Por MADERA_32 | Vie, 22/05/2015 - 23:02 I found a website where you can see ediciones of The Gazeta Newspaper 1785 of Mexico: http://hemerotecadigital.bne.es/results.vm?q=parent%3A0004520440&s=0&la… Inicie sesión o registrese para enviar comentarios Ediciones of Gazeta First Comentario Here is another site to look up Zacatecas or other: http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/cgisirsi/2Iavja2SuX/BNMADRID/147010010/38… Inicie sesión o registrese para enviar comentarios Genealogy Research
Ediciones of Gazeta First Comentario Here is another site to look up Zacatecas or other: http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/cgisirsi/2Iavja2SuX/BNMADRID/147010010/38… Inicie sesión o registrese para enviar comentarios
Ediciones of Gazeta First
Here is another site to look up Zacatecas or other: