Has anyone else come across a child of Diego Arias Sotelo and Maria Manuel de Portugal? Is that what this Diego named below is? The information below came from PARES
Hi, Mu name is Monica Medina, i'm mexican currently living in
Montpellier, France.
I've started my genealogical research and I have roots in Zacatecas,
this are the names:
Ines de la Rosa Sandoval (my greatgrand mother) was daugther of Juan
de la Rosa and Narcisa Sandoval. They come from Fresnillo, Zacatecas
I haven't found more information on dates, but I keep on researching.
Also, for the family of my mom I know that Ontiveros surname comes
Do you have a list of the La Estancias ... in and around Nochistlan?
Charles Clark
Charles, there is one called "La Estancia" and another is "La Estancia de Luis de Velazco", in addition to "La Estancia de los Delgadillos," which I sent to you earlier.
Por aqui en el Foro no hace mucho me tope con un tema donde alguien comentaba tener algunos manuscritos de uno de los hijos de Jose Ana Gutierrez donde narraba sus vivencias desde la infancia con sus
Hello, I have been trying to find my great great grandfather for some time now with no success. He has a more common name than some of my other ancestors whom I have already discovered.
I took another look at what Chipman says in "Moctezuma's Children" concerning the litigation concerning Tacuba and Ecatepec in an attempt to focus research efforts in the search for documents naming P
The book "Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara Antiguo Obispado de la Nueva Galicia: Expedientes de la serie de matrimonios extractos siglos XVII-XVIII" by Maria de la Luz Montejano Hilton, which has been out
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