Before you read further be aware that there might be content within this email that you don't agree with. In fact you might be terribly opposed to some of the ideas.
Hola Raza , I was cruising through Matrimonios-Jalostotitlan-1717-1748 Image # 261 (left hand side) ,and can't figure out where/how about the parents of Miguel Gutierrez-Coronado -son of Joseph Gutier
I have been trying to find my grandparents Teodoro Duran and Anastacia Viramontes they may have been born about 1830's thank you to anyone that can help me out.
Hello everyone, I've been away from my research for a few years and have recently started in again. I was wondering if anyone could help me with the translation on the link I've included.
I hope this is the right place to introduce myself. I am here because of my children and grandchildren, descendants of the Bernals from Aguascalientes.
Alguno de ustedes de casualidad tiene los padres de la pareja formada por Felipe Lopez y Francisca Gonzalez cuyo matrimonio fue el 1 de julio de 1662 en Teocaltiche.
I'm asking for help from my fellow Rancheros. I have family line to Joseph Manuel Alvarado and Perfecto Alvarado. Both have daughters one named Maria Dionisia Alvarado the other Maria Daria Alvarado.
Acta original del entierro de don Juan González de Hermosillo, quien falleció el día 6 de enero de 1666 en Juanacatlán, pero su cuerpo traído a Jalostotitlán para enterrar.
There was a question on another genealogy site regarding a baptism record. In the margin under the child's name was, C.A. The record read: Ynft ciud. Agr.
Hello, I am interested in the couple Jose Antonio Castellanos & Maria Luisa Navarro. They are my fifth great-grandparents and I am having trouble finding any information on them. M.
Hola a todos nuestros amigos de nuestros ranchos. Hoy quisiera preguntar si alguien tiene alguna informacion acerca de esta hacienda llamada san bartolome en aguascalientes.
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