna is the marriage record of Luis De Luna his brother, by the way Luis De Luna married Lorenza's sister, Josepha Ortiz De Aro, her mother Cecilia De Lopez was actually, Ortiz De San Pedro, i have no idea where de Lopez came from.
arturoramos wrote:
Also, I remember reading somewhere that the Tapias, like the Haros were descendants of Pedro de Bobadilla, original encomendero of Tepechitlan.
There is a marriage register of Bartholome de Luna y Tapia, marrying a daughter of Hernando de Haro and Cecilia Lopez, which indicates they were cousins and would seem to support this theory:
Cuarto grado de parentesco con dispensación. Bartholomé de Luna y Tapia, español soltero con Doña Lorenza Ortiz de San Pedro, española vuida. Padrinos Ignacio Rubio de Loyola y Isabel Tello, su mujer. Testigos Alonzo ___, Juana de Reyes y Pedro Jiménez, todos españoles y vecinos del partido.
Cecilia Lopez and Ortiz de San Pedro
As you have probably figured out reading 17th Century marriage records from Mexico, it was very common for people to take their maternal last names and in fact sometimes even the last name of a grandparent not shared by either of their parents.
For example, Cecilia Lopez's husband, Hernando de Haro was the son of Juan de Miramontes and Maria de Haro y Saucedo. I believe that his mother's Saucedo comes from her grandmother who was also Maria de Saucedo and was married to Pedro de Bobadilla.
Likewise Cecilia Lopez's brothers took their father's surname, i.e. Ortiz de San Pedro, but she took another name, perhaps her mother's?... I don't have her mother's name anywhere... do you? Or perhaps even a grandmother. I have anecdotally found that children were often named for a grandparent and they were given the ENTIRE name, including surname of the grandparent. For girls, this would often imply giving them the surname of their maternal grandmother!
BTW, what was the date of Luis Luna's wedding?
Cecilia Lopez and Ortiz de San Pedro
Cecilia's mothers name was Maria De Esquivel, she appears several times in the baptismal records of the early 1600's, in the priest notes He mentions her as the mother of Cecilia DE Lopez.
arturoramos wrote:
As you have probably figured out reading 17th Century marriage records from Mexico, it was very common for people to take their maternal last names and in fact sometimes even the last name of a grandparent not shared by either of their parents.
For example, Cecilia Lopez's husband, Hernando de Haro was the son of Juan de Miramontes and Maria de Haro y Saucedo. I believe that his mother's Saucedo comes from her grandmother who was also Maria de Saucedo and was married to Pedro de Bobadilla.
Likewise Cecilia Lopez's brothers took their father's surname, i.e. Ortiz de San Pedro, but she took another name, perhaps her mother's?... I don't have her mother's name anywhere... do you? Or perhaps even a grandmother. I have anecdotally found that children were often named for a grandparent and they were given the ENTIRE name, including surname of the grandparent. For girls, this would often imply giving them the surname of their maternal grandmother!
BTW, what was the date of Luis Luna's wedding?
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Wow...I had no idea that my Luna side of the family could have been among
the first settlers! I was beginning to think that they had come from another
area...The last information I was able to personally verify was Doroteo Luna
who was born in 1819 and married Antonia Atanacia Salas in 1839. Another
member indicated that Doroteo's father was Mauricio Luna who married Guadalupe
Doroteo and Antonia had the following children:
...Juana Maria Bautista Luna Salas
...Felix Luna married in 1851 Maria de los Angeles Trejo DOB:85/1829
......Antanacio Luna: DOB: 8/15/1855 married Maria Florencia Herrera Corchado
.....Gregorio Luna DOB: 3/1885
.....Maria de la Cruz Luna
.....Pedro Luna: DOB 10/1877
.....Manuel Luna DOB:11/22/1888 married Norberta Herrera Yniguez
.....Epigmenio Luna DOB:11/1900
.....Maria Soledad Luna
So, if I am understanding you correctly, it appears that paort of the De
Luna family from Tlaltenango migrated to El Teul and Tepechitlan?
It would be absolutely amazing if we can make a connection!
************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at
Grandmother Names
Thank you for that very useful piece of information. I have not looked at the oldest Tlaltenango baptism film, since it is indexed... I was lazy but I bet there is lots of useful information in there. The Maria de Equivel name would explain daughters of Cecilia Lopez and Hernando Haro having the name Esquivel as well... another generation skipping surname. I would venture to bet that Maria de Esquivel's mother or perhaps Pedro Ortiz de San Pedro's mother was named Cecilia Lopez and she was named after her grandmother.
BTW, I see Luis de Luna's marriage on 10 April 1649, where it states his father is Francisco de Luna. If you don't mind me further askind, where did you get that Bartholome is his brother and that their mother was Maria de Tapia?
Luis de Luna, soltero con Josepha de Esquivel, doncella, españoles vecinos de este pueblo. Fue madrina Ana de López sola por estar ausente su marido Lázaro Ortiz de San Pedro que ha de ser el padrino de la velación y testigos el bachiller Juan Gallardo, Felipe Días de Santiago, padrastro de la desposada, Francisco de Luna padre del desposado y el Capitan Jacinto León Coronado e Igancio Rubio, vecinos de este pueblo.
Nicolas de Miramontes
You had asked a while back to keep my eye opened for a marriage in Tlaltenango between a Nicolas de Miramontes and a Juana de Sandoval. I found one between a Nicolas de Miramontes and a Juana Gonzalez... probably the same Nicolas, perhaps a different wife...
1715-03-04 Nicolás de Miramontes hijo legítimo de Lorenzo de Miramontes y de Ana Díaz, difuntos, con Juana González hija legítima de Juan González y de María Carrillo españoles y vecinos de esta feligresía. Testigos Joseph Martínez y Juan Salvador.
Lorenzo: was-Nicolas de Miramontes
Does anyone know any of the other children of Lorenzo de Miramontes and
Ana Diaz?
No estoy seguro pero los nombres suenan,
Joseph Puentes
http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://H2Opodcast.blogspot.com/ (Blog for above)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)
arturoramos wrote:
> Gus:
> You had asked a while back to keep my eye opened for a marriage in Tlaltenango between a Nicolas de Miramontes and a Juana de Sandoval. I found one between a Nicolas de Miramontes and a Juana Gonzalez... probably the same Nicolas, perhaps a different wife...
> 1715-03-04 Nicolás de Miramontes hijo legítimo de Lorenzo de Miramontes y de Ana Díaz, difuntos, con Juana González hija legítima de Juan González y de María Carrillo españoles y vecinos de esta feligresía. Testigos Joseph Martínez y Juan Salvador.
Lorenzo: was-Nicolas de Miramontes
Hello Jospeh, I have the following names in my info. For Lorenzo Miramontes & Ana Diaz
Gus, I found some children of Nicolas and Ana Diaz...
02 SEP 1670
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1630 - 1676
Sheet: 00
28 FEB 1696
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1691 - 1704
Sheet: 00
05 JUN 1692
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1691 - 1704
Sheet: 00
02 JUL 1704
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1704 - 1754
Sheet: 00
-Daniel Mendez del Camino
More photos; more messages; more whatever – Get MORE with Windows Live™ Hotmail®. NOW with 5GB storage.
Lorenzo: was-Nicolas de Miramontes
thanks Daniel no connection yet but I'm going to look at what I have
closer in the near future as I haven't examined it in a while.
thanks again for this info.
Joseph Puentes
http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://H2Opodcast.blogspot.com/ (Blog for above)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)
Daniel Mendez wrote:
> Hello Jospeh, I have the following names in my info. For Lorenzo Miramontes & Ana Diaz
> Gus, I found some children of Nicolas and Ana Diaz...
Lorenzo: was-Nicolas de Miramontes
Joseph I also found another one:
IGI Individual Record
FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
Search Results | Download
21 JAN 1709
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1704 - 1754
Sheet: 00-Daniel M.d.C.
More photos; more messages; more whatever – Get MORE with Windows Live™ Hotmail®. NOW with 5GB storage.
Lorenzo: was-Nicolas de Miramontes
This is what I have on Nicolas and Juana Sandoval.
14 JAN 1741
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1704 - 1754
Sheet: 00
This is what I have on Nicolas and Juana Gonzalez
02 JUN 1716
Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:
1704 - 1718
Sheet: 00
-Daniel Mendez del Camino
Can you find the hidden words? Take a break and play Seekadoo!
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
I'm a descendant of Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos and Agueda Olague; it's
possible that his father was also a Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos. Could
you send me the info on that couple in 1637 below? I'd surely
appreciate it. Marge:)
On Apr 10, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Arturo Ramos wrote:
> I have begun to systematically go through film 0443967 (Tlaltenango
> Matrimonios 1626-1723) since the film is not indexed. I am up to
> about 1642 now and about 80-90% of the marriages are for Indios with
> no surnames. However, there are a few indios with surnames and a few
> Spanish marriages interspersed there and I imagine that will increase
> as I go further in time on the film.
> If anybody has any families/lineages that they want me to keep an eye
> open for while I do this, please let me know.
> I have run across the following thus far. If you would like further
> details on any of these marriages let me know.
> 1629 Juan Garcia de Miramontes con Ana de Lopez
> 1629 Pablo de Ortiz con Ynez de Saucedo
> 1630 Juan de Frias Vandal con Alfonsina de la Paz
> 1630 Manuel Diaz con Maria Ruiz
> 1632 Jacintro de Lamas con Mariana Rodriguez
> 1632 Juan de Isabel Pinedo con Juana de Castro
> 1632 Antonio de Ribera con Maria de Solis
> 1633 Gerardo Cardosso con Catalina de Haro
> 1633 Pablo Flores de la Torre con Clara de Miramontes
> 1634 Juan de Vera con Maria de Miramontes
> 1634 Juan Sanchez con Tomasina Saucedo
> 1634 Juan Gallardo con Maria Delgado
> 1636 Rodrigo de Castro con Francisca de Rodas
> 1637 Pedro de Chabes Banuelos con Catalina de Haro
> 1638 Benito Gonzalez con Mariana Lopez
> 1638 Juan Ruiz con Marta de Bobadilla
> 1638 Francisco de Guzman con Catalina Gonzalez
> 1639 Gerardo de Lamas con Leonor Ortiz
> 1642 Antonio Lopez de la O con Maria Perez
> 1644 Joseph Munoz con Maria Cid
> 1644 Nicolas Perez con Gertrudis de Haro
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
I have 2 dispensas that give the parents name for Pedro Chavez Bañuelos.
they are Juan Chavez Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida. Pedro is my descendant also. I also have a death date for his mother 2 Nov 1697 in Jerez, Zac.
Would be glad to send you copies if you like.
Margarita Vallazza wrote:
I'm a descendant of Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos and Agueda Olague; it's
possible that his father was also a Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos. Could
you send me the info on that couple in 1637 below? I'd surely
appreciate it. Marge:)
On Apr 10, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Arturo Ramos wrote:
> I have begun to systematically go through film 0443967 (Tlaltenango
> Matrimonios 1626-1723) since the film is not indexed. I am up to
> about 1642 now and about 80-90% of the marriages are for Indios with
> no surnames. However, there are a few indios with surnames and a few
> Spanish marriages interspersed there and I imagine that will increase
> as I go further in time on the film.
> If anybody has any families/lineages that they want me to keep an eye
> open for while I do this, please let me know.
> I have run across the following thus far. If you would like further
> details on any of these marriages let me know.
> 1629 Juan Garcia de Miramontes con Ana de Lopez
> 1629 Pablo de Ortiz con Ynez de Saucedo
> 1630 Juan de Frias Vandal con Alfonsina de la Paz
> 1630 Manuel Diaz con Maria Ruiz
> 1632 Jacintro de Lamas con Mariana Rodriguez
> 1632 Juan de Isabel Pinedo con Juana de Castro
> 1632 Antonio de Ribera con Maria de Solis
> 1633 Gerardo Cardosso con Catalina de Haro
> 1633 Pablo Flores de la Torre con Clara de Miramontes
> 1634 Juan de Vera con Maria de Miramontes
> 1634 Juan Sanchez con Tomasina Saucedo
> 1634 Juan Gallardo con Maria Delgado
> 1636 Rodrigo de Castro con Francisca de Rodas
> 1637 Pedro de Chabes Banuelos con Catalina de Haro
> 1638 Benito Gonzalez con Mariana Lopez
> 1638 Juan Ruiz con Marta de Bobadilla
> 1638 Francisco de Guzman con Catalina Gonzalez
> 1639 Gerardo de Lamas con Leonor Ortiz
> 1642 Antonio Lopez de la O con Maria Perez
> 1644 Joseph Munoz con Maria Cid
> 1644 Nicolas Perez con Gertrudis de Haro
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Please do, Sally, I would love to have it...thank you so much. I think
you and I are both descended from Pedro Bañuelos Chaves and Agueda de
Olague but their son Francisco and his wife, Clara Reyes, are my
ancestors. Thanks again! Marge:)
On Apr 28, 2006, at 3:52 PM, Sally Quinones wrote:
> Margarita,
> I have 2 dispensas that give the parents name for Pedro Chavez
> Bañuelos.
> they are Juan Chavez Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida. Pedro is my
> descendant also. I also have a death date for his mother 2 Nov 1697 in
> Jerez, Zac.
> Would be glad to send you copies if you like.
> Sally
> Margarita Vallazza wrote:
> I'm a descendant of Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos and Agueda Olague; it's
> possible that his father was also a Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos. Could
> you send me the info on that couple in 1637 below? I'd surely
> appreciate it. Marge:)
> On Apr 10, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Arturo Ramos wrote:
>> I have begun to systematically go through film 0443967 (Tlaltenango
>> Matrimonios 1626-1723) since the film is not indexed. I am up to
>> about 1642 now and about 80-90% of the marriages are for Indios with
>> no surnames. However, there are a few indios with surnames and a few
>> Spanish marriages interspersed there and I imagine that will increase
>> as I go further in time on the film.
>> If anybody has any families/lineages that they want me to keep an eye
>> open for while I do this, please let me know.
>> I have run across the following thus far. If you would like further
>> details on any of these marriages let me know.
>> 1629 Juan Garcia de Miramontes con Ana de Lopez
>> 1629 Pablo de Ortiz con Ynez de Saucedo
>> 1630 Juan de Frias Vandal con Alfonsina de la Paz
>> 1630 Manuel Diaz con Maria Ruiz
>> 1632 Jacintro de Lamas con Mariana Rodriguez
>> 1632 Juan de Isabel Pinedo con Juana de Castro
>> 1632 Antonio de Ribera con Maria de Solis
>> 1633 Gerardo Cardosso con Catalina de Haro
>> 1633 Pablo Flores de la Torre con Clara de Miramontes
>> 1634 Juan de Vera con Maria de Miramontes
>> 1634 Juan Sanchez con Tomasina Saucedo
>> 1634 Juan Gallardo con Maria Delgado
>> 1636 Rodrigo de Castro con Francisca de Rodas
>> 1637 Pedro de Chabes Banuelos con Catalina de Haro
>> 1638 Benito Gonzalez con Mariana Lopez
>> 1638 Juan Ruiz con Marta de Bobadilla
>> 1638 Francisco de Guzman con Catalina Gonzalez
>> 1639 Gerardo de Lamas con Leonor Ortiz
>> 1642 Antonio Lopez de la O con Maria Perez
>> 1644 Joseph Munoz con Maria Cid
>> 1644 Nicolas Perez con Gertrudis de Haro
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Please send me your address to my e-mail as I have no other way of sending you this information. I will send you everthing I have on Pedro Chavez Bañuelos.
I also have a dispensa that I think may be Pedro's grandparents but have'nt 100% proof yet. I'll send that also. My ancestors are also Francisco Chavez and Clara de los Reyes.
Margarita Vallazza wrote:
Please do, Sally, I would love to have it...thank you so much. I think
you and I are both descended from Pedro Bañuelos Chaves and Agueda de
Olague but their son Francisco and his wife, Clara Reyes, are my
ancestors. Thanks again! Marge:)
On Apr 28, 2006, at 3:52 PM, Sally Quinones wrote:
> Margarita,
> I have 2 dispensas that give the parents name for Pedro Chavez
> Bañuelos.
> they are Juan Chavez Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida. Pedro is my
> descendant also. I also have a death date for his mother 2 Nov 1697 in
> Jerez, Zac.
> Would be glad to send you copies if you like.
> Sally
> Margarita Vallazza wrote:
> I'm a descendant of Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos and Agueda Olague; it's
> possible that his father was also a Pedro de Chabes Bañuelos. Could
> you send me the info on that couple in 1637 below? I'd surely
> appreciate it. Marge:)
> On Apr 10, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Arturo Ramos wrote:
>> I have begun to systematically go through film 0443967 (Tlaltenango
>> Matrimonios 1626-1723) since the film is not indexed. I am up to
>> about 1642 now and about 80-90% of the marriages are for Indios with
>> no surnames. However, there are a few indios with surnames and a few
>> Spanish marriages interspersed there and I imagine that will increase
>> as I go further in time on the film.
>> If anybody has any families/lineages that they want me to keep an eye
>> open for while I do this, please let me know.
>> I have run across the following thus far. If you would like further
>> details on any of these marriages let me know.
>> 1629 Juan Garcia de Miramontes con Ana de Lopez
>> 1629 Pablo de Ortiz con Ynez de Saucedo
>> 1630 Juan de Frias Vandal con Alfonsina de la Paz
>> 1630 Manuel Diaz con Maria Ruiz
>> 1632 Jacintro de Lamas con Mariana Rodriguez
>> 1632 Juan de Isabel Pinedo con Juana de Castro
>> 1632 Antonio de Ribera con Maria de Solis
>> 1633 Gerardo Cardosso con Catalina de Haro
>> 1633 Pablo Flores de la Torre con Clara de Miramontes
>> 1634 Juan de Vera con Maria de Miramontes
>> 1634 Juan Sanchez con Tomasina Saucedo
>> 1634 Juan Gallardo con Maria Delgado
>> 1636 Rodrigo de Castro con Francisca de Rodas
>> 1637 Pedro de Chabes Banuelos con Catalina de Haro
>> 1638 Benito Gonzalez con Mariana Lopez
>> 1638 Juan Ruiz con Marta de Bobadilla
>> 1638 Francisco de Guzman con Catalina Gonzalez
>> 1639 Gerardo de Lamas con Leonor Ortiz
>> 1642 Antonio Lopez de la O con Maria Perez
>> 1644 Joseph Munoz con Maria Cid
>> 1644 Nicolas Perez con Gertrudis de Haro
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Do you have the name of the wife of Pedro Chavez y Banuelos. I have that he
was the son of Juan Chavez y Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida, but I don't
have the name of his wife.
susana leniski
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
His wife was Agueda de Olague--her parents were Miguel Olague (Etualin)
and Juana de la Torre (del Rio).
On Apr 29, 2006, at 7:44 PM, Susana Leniski wrote:
> Margarita,
> Do you have the name of the wife of Pedro Chavez y Banuelos. I have
> that he
> was the son of Juan Chavez y Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida, but I
> don't
> have the name of his wife.
> susana leniski
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sally Quinones"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 1:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
> Margarita,
> I have 2 dispensas that give the parents name for Pedro Chavez
> Bañuelos.
> they are Juan Chavez Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida. Pedro is my
> descendant also. I also have a death date for his mother 2 Nov 1697 in
> Jerez, Zac.
> Would be glad to send you copies if you like.
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
I have Pedro Chavez Bañuelos wife as Agueda Olague Etulain. her parents Miguel Olague Etulain and Juana De La Torre .His parents Cap. Juan Chavez Bañuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida. I also seen both daughter and mother with the surname Del Rio.
About a year or more ago I found in Salvador Cabral Valdez website notes that gave the marriage information for Pedro and Agueda it has them married on 8 Dec 1681 with a dispensa in the 3 with 4 grado on 13 Nov 1681 . These notes state who were the testigos and the following.
(Esta partida esta sentada en el libro don de se sientan los casamientos de los espanols) This dispensa does not appear in Maria de la Luz Montejano Hilton's book
of dispensas. Is there some other book of marriages for espanols????
These notes are no longer on Salvador's website. I also wrote to Salvador and never got a response.
Susana Leniski wrote:
Do you have the name of the wife of Pedro Chavez y Banuelos. I have that he
was the son of Juan Chavez y Banuelos and Ysabel Soto Almeida, but I don't
have the name of his wife.
susana leniski
Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s
Sally and Margarita,
Thank-you for the information. I found in my notes, a transcription of the
CHAVEZ BAÑUELOS PEDRO DE, originario y vecino de la villa de Jerez, hijo
legítimo del Capitán Juan de Chávez Bañuelos y de doña Isabel de Soto y
Almeida, vecinos de la villa de Jerez. Pretende contraer matrimonio
eclesiástico en Jerez con doña Águeda del Río, originaria y vecina de la
villa de Jerez, hija legítima de Miguel de Olague y de doña Juana del Río,
vecinos y feligreses del partido de Jerez. Testigos: 1.- Capitán Pedro de la
Torre Gamboa, de 30 años de edad, vecino de la villa de Jerez y Teniente
General en la jurisdicción de Jerez. Declaró ser deudo de los pretensos.
Firmó. 2.- Antonio Flores, español, vecinos de la villa de Jerez. Dijo
conocer a los pretensos desde hace 16 años. Firmó. 3.- Mateo del Río, de 60
años de edad, vecino de la villa de Jerez. Pariente en tercer grado de la
contrayente. Firmó. Dispensa de matrimonio por impedimento de tercero con
cuarto grado de sangre, dada en la hacienda de San Antonio de los Griegos,
feligresía de El Ojo Caliente el 13 de noviembre de 1681 estando el
Ilustrísimo Señor Obispo de Guadalajara, Doctor don Juan de Santiago de León
Garabito en su actual y general Visita pastoral. Amonestados en 23, 25 (día
de Santa Catalina) y domingo 30 de noviembre, y casados en la ciudad de
Zacatecas el 8 de diciembre de 1681 por el Padre don Juan de Lara, siendo
testigos, Jacinto de Herrera, Francisco Castellón y Cristóbal Carrasco y
otras muchas personas que se hallaron presentes a dicha celebración. Esta
partida esta sentada en el libro donde se sientan los casamientos de los
españoles. Fojas: 11 - 14v.
I guess I took it from the website from Salvador, but I FILED it. I will be
in SLC in 2 weeks there I will try to get copies of this dispensation
(Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara).
Thank you again
Soto Almeida
Your message caught my attention since I have family
with the Soto Almeida surname. Does this family look
familar to you:
Francisco DE SOTO ALMEIDA. He married Juana Magdalena
Their children were as follows:
i Anttonia DE SOTO ALMEIDA. She married on 22 Jun 1711
in Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Juan DE CAMPOS, son of Juan DE CAMPOS and Ysabel
ii Manuel Joseph SOTO SALAZAR, christened 16 Jun 1692
in Sagrario Metropolitano, Guadalajara, Jalisco,
iii Juan Miguel SOTO SALAZAR, christened 19 Nov 1696
in Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico.
iv Diego DE SOTO ALMEIDA. He married on 24 Nov 1723 in
San Luis, Colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico Juana DE GAETA,
daughter of Thomas DE GAETA and Maria DE ALMEDA.
Perhaps Ysabel Soto Almeida was daughter to this
couple or sibling to Francisco.
Angie Godina
Soto Almeida
I don't have any more information on Isabel Soto Almeida by the date of her son's marriage I would put her birth date in the 1630-40's.
My children are related to you on the Miramontes side. There ggtgrandfather was
Anacleto Miramontes son of Enrique son of Pedro son of Cristoval and son of Francisco Miramontes. I havn't work on this side of the family in several years.
A G wrote:
Your message caught my attention since I have family
with the Soto Almeida surname. Does this family look
familar to you:
Francisco DE SOTO ALMEIDA. He married Juana Magdalena
Their children were as follows:
i Anttonia DE SOTO ALMEIDA. She married on 22 Jun 1711
in Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Juan DE CAMPOS, son of Juan DE CAMPOS and Ysabel
ii Manuel Joseph SOTO SALAZAR, christened 16 Jun 1692
in Sagrario Metropolitano, Guadalajara, Jalisco,
iii Juan Miguel SOTO SALAZAR, christened 19 Nov 1696
in Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico.
iv Diego DE SOTO ALMEIDA. He married on 24 Nov 1723 in
San Luis, Colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico Juana DE GAETA,
daughter of Thomas DE GAETA and Maria DE ALMEDA.
Perhaps Ysabel Soto Almeida was daughter to this
couple or sibling to Francisco.
Angie Godina
Soto Almeida and Miramontes Cardenas Families
Wow, I descend from Jose Donaciano Miramontes Cardenas
brother of Anacleto Miramontes Cardenas. Donaciano
Miramontes and his wife Maria Valentina Gaeta Cardenas
are my 2nd great-grand parents. I am only familar
with one of Anacleto's children, Maria de Jesus
Miramontes. Do your children happen to descend from
her line? Also, I believe he was married more than
once, but I am also related to his first(?) wife Juana
Covarrubias Resa, Maria de Jesus's Mother.
I was looking at your files but didn't see any of
these families...did I over look them?
Two of my files are on this family, see
GaetaRaigosa.pdf and MiramontesGaeta.pdf
Angie Godina
Soto Almeida and Miramontes Cardenas Families
My chlidren's ancestors are Anacleto Miramontes and his wife Juana Covarrubias
Made an error thier my children's gtgrandparents (not ggt). I never looked to see if Anacleto was married more than once. I don't have thier side of the family in my folder. Just working for now to get my own files ready. Thank you I will take a closer look at you files.
A G wrote:
Wow, I descend from Jose Donaciano Miramontes Cardenas
brother of Anacleto Miramontes Cardenas. Donaciano
Miramontes and his wife Maria Valentina Gaeta Cardenas
are my 2nd great-grand parents. I am only familar
with one of Anacleto's children, Maria de Jesus
Miramontes. Do your children happen to descend from
her line? Also, I believe he was married more than
once, but I am also related to his first(?) wife Juana
Covarrubias Resa, Maria de Jesus's Mother.
I was looking at your files but didn't see any of
these families...did I over look them?
Two of my files are on this family, see
GaetaRaigosa.pdf and MiramontesGaeta.pdf
Angie Godina
Miramontes Family from Tlaltenango
So that makes three of us researching this Miramontes Family: Sally, Ulla-Brit, and myself.
Sally, you may be interested to know that Anacleto Miramontes' mother, Maria Severa Cardenas Avila, is a descendant of a family depicted in the book 'Los Valdes de Totatiche'. There are a couple of other people in this group researching this Valdes Family.
Also, Anacleto's wife, Juana Covarrubias is a descendant of a family depicted in the book 'Los Jara de Totatiche'. As a said before I am related to Juana's family also. I looked over my notes and I was mistaken about Anacleto being married more than once. I have Juana as his only wife and I have four children listed for this family. If you tell me which child of thiers your children are descendants of, I can send you a chart of the information I have on Anacleto and Juana's ancestors.
Hope to hear from you,
Angie Godina
Miramontes Family
Don't forget that I am researching the Miramontes family as well... Juan de Miramontes born circa 1550 was one of the first Spanish settlers in Tlaltenango and if any of you are as far back as the late 1600s with your Miramontes lineage, I am sure that your ancestor is in the Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s database that I am compiling. I have been able to sort out a lot of the descendancy through marriage dispensations.
Interesting fact... the Haros and Miramontes of Tlaltenango are one in the same. Juan de Miramontes had at least three children and some used the name Haro, others Miramontes and others both interchangeably. Eventually some lineages got one name, others got the other.
I suspect Juan de Miramontes was the same person as (or son of) a Juan de Miramonte who immigrated from Spain in 1562... I believe to Puebla and then onto Tlaltenango with his wife Maria de Saucedo.
Miramontes Family
This is very interesting, Arturo. I forgot where I got it (someone's
webpage, I think) that the parents of Anna Francisca de Haro were Juan
de Miramontes and Maria Rodriguez de Haro Y Saucedo. Juan's parents are
Francisco de Miramontes and Maria de Rivera. Maria Rodriguez's parents
are Francisco de Bobadilla and Maria O Haro de Saucedo de Llavo. There
is more, but do you have any documentation on any of these people.?
arturoramos wrote:
> Don't forget that I am researching the Miramontes family as well... Juan de Miramontes born circa 1550 was one of the first Spanish settlers in Tlaltenango and if any of you are as far back as the late 1600s with your Miramontes lineage, I am sure that your ancestor is in the Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s database that I am compiling. I have been able to sort out a lot of the descendancy through marriage dispensations.
> Interesting fact... the Haros and Miramontes of Tlaltenango are one in the same. Juan de Miramontes had at least three children and some used the name Haro, others Miramontes and others both interchangeably. Eventually some lineages got one name, others got the other.
> I suspect Juan de Miramontes was the same person as (or son of) a Juan de Miramonte who immigrated from Spain in 1562... I believe to Puebla and then onto Tlaltenango with his wife Maria de Saucedo.
Miramontes Family
I would need some dates to try to place these people. There are a
number of different Juan de Miramontes, born to different descendants of
the original Juan de Miramontes at different times. I do have a
Francisco de Bobadilla who was the encomendero of Tepechitlan in the
early 1600s. I have not traced down that lineage.
You can search the database by clicking on the GEDCOM menu item. Do you
remember whose website you found this information on? Did they have a
-----Original Message-----
This is very interesting, Arturo. I forgot where I got it (someone's
webpage, I think) that the parents of Anna Francisca de Haro were Juan
de Miramontes and Maria Rodriguez de Haro Y Saucedo. Juan's parents are
Francisco de Miramontes and Maria de Rivera. Maria Rodriguez's parents
are Francisco de Bobadilla and Maria O Haro de Saucedo de Llavo. There
is more, but do you have any documentation on any of these people.?
Haro Ancestors
I have recently found a document in Archivos Espanoles en Red for Nicolas de Haro, who was son of Hernando de Haro and grandson of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo. He states that his great-grandparents were Francisco Bobadilla and Maria Saucedo, which matches this claim:
The parents of Anna Francisca de Haro were Juan de Miramontes and Maria Rodriguez de Haro Y Saucedo. Juan's parents are Francisco de Miramontes and Maria de Rivera. Maria Rodriguez's parents are Francisco de Bobadilla and Maria O Haro de Saucedo de Llavo.
I do not have Ana Francisca de Haro down as a child of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo, but I do have her down married to a Juan Ortiz de San Pedro, who was the brother of Cecilia Lopez (the second wife of Hernando de Haro and stepmother of Nicolas de Haro)... two pairs of siblings married to each other. It makes sense, particularly since I believe that the Ortiz de San Pedro and Haro Miramontes were the only Spanish families in Tlaltenango in the early 1600s.
Haro Ancestors
Hi Arturo,
This is very interesting but confusing. I have the death document (1716,
Jerez) for Ana de Aro which has her married to Diego de la Torre. What
are the dates on your records and are these really two Ana de Aros?
arturoramos wrote:
> I have recently found a document in Archivos Espanoles en Red for Nicolas de Haro, who was son of Hernando de Haro and grandson of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo. He states that his great-grandparents were Francisco Bobadilla and Maria Saucedo, which matches this claim:
> The parents of Anna Francisca de Haro were Juan de Miramontes and Maria Rodriguez de Haro Y Saucedo. Juan's parents are Francisco de Miramontes and Maria de Rivera. Maria Rodriguez's parents are Francisco de Bobadilla and Maria O Haro de Saucedo de Llavo.
> I do not have Ana Francisca de Haro down as a child of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo, but I do have her down married to a Juan Ortiz de San Pedro, who was the brother of Cecilia Lopez (the second wife of Hernando de Haro and stepmother of Nicolas de Haro)... two pairs of siblings married to each other. It makes sense, particularly since I believe that the Ortiz de San Pedro and Haro Miramontes were the only Spanish families in Tlaltenango in the early 1600s.
the Haros and Miramontes
I read about you transcribing a film "Tlaltenango Marriages 1600s". Have you finished it yet? I am very interested in the Haro, Hurtado, Santiago names. Also I see where it is stated that the Miramontes and Haors seem to be inter-mixed in families. In Spain there is an old town called HARO and is in the northern wine country. My research shows the Haro name is very common in Spain - like Jones or Smith in the USA. However in Mexico it is not common.
Thank You for your work
Miramontes Family from Tlaltenango
Anacleto and Juana had 14 children thy were
Ysidro 15 May 1889, Domitila 12 May 1890, Maria De Jesus 9 Feb 1892
Francisco 29 Nov 1893 Ynocencio 13 Jan 1897, Nicolas 13 Feb 1899
Pedro 23 Feb 1901, Soledad 23 Feb 1901, Ermigdia (spelling??)10 Aug 1902
Maria Guadalupe 7 Nov 1903, Federico 30 Nov 1905, Manuel 21 Dec 1907,
Salvador 10 Aug 1909, and Guadalupe 13 Oct 1911 These are all baptism dates.
The last Guadalupe was my childrens ancestor. My records show that I went back to
the late to mid 1700's on most of my children ancestors.
Would be interested in those books or are they out of print?
Thank You
aajay1073 wrote:
So that makes three of us researching this Miramontes Family: Sally, Ulla-Brit, and myself.
Sally, you may be interested to know that Anacleto Miramontes' mother, Maria Severa Cardenas Avila, is a descendant of a family depicted in the book 'Los Valdes de Totatiche'. There are a couple of other people in this group researching this Valdes Family.
Also, Anacleto's wife, Juana Covarrubias is a descendant of a family depicted in the book 'Los Jara de Totatiche'. As a said before I am related to Juana's family also. I looked over my notes and I was mistaken about Anacleto being married more than once. I have Juana as his only wife and I have four children listed for this family. If you tell me which child of thiers your children are descendants of, I can send you a chart of the information I have on Anacleto and Juana's ancestors.
Hope to hear from you,
Angie Godina
Tlaltenango Marriages - Correa(s)
Have you seen this couple:
Andres Martines Correas and Ysabel De Miramontes
They had several children in the late 1600's in Tlaltenango. Two of their children married in Tlaltenango in the early 1700's:
Francisco Anttonio Correas and Maria De Sandobal in 1705 FEB 24.
Andres Martines Correas and Thomasa Gonsales 1711 JUL 14.
Ysabel has a sister Andrea De Miramontes married to Francisco De Salsedo probably married during the same time period as Ysabel. I am trying to find Andres and Ysabel's marriage record and name of parents.
Angie Godina
Tlaltenango Marriages - Correa(s)
Thanks for the clarification on the MAGALLANES saints. As I mentioned,
I am just up to 1640 (perhaps one tenth of the film) so when I get later
in the century I will look for that marriage.
As you can tell from the marriages I listed, the MIRAMONTES are
everywhere. They must have been one of the first Spanish families to
settle around Tlaltenango. I believe that there are several of them
mentioned in the 1650 census document that I found several months back
as well.
I am very excited because I have found a PINEDO very early on in
Tlaltenango. I have a feeling that this is a relative of Melchor PINEDO
de CARVAJAL, who was appointed mayor of Tlaltenango in the early 1600s
and was son of Miguel PINEDO, an official in Guadalajara at the end of
the 1500s.
-----Original Message-----
From: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 3:17 PM
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Tlaltenango Marriages - Correa(s)
Have you seen this couple:
Andres Martines Correas and Ysabel De Miramontes
They had several children in the late 1600's in Tlaltenango. Two of
their children married in Tlaltenango in the early 1700's:
Francisco Anttonio Correas and Maria De Sandobal in 1705 FEB 24.
Andres Martines Correas and Thomasa Gonsales 1711 JUL 14.
Ysabel has a sister Andrea De Miramontes married to Francisco De Salsedo
probably married during the same time period as Ysabel. I am trying to
find Andres and Ysabel's marriage record and name of parents.
Angie Godina
Tlaltenango Marriages - Miramontes and Campos
Yes, I have noticed that there is many Miramontes. I myself also have many ancestors with the surname Miramontes.
If it is not too much trouble, can you keep an eye on these additional couples:
Francisco Antonio DE MIRAMONTES married Salbadora DE LLAMAS first child in 1713.
Antonio DE CASTANEDA married Mariana PEREZ first child in approx. late 1690's.
Andres DE CAMPOS married Juana DE RAIGOSA first child in 1704.
Juan DE CAMPOS married Ysabel FERNANDEZ DE LAMAS first child in approx late 1690's.
I listed the first child since I imagine they would have married within ten years of the first child that I have on record.
Angie Godina
marriage of 1712,Tlaltenango
Hi, I have just read the marriage information entry on F 443843 about Fransisco Antonio De MIRAMONTES and Salbadora DE LLAMAS., Mars 6,1712. Father of Fransisco is Fransisco P? de Miramontes. I could not read what P was standing for. It was abreviated and looked like Poiez....? I could use help with that name!. His mother was Ana Diaz.
Father of Salbadora was Juan de Llamas and mother was listed to be Isabel de Mondragon. They lived in the vicinity of Taltenango.
marriage of 1712,Tlaltenango
It was probably Perez de Miramontes. Marge:)
On Apr 27, 2006, at 11:22 PM, ullabritt wrote:
> Hi, I have just read the marriage information entry on F 443843 about
> Fransisco Antonio De MIRAMONTES and Salbadora DE LLAMAS., Mars 6,1712.
> Father of Fransisco is Fransisco P? de Miramontes. I could not read
> what P was standing for. It was abreviated and looked like Poiez....?
> I could use help with that name!. His mother was Ana Diaz.
> Father of Salbadora was Juan de Llamas and mother was listed to
> be Isabel de Mondragon. They lived in the vicinity of Taltenango.
> ullabritt
Could be
Hi Ullabritt:
Are there any "Perez" in your family? It is hard to say without looking at
the original, looks like it could be "Perez".
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.
From: "ullabritt"
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:22 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] marriage of 1712,Tlaltenango
> Hi, I have just read the marriage information entry on F 443843 about
> Fransisco Antonio De MIRAMONTES and Salbadora DE LLAMAS., Mars 6,1712.
> Father of Fransisco is Fransisco P? de Miramontes. I could not read what
> P was standing for. It was abreviated and looked like Poiez....? I could
> use help with that name!. His mother was Ana Diaz.
> Father of Salbadora was Juan de Llamas and mother was listed to be
> Isabel de Mondragon. They lived in the vicinity of Taltenango.
> ullabritt
Tlaltenango marriage 1712
Thanks for your thought abt the name Perez. We have never seen that name before in the family, this might be the first time! However, I am not convinced.....more research is needed. Ullabritt
Tlaltenango Marriages - Miramontes and Campos
Jorge Campos Lamas
Juan Campos cc Ysabel Fernandez de Lamas procrearon a Juan Campos Fernándes hacia 1686. Éste caso el 22 de junio de 1711 con Antonia de Soto Almeida en Tlaltenango, ella hija de Francisco de Soto Almeida y Jna Magdalena de Salazar. Si alguien conoce el origen de cualquiera de ellos se los agradeceré. Yo tengo parte de su descendencia por si a alguien interesa.
Re: Tlaltenango Marriages - Miramontes and Campos
Ysabel Fernandez de Lamas es hija de Jacinto Fernandez De Lamas y Mariana Rodriguez. Ellos se casaron, 3 Jun 1632 en Tlaltenango. Esta pareja tiene los siguientes hijos:
Gender: Male Christening: 01 NOV 1631 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Gender: Male Christening: 08 SEP 1636 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Gender: Male Christening: 12 APR 1639 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Gender: Male Christening: 13 AUG 1641 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Gender: Female Christening: 26 MAY 1646 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Gender: Female Christening: 14 OCT 1649 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Juan Campos y Antonia de Soto procrearon a mi ancestro antepasado:
Gender: Male Christening: 04 DEC 1729 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Angie Godina
--- On Tue, 7/20/10, jcampos@cmt-mexico.com wrote:
> From: jcampos@cmt-mexico.com
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Tlaltenango Marriages -
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 5:00 PM
> Jorge Campos Lamas
> Juan Campos cc Ysabel Fernandez de Lamas procrearon a Juan
> Campos Fernándes hacia 1686. Éste caso el 22 de junio de
> 1711 con Antonia de Soto Almeida en Tlaltenango, ella hija
> de Francisco de Soto Almeida y Jna Magdalena de Salazar. Si
> alguien conoce el origen de cualquiera de ellos se los
> agradeceré. Yo tengo parte de su descendencia por si a
> alguien interesa.
Isabel de Miramontes y Andres Martinez Correa
I was just going back over your posting of April where you asked me to look out for this couple (Isabel de Miramontes y Andres Martinez Correa) and mentioned that the wife had a sister by the name of Andrea Miramontes married to Francisco Salcedo. I have not found the couple's marriage but have found Andrea de Miramontes appears in a dispensation for her son Antonio. That would make Isabel and Andrea the daughters of Antonio de Miramontes and Maria de Esquibel. Do you have a cite for Andrea and Isabel being sisters? That would add a very useful link in the Tlaltenango Families GEDCOM.
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, Montejano Hilton, Maria de la Luz, 515, Entry 2588
"22 marzo 1695. Dispensa de segundo grado de afinidad por copula ilicita. Antonio de Salcedo, de 29 anos de edad natural del pueblo de Tlaltenango hijo legitimo de Francisco Salcedo y de Andrea Miramontes y Leonor de Ulloa, de 36 anos de edad, natural y vecina del Pueblo de Tlaltenango, vuida de Cristobal de Pineda, ambos residentes en el Pueblo de Xala. Declaracion del parentesco: que la dicha Leonor de Ulloa tuvo ilicita amistad con Juan de Miramontes, hermano legitimo de la dicha Andrea de Miramontes."
Isabel de Miramontes y Andres Martinez Correa
Hopefully this all make sense...here it goes:
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, Montejano Hilton, Maria de la Luz, 472, Entry 2358
Guadalajara, Jal. Mayo 5 de 1753. Exp. 170. - Dispensa de tercero con cuarto grado de afinidad por copula licita. - Nicolas de Llamas, originario y vecino del Pueblo de Taltenango y residente en esta Ciudad de Guadalajara, hijo legitimo de Matheo de Llamas y de Maria Gonzalez, viudo de Barbara de Avila; con Andrea Correa, espanola, originaria y vecina de dicho Pueblo de Taltenango, hija legitima de Andres Correa y de Thomasa Gonzalez. Declaracion del pretenso: Andrea de Miramontes e Isabel de Miramontes, eran hermanas, de la dicha Andrea resulto Antonio Salcedo y de este procedio Nicolas Salcedo, y de este mi difunta esposa Barbara de Avila, y de Isabel de Miramontes procedio Andres Correa, y de este mi pretensa. Se otorgo la dispensa en la Ciudad de Guadalajara, en 5 de mayo de 1753, para que los case el Cura del Pueblo de Taltenango. 3 fojas.
--Nicolas de Llamas first wife Barbara Avila great grandaughter of Andrea Miramontes
Barbara Avila > Nicolasa De Salcedo > Antonio Salcedo > Andrea Miramontes
--Second wife Andrea Correa grandaughter of Ysabel Miramontes
Andrea Correa > Andres Correa > Ysabel Miramontes
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, Montejano Hilton, Maria de la Luz, 427, Entry 2185
Guadalajara, Jal. Marzo 6 de 1751. Exp. 29. - Dispensa de cuarto grado puro de consanguinidad. - Feliciano de los Santos de Avila, espanol, originario y vecino de la feligresia del Pueblo de Taltenango y residente en esta Ciudad de Guadalajara, hijo legitimo de Diego de Avila y de Nicolasa Salcedo; con Isabel Thomasa Magallanes, espanola, originaria y vecina de la misma feligresia de Taltenango, hija legitima de Cristobal Magallanes y de Isabel Correa. Declaracion del pretenso: Nicolasa de Miramontes(**) y Andrea de Miramontes, fueron hermanas, de la dicha Andrea procedio Antonio Salcedo, y de este Nicolasa Salcedo, y de esta yo, y de la dicha Nicolasa de Miramontes procedio Andres Correa, y de este Isabel Correa, y de esta la pretensa. Se otorgo la dispensa en la Ciudad de Guadalajara, en 6 de Marzo de 1751, para que los case el Cura propio del Pueblo de Taltenango. 4 fojas.
**Nicolasa Miramontes should actually be Ysabel Miramontes, since Ysabel is the mother of Andres Correa from above and IGI.
--Feliciano de los Santos de Avila is the great grandson of Andrea Miramontes and also the brother to Barbara Avila from above.
Feliciano Avila > Nicolasa De Salcedo > Antonio Salcedo > Andrea Miramontes
--Isabel Thomasa Magallanes is the great granddaughter of Ysabel Miramontes.
Isabel Magallanes > Ysabel Correa > Andres Correa > Ysabel Miramontes
As a note the Correa(s) surname is also sometimes written Martinez Correa(s) or sometimes just Martinez.
From IGI:
Feliciano de los Santos AVILA
Thomasa Ysabel DE MAGALLANES
Marriage: 21 APR 1751
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: M607139; DATES: 1704-1754; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443968;
NAME: Feliciano de los Santos AVILA SALZEDO
Christening: 12 NOV 1731
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: J600894; DATES: 1718-1732; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443802;
Christening: 2 JAN 1732
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: K600894; DATES: 1718-1732; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443802;
Christening: 16 FEB 1711
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: C600893; DATES: 1704-1718; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443801;
Andres Martines CORREAS
Marriage: 14 JUL 1711
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: M607139; DATES: 1704-1754; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443968;
(1st Marraige)
Barbara DE ABILA
Marriage: 6 JUN 1740
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: M607139; DATES: 1704-1754; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443968;
(2nd Marraige)
Andrea Bonifacia MARTINEZ CORREA
Marriage: 2 JUL 1753
LOCATION: Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
BATCH NUMBER: M607139; DATES: 1704-1754; SOURCE CALL NO.: 0443968;
Let me know if you have any questions on all of that. Also how do you know Andrea is the daughter of Antonio de Miramontes and Maria de Esquibel? What document did that come from?
Thanks for you help,
Angie Godina
Andrea e Isabel Miramontes
Andrea and Isabel Miramontes appear in IGI with their father as Antonio de Miramontes... They are in the Tlaltenango Families GEDCOM so you can trace them all the way back to the original Juan de Miramontes and Cecilia Lopez. I wrote an article about Cecilia Lopez which appeared in the June or July issue of Somos Primos.
International Genealogical Index / Mexico
Father: Antonio Miramontes
Batch Number: C600891
1. YSABEL MIRAMONTES ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 22 JUL 1643 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
2. MARIA MIRAMONTES ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 30 SEP 1652 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
3. BALTHASSAR MIRAMONTES ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 13 JAN 1639 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
4. JUAN MIRAMONTES ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 25 JUN 1641 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
5. CHRISTOBAL MIRAMONTES ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 25 MAR 1656 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
6. ANDREA MIRAMONTES ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 15 DEC 1648 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
7. ANTONIA MIRAMONTEZ ESQUIBEL - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 21 APR 1635 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Tlaltenango Marriages - Correa(s)
isabel's parents are antonio miramontes(alias garcia de miramontes or miramontes de aro) and maria esquivel