I'm looking for any informacion about 2 couples that I found in a Land Record in Tlaltenango. Both couples are mentioned in the history of the same property
1. Sebastian de Mercado married to Ana de Santillan. Date on the title 2 junio 1644. Title for Ana de Santillan now a widow of Sebastian de Mercado
2. Francisco de Acuna married to Beatriz Mercado. Granddaughter of Ana de Santillan (that is mentioned in the title) Date of the title: 26 mar 1648. Very possible "adjudicacion de tierra" to her granddaughter
NOTE: I'm hoping that these two couples are going to give me any clues on the parents of Juana Mercado (wife of Bernardo Carrillo Davila), because after the property was owned by Beatriz de Mercado (and Francisco de Acuna) the land "goes" to Pedro de la torre Acosta married to Nicolasa Carrillo Davila Mercado daughter of Juana de Mercado.
Any info will be appreciated
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Juana Melchora Vázquez del Mercado
Hello, I hope this information is useful to your request, parents of Juana Melchora Vázquez del Mercado, regards, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/L14P-2QS
Ramón Sánchez V del M
Juana Melchora Vázquez del Mercado
Hello, I hope this information is useful to your request, parents of Juana Melchora Vázquez del Mercado, regards, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/L14P-2QS
Ramón Sánchez V del M
Familia Mercado- Tlaltenango,
In 2017 I posted:
“ Genealogist Bernardo del Hoyo Calzada. states that Pedro Carillo's wife is Maria Mercado de Vasquez, daughter of Capitan Gines Vasquez de Mercado, and this is the line that makes the most sense when taking in all the information and the timelines. Others place his wife as an illegitimate daughter of Bernardo Vasquez de Tapia and his sister in law but this line is doubtful. In both cases she descends from Conquistador Bernadino Vasquez de Tapia. But one line bypasses Capitan Gines Vasquez del Mercado.
The reason that people mix up the lines is that there is marriage between very close relatives. Capitan Gines Vasquez de Mercado's wife is his first cousin. Licienciado Gines Vasquez de Mercado's sister is married to Bernardino Vasquez de Tapia. To top it off, Bernardino is related to Licienciado Gines Vasquez de Mercado's wife, Ines Vasquez. What happens is that people got confused as to how they are related and then screwed up the line. So Bernardo Vasquez de Tapia states that his daughter is married to Gines Vasquez de Mercado and that Gines comes from an honorable family. What he forgets to mention in this statement is how close his daughter is related to her husband since Bernardo is his uncle, besides his father-in-law. We know that Sebastian Vasquez de Mercado is the son of Pedro Carillo D'Avila (senior). If it is correct that his mother is a daughter of Capitan Gines Vazquez de Mercado then Conquistador Bernardo Vasquez de Tapia is her maternal grandfather and great uncle, and she is not his illegitimate daughter as some genealogists claim.
Genealogist Bernardo del Hoyo Calzada provided clues that I was able to jump on to get the 1624 document that clearly states the name of Sebastian Vasqquez de Mercado's father. What makes this record important is that Sebastian Vasquez de Mercado is still alive at this time.”
Rick A. Ricci
Familia Mercado- Tlaltenango,
I would be interested as well because I am a descendant of Ines Rangel de Acuna and Juan Mercado.
I know there are Acuna's and Mercado's in the Fresnillo census. Also I think Sebastian de Mercado and Ana de Santillian or relatives are in the marriage despensa book.
Juana Mercado “expuesta”
Bernardo Carillo Dávila is the son of Pedro Carillo and Isabel Luna (Aka Delgadillo). Juana Mercado is listed as “expuesta en la casa De Sebastian Mercado”. Captain Sebastian Mercado raised Juana. I recall reading In another record that when Juana married that it was admitted that she was marrying her cousin. The surname was also written as Vasquez De Mercado.
I previously posted:
“Juana Mercado
Submitted by R.A.Ricci (not verified) on Wed, 2017-04-05 16:34.
Sebastian Vasquez de Mercado, son of Pedro Carillo D'avila and Maria Vasquez de Mercado takes in and raises a baby girl that is left on his "" doorstep". It is assumed that this baby girl is Sebastian's born out of wedlock. "Expuesta" is the word used. The Baby is Named Juana Vasquez de Mercado and when she Is of age, she marries a cousin. When she is married, it is acknowledged that she is family and not just adopted.”
Sebastian Vasquez De Mercado is married to Leonor Gonzalez.
Rick A. Ricci
Source: Mygenes2000
Juana Mercado
Where is this information that you posted??
Thank you so much
Sebastian Vasquez de Mercado
Susana, You have Ana Santillan as the widow of Sebastian where another record names her as Leonor Gonzalez. Leonor Gonzalez is also identified as his widow so I believe that Leonor and Ana are the same person. Sebastian Vasquez de Mercado’s mother’s ancestry is confusing because of the the Tangled web of Bernardo Vasquez de Tapia having three relationships and bis being uncle and father in law to Capitán Ginés. Also confusing the issue is that Ginés is a junior. So when the records say he descends from Ginés they could mean the senior Ginés who was famous in Spain for his charity.
What we know for sure is that he descends from Bernardo Vasquez de Tapia and the senior Ginés Vasquez de Mercado.
You can find the 2017 thread of this discussion here on nuestrosranchos:
It was admitted that Juana was biological family, and not just adopted. Juana was a first cousin once removed (segundo con tercer grado) of her spouse, Juana Mercado was a first cousin of her father-in-law. I have not found a record that names her biological mother.
Thank you, Rick A. Ricci Source
Juana Mercado
Hello Rick,
I'm looking for Juana Mercado (wife of Capitan Bernardo Carrillo Davila)
You stated:
“Juana Mercado
Submitted by R.A.Ricci (not verified) on Wed, 2017-04-05 16:34.
Sebastian Vasquez de Mercado, son of Pedro Carillo D'avila and Maria Vasquez de Mercado takes in and raises a baby girl that is left on his "" doorstep". It is assumed that this baby girl is Sebastian's born out of wedlock. "Expuesta" is the word used. The Baby is Named Juana Vasquez de Mercado and when she Is of age, she marries a cousin. When she is married, it is acknowledged that she is family and not just adopted.”
What is the source for this information?. I read the dispensas from the previous post and I couldn't find it. (maybe I didn't read well).
thank you
juana mercado
I have this if it helps you.wife of 9th Great Uncle of Chet Castanon.record shows that Juana Mercado was raised as a daughter el Capitan Sebastian Mercado..Ordenes from la Sagrada Mitra 1615-1699dated 17 April 1681 in Guadalajarawitness Antonio de Condomasea Espanol from this city age 70 more or lesswho said he has known Lorenso Carrillo Davila for 8 years more or lessLorenso Carrillo Davila clerico de menor ordenes from real de Fresnillo no age givenparents: el Capitan Bernardo Carrillo living and Juana Mercado deceased from Jerezpaternal grandparents: Pedro Carrillo and Ysabel de Luna both deceasedmat grn: Juana Mercado who was expuesta at the home of Capitan Sebastian Mercado who raised her.note? record mentions Lorenso Carrillo de Abila el moso?source: 168680 Ordenespage 7 Familysearch online.marriage dispensation 3rd degree igualTrunk.. Pedro Carrillo DavilaBernardo Carrillo Davila......Ana Carrillo Davila..1st Nicolasa Carrillo Davila...l...Petronila Felix de Arellano..Juan de la Torre Gamboa.....Teresa Felix de Arellano..3rd .marriage dispensation 3rd degree igualTrunk... Pedro Carrillo de AvilaNicolas Felix Arellano........Maria Carrillo...1st degreeBartolome Felix Arellano...Joseph Roman..2nd degreeJuan Dionicio Carrillo.........Francisca Roman.3rd degreesource: 167367 sagrada mitra film.marriage dispensation 4th degree igualTrunk Unknown SantillanAna Santillan..................Juan Santillan.. siblings1stAna Vasquez Mercado...Thomas Santillan..2ndSebastian Mercado.........Juana Santillan..3rdJoseph Mercado..............Maria Arellano..4thsource: sagrada mitra 167977 film.10th Great Grandfather of Chet Castanon (my father).information for lineage of Juan Carrillo Davila.marriage dispensation 4th degree igualTrunk Unknown Carrillo DavilaJuan Carrillo D...... Pedro Carrillo D. 1st degreePedro Carrillo D.....Maria Carrillo D.. 2nd degreeMaria Carrillo D......Pedro Cid Caldera..3rd degreeJoseph Roman......Josefa Cid Caldera 4th degree.
Hi Rick,
I'm just reentering the site and found this which seems to be a very interesting discovery. Would you kindly provide me the information that could lead me to the document where Juana de Mercado is mentioned as expósita of Sebastian de Mercado and Sebastian de Mercado as son of Pedro Carrillo de Ávila and married to Leonor González?
I have Sebastian as the husband of Ana de Santillán and possibly, too, of María Beltrán de Acuña.
I also have Bernardo Carrillo de Ávila as the son of the third Pedro Carrillo de Ávila and the first Catalina Cid Caldera. The second Pedro Carrillo de Ávila was married to Juana de Pinedo and some of their children were born in the newly founded San Luis Potosí at the end of the XVI century. The first Pedro Carrillo de Ávila was married to Sancha de Mercado, or Sancha de Belmar, the natural daughter of Bernardino Vázquez de Tapia, the conqueror.
Thank you very much,
Maria Carillo Davila
I wonder if Pedro Carillo D'avila is related Maria Carillo Davila that married Nicolas Gonzalez de Isla, and mother of Sebastian Gonzalez de Isla. Sebastian married Maria Rodriguez in Tlaltenango in 1709 (Tlaltenango Matrimonios 1626-1723, Film 443967, Image 67). Nicolas (b ~1635) is from Nochistlan, son of Diego & Cecilia Vasquez de Sandoval, but I haven't found any other information about Nicolas' marriage or residence.
Any chance that you Maria is a sister of Pedro?
regarding "exposed babies"
@R.A.Ricci: I thought I'd quickly butt in the conversation despite it being an old one:
I believe the term more widely used for babies "left on doorsteps" is "expósito/a", not "expuesto/a"
Hi Luigi,
You mention a Fresnillo Census. Of what year? Where can a consult it?
Thank you!
Fresnillo starts here:
They don't seem to be in chronological order