-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 10:49 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Somos Primos July 2013 154th Online Issue
Dear Primos and Friends:
Wishing you a Happy 4th of July. Hope you all relaxed and refreshed, basking in the freedom which we Americans enjoy.
Twenty five years ago, my husband and I traveled on our own to the Middle East, visiting Israel and Egypt. Staying for a few nights in Cairo, we were able to observe the people. In Egypt, men in military uniform with rifles on their backs are plentiful the streets, watching.
One uniformed man, wore a gun holster on his belt, and carried a short whip. As we were about to cross the street, I noticed before us, a father and son. As they were about to pass the uniformed man, he with a grin struck the father once with the whip, as they passed,. The father just winced. I remember the look of the child's face, as he looked up to his father, wondering, confused, helpless, why?
In Tel-Aviv we slept in a hotel facing the American Consulate. From our window.. we could see the bullet holes in their walls. In the south, in Elat, (also known as Bay of Aqaba) we slept in a small hotel with a wire fence separating us from Jordan. From my bed, I could see the machine gun directed towards the hotel. Terrorist attacks and suicide bombers were increasing in number while we were there. Several times, a location where we had been the day before was bombed, or attacked. Even an ice cream poisoning took place. We traveled to the Golan Heights and soon realized how really small Israel is. You can comfortably travel from one end of Israel to the other in one day. The walls surrounding the old city of Jerusalem, enclose an area about the size of one of our larger malls. Israel's existence is a miracle.
I have several life images that I would like to share:
The most telling vision of the living conditions is the following: In Israel, agriculture, dairy, and other farms are conducted in kibbutz .
These are isolated cooperatives run by the people that live there, who are on alert 24 hours a day. In order to protect themselves from the marauding Arabs, the kibbutz are protected in various ways. In one section the farms were protected by rows of rolled barbwire fences. At one site, I think I counted at least 6 rows of rolled barbwire fencing.
In Israel most young people serve in the military, girls and boys. They wear their rifles on their backs. Several times, standing in line to get a falafal, I backed into a hard rifle carried by a young soldier.
Israel are surviving by accepting that living in Israel requires constant diligence.
The most uplifting image that I recall is of a young girl in uniform, rifle on her back, sitting cross legged on the top of some stairs, on duty before a government building, happily knitting.
God Bless America and God Bless Israel . . . . Mimi
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Take a trip around the world at your computer. . . wonderful resource
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